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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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miladesn said:
Why? all of them are pretty good. better than FFX IMO.
Yeah, most of the characters are really growing on me (Sazh is the only one I liked from the start).

Chamber said:
The differences I'm seeing in playtime is really something given how linear the game is. Just hitting Chapter 7 and I'm at 11.5 hours.
I'm at 20 hours in chapter 7 (probably close to the end). But I read all the datalog entries and fought some enemies twice to complete their entries. And, admittedly, I look around and take screencaps a lot (it's just too beautiful).


Scythesurge said:
My survival instinct was to switch to MED/MED but his attacks interrupted and killed me before cure was cast. I guess I had to learn the hard way.
Yea, I thought it was weird I had MED/MED during the fight but it was totally necessary. I guess the devs got that from play testing.
MusicGangATL said:
Final Fantasy Fans Boo The Xbox 360 At Final Fantasy XIII Launch Party



I would boo MS too, bull shit that they push the port more over here. But then that MS PR for you they do anything, too bad it only pissed off alot of hard core FF fan that got a PS3 just for FF13

I know I did ^^ and who want that green box next to my psone and ps2 FF's?


Durante said:
Yeah, most of the characters are really growing on me (Sazh is the only one I liked from the start).

I'm at 20 hours in chapter 7 (probably close to the end). But I read all the datalog entries and fought some enemies twice to complete their entries. And, admittedly, I look around and take screencaps a lot (it's just too beautiful).



Chap3, finally receiving access to the Paradigm Shifts. First thing I did was mess around and customize and create some new ones. Switching between them in battle makes for some pretty fast-paced combat. Can't wait until the battle system is fully unlocked. Enjoying it so far, in any case.

Crystallium is nice so far; not a huge breadth of options, but the game allows you small rewards pretty quickly - though I can see why people would complain it's too limiting.

Story/characters are nothing to write home about, but they're actually better than my (very minimal) expectations. Even Vanille's VA is (barely) tolerable, which is a (small) step up from how awful it sounded out of context in the GT review. I think my impressions not being overwhelming negative for this aspect of the game has to do with me having played SO4. A few of the party members seem to be idiots (Seifer/Zell, Selphie/Rikku, young Squall/Cloud), but none has managed to make me actively hate them (and the game) yet.

Linearity is fine so far. Such a big backlash over nothing.

Music is pretty great.

Also, the
frozen crystal lake
looks fantastic.


Durante said:
Blackmagic intensity pro capture card. I've got 294 so far.

I suspected as much, but I had the hope I had been oblivious enough to not notice the option.

Stupid Sony. This should be standard.
Got the same today. Once I understood Paradigm shift I fell in love. This is a wonderful game so far and I really don't get some of the hate. I will admit the game feels like a step back compared to 12 but, this is still a great game. If I were to sum up how I feel though I'd have to say this game should have been called 12 and it should have been released on PS2. FF 12 should have been called FF 13 and it should have been released on PS3.


LiK said:
You'll know when you get there, surprisingly relaxing track

Yeah dude, I hated the Leona Lewis song in some of the trailers, but in context of the game it was pretty awesome. Really added a lot to that scene.

Edit: Maybe I'm thinking of another song:lol


kyo_daikun said:
Is it the song in chapter 6? I really liked it if it was.

No, that's Serah's Theme from the normal soundtrack.

My Hands plays over the ending. From what I saw though, they turned down its volume in the mixing. Kimi ga Iru Kara played much louder over that scene.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
thetrin said:
All the names are the same in Japanese.
I figured Palumpolum was a reference of Palom and Porom (FFIV), which would be even closer when you consider the L and R sounds are the same in Japanese, so the only difference between the two before translation would be the "a" and the "o".


Zoe said:
No, that's Serah's Theme from the normal soundtrack.

