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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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So I'm on Ch13, 40 hours in. There's seriously beautiful level design in this game and the music is so haunting in my current location.

Though I'm not liking the more enemies =more
difficulty increase in the battles. :|


Vect said:
Do I just sell those nuggets(ends with mite or something along the lines of that) that I get in

We're partners now, Hope.
Anyone remember from Chapter 7? :lol

Check the description of the item, if they say that they can be sold for a premium then yeah, sell them. Don't sell the ones that say anything about being a transformation catalyst.

Papercuts said:
Oh yeah, should I be upgrading my equipment more? I'm at chapter 6 and only leveled a few things after learning how to do it. I had a feeling I was going to get better stuff but so far that hasn't been happening, should I just use all my backlogged crap up?

Don't really need to upgrade until chapter 11. At least I didn't.


Isn't it amazing how in every RPG, after losing a half dozen times, you usually finally beat the boss in a perfect run where it's like you never broke a sweat?
(Chapter 4).
Castor Krieg said:
It's not a matter of review supporting the final score, I can write a review blasting GoW III for being generic hack-and-slash with very stereotypical protagonist, doing things "bigger and larger" than the two PS2 games, and give GoW III a