My Hands plays over the ending. From what I saw though, they turned down its volume in the mixing. Kimi ga Iru Kara played much louder over that scene.
Ohhh didn't know the differences, I haven't followed the game that much


Synless said:
It just hit me that Snow's voice actor is the person who did Yuri in Tales of Abyss. I'm sure that's not news to a lot of you but I couldn't put my finger on why I recognized his voice.

He's also Kanji in Persona 4


Eeny Meenie Penis
MidgarBlowedUp said:
Glad I got the PS3 version. 360 looks pretty bad comparably. Especially comparing them on a HD CRT.

I actually have both and I really don't see much of a difference. Sure the hair is obvious but not much else is that big of a deal.


jump_button said:
I would boo MS too, bull shit that they push the port more over here. But then that MS PR for you they do anything, too bad it only pissed off alot of hard core FF fan that got a PS3 just for FF13

I know I did ^^ and who want that green box next to my psone and ps2 FF's?

I think it would be good if the garbage could stay in the garbage thread.
Emenis said:
I actually have both and I really don't see much of a difference. Sure the hair is obvious but not much else is that big of a deal.

Two copies of the same game. That shows you are tough, show me those muscles. I bet the girls can't keep off you. I'm jealous.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Digital-Hero said:
Two copies of the same game. That shows you are tough. I bet the girls can't keep off you. I'm jealous.


PS3 -> Brother
360 -> Me

Congratulations, you are an asshole. :)
Emenis said:
I actually have both and I really don't see much of a difference. Sure the hair is obvious but not much else is that big of a deal.

Apparently there are a lot of framerate issues on the second disk onwards but that's only what ive read so take it with a pinch of salt.
Emenis said:
I actually have both and I really don't see much of a difference. Sure the hair is obvious but not much else is that big of a deal.

Gameplay on the 360 version is much more blurry compared to the 360, I played both and I noticed this immediately, sure its playable though.


Eeny Meenie Penis
kyo_daikun said:
Apparently there are a lot of framerate issues on the second disk onwards but that's only what ive read so take it with a pinch of salt.

The only two times I remember slow down is when I use ruinga and a slight hiccup after fighting the large monsters on pulse.

I dunno, I didn't pay very much attention to it.
miladesn said:
Why? all of them are pretty good. better than FFX IMO.


Mostly the points which have already been brought up. Vanille for one is almost unbearable... I have to turn the sound down during scenes with her as I'm embarrassed as to what my mom must think I am playing or watching!
I remember that the first time I fought Odin I was thinking that somehow you couldn't die in those battles, since with Shiva on of them was curing you, so I was like "well I supose that you have only to worry about the trick behind them", and 15 seconds later I brutally raped. :lol
So I played this game, and wow, what a horrible game it is. Now, let me explain. I have it for the Ps3. Maybe I had such high expectations?

Gameplay, first and foremost doesn't excite me because you can't choose your party members, you can't have control over your party members, it's just a game of button mashing (auto-battle) every single darn time. You can't switch out members back and in. It's going from one battle to the other, nothing new. And if you die, the game is over. Here's the best part, the game awards you for being fast? What kind of a decisions is that? Isn't it about stratey, taking your time to make some killer combinations and not just smashing on the (x) button every second in every battle. All you FF fans, traditional ones a least, you guys are going to dislike this game as much as I did. Crystarium is basically a sphere grid but a much lesser one and not as fun. Paradigm shift, people talk so highly about is still button smashing, lol. :lol :lol

Characters, none of them stood out to me. Lightning probably stood out a bit to me, as she was the one I cared for a little. The rest, I could careless (Snow, Hope, Vanille etc...), hell; to be really honest, I cared about the Hope's mom the most, I really felt for her. The rest are meh characters. Vanille's annoying walk/run is just atrocious. Va's all around were okay, I really like snow's va. That is the one that stood out as wow, well done.

And the comes the whole issues about linearity, yes. This game is linear and not like other FF's before. It's linear in such a bad way. This is how it goes guys; battle > cutscene > battle > cutscene. Who wants that? It's such a drag and boring. This game has no side quests, no towns, no npc's, no explorations, no mini-games. It's a freaking streamlined, cut down to the max FF game.

Story is okay. Nothing too interesting, nothng that wanted me to keep going and playing more and more. Music on the other hand was great, but not excellent.

Like I said, this review is for all those fans that wanted a clear picture of how the game is.

And I could be wrong on some of this stuff, but for the most part, I'm right.

Edit: Forgot to add, that everything you buy in this game is just through an online-esque type of thing. You go to it and touch it, and you do everything from there. And that's it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
So, what do you focus your characters on when deciding which weapon and accessory to use? I'm always overwhelmed by the amount of options for these kind of things, especially with the accessory. Also, are there unique skills in this game that only Lightning for example can learn?


Quicksilva said:

Mostly the points which have already been brought up. Vanille for one is almost unbearable... I have to turn the sound down during scenes with her as I'm embarrassed as to what my mom must think I am playing or watching!
That voice actress must be fingering herself when she does those grunts and moans.


FortunateSon said:
So I played this game, and wow, what a horrible game it is. Now, let me explain. I have it for the Ps3. Maybe I had such high expectations?

Gameplay, first and foremost doesn't excite me because you can't choose your party members, you can't have control over your party members, it's just a game of button mashing (auto-battle) every single darn time. You can't switch out members back and in. It's going from one battle to the other, nothing new. And if you die, the game is over. Here's the best part, the game awards you for being fast? What kind of a decisions is that? Isn't it about stratey, taking your time to make some killer combinations and not just smashing on the (x) button every second in every battle. All you FF fans, traditional ones a least, you guys are going to dislike this game as much as I did. Crystarium is basically a sphere grid but a much lesser one and not as fun. Paradigm shift, people talk so highly about is still button smashing, lol. :lol :lol

Characters, none of them stood out to me. Lightning probably stood out a bit to me, as she was the one I cared for a little. The rest, I could careless (Snow, Hope, Vanille etc...), hell; to be really honest, I cared about the Hope's mom the most, I really felt for her. The rest are meh characters. Vanille's annoying walk/run is just atrocious. Va's all around were okay, I really like snow's va. That is the one that stood out as wow, well done.

And the comes the whole issues about linearity, yes. This game is linear and not like other FF's before. It's linear in such a bad way. This is how it goes guys; battle > cutscene > battle > cutscene. Who wants that? It's such a drag and boring. This game has no side quests, no towns, no npc's, no explorations, no mini-games. It's a freaking streamlined, cut down to the max FF game.

Story is okay. Nothing too interesting, nothng that wanted me to keep going and playing more and more. Music on the other hand was great, but not excellent.

Like I said, this review is for all those fans that wanted a clear picture of how the game is.

And I could be wrong on some of this stuff, but for the most part, I'm right.

You played the game for an hour. Two tops.


StarEye said:
So, what do you focus your characters on when deciding which weapon and accessory to use? I'm always overwhelmed by the amount of options for these kind of things, especially with the accessory. Also, are there unique skills in this game that only Lightning for example can learn?

Each character has a unique attack, and several other skills are restricted to particular characters, usually 3-4 of the 6.


FortunateSon said:
So I played this game, and wow, what a horrible game it is. Now, let me explain. I have it for the Ps3. Maybe I had such high expectations?

Gameplay, first and foremost doesn't excite me because you can't choose your party members, you can't have control over your party members, it's just a game of button mashing (auto-battle) every single darn time. You can't switch out members back and in. It's going from one battle to the other, nothing new. And if you die, the game is over. Here's the best part, the game awards you for being fast? What kind of a decisions is that? Isn't it about stratey, taking your time to make some killer combinations and not just smashing on the (x) button every second in every battle. All you FF fans, traditional ones a least, you guys are going to dislike this game as much as I did. Crystarium is basically a sphere grid but a much lesser one and not as fun. Paradigm shift, people talk so highly about is still button smashing, lol. :lol :lol

Characters, none of them stood out to me. Lightning probably stood out a bit to me, as she was the one I cared for a little. The rest, I could careless (Snow, Hope, Vanille etc...), hell; to be really honest, I cared about the Hope's mom the most, I really felt for her. The rest are meh characters. Vanille's annoying walk/run is just atrocious. Va's all around were okay, I really like snow's va. That is the one that stood out as wow, well done.

And the comes the whole issues about linearity, yes. This game is linear and not like other FF's before. It's linear in such a bad way. This is how it goes guys; battle > cutscene > battle > cutscene. Who wants that? It's such a drag and boring. This game has no side quests, no towns, no npc's, no explorations, no mini-games. It's a freaking streamlined, cut down to the max FF game.

Story is okay. Nothing too interesting, nothng that wanted me to keep going and playing more and more. Music on the other hand was great, but not excellent.

Like I said, this review is for all those fans that wanted a clear picture of how the game is.

And I could be wrong on some of this stuff, but for the most part, I'm right.

Edit: Forgot to add, that everything you buy in this game is just through an online-esque type of thing. You go to it and touch it, and you do everything from there. And that's it.

How much did you play of it? because your definitely not right from what I am seeing.
StarEye said:
So, what do you focus your characters on when deciding which weapon and accessory to use? I'm always overwhelmed by the amount of options for these kind of things, especially with the accessory. Also, are there unique skills in this game that only Lightning for example can learn?

Normally focus on whether they are a magic or strength character, the games pretty simple in these terms. The equipment levelling seems a lot more complex tho and I don't know much about it.

As far as I know the only unique abilities the characters have is their eidolon.

Quicksilva said:

Mostly the points which have already been brought up. Vanille for one is almost unbearable... I have to turn the sound down during scenes with her as I'm embarrassed as to what my mom must think I am playing or watching!

Yes tell me about it, I was playing at about midnight last night and vanille was lying down on the grass moaning and groaning to herself, god knows what everyone else in the house though I was doing :lol


Gameplay, first and foremost doesn't excite me because you can't choose your party members, you can't have control over your party members, it's just a game of button mashing (auto-battle) every single darn time. You can't switch out members back and in. It's going from one battle to the other, nothing new. And if you die, the game is over. Here's the best part, the game awards you for being fast? What kind of a decisions is that? Isn't it about stratey, taking your time to make some killer combinations and not just smashing on the (x) button every second in every battle. All you FF fans, traditional ones a least, you guys are going to dislike this game as much as I did. Crystarium is basically a sphere grid but a much lesser one and not as fun. Paradigm shift, people talk so highly about is still button smashing, lol.

There's no way you played longer than a couple hours.
FortunateSon said:
All you FF fans, traditional ones a least, you guys are going to dislike this game as much as I did.

Everything in your post is opinion which is fine but I disagree with this. I'm a "traditional" FF fan and I think it's the best one since X.

Edit: I actually didn't read your full post. Looks like you should probably play a few more hours before writing it off.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ACE 1991 said:
About 2 1/2 hours in... When does the game stop becoming "mash auto-battle?"
You'll eventually get to a boss that will slaughter you in 15 seconds, which is your cue that the game now requires effort.
Emenis said:
I actually have both and I really don't see much of a difference. Sure the hair is obvious but not much else is that big of a deal.
It's a big difference on nice CRT and I do have a nice one (Sony Wega 34'xs955). Same reason I nearly threw up in my mouth after seeing the PS3 version of Bayonetta. Needless to say I got the 360 version of that game.
Zophar said:
You played the game for an hour. Two tops.

Nope. I played more, and my brother who plays it as well is further than me and I'm watching him, my points are valid.

By far he worst FF game imho. FF12 > FF13. This game is just eh.
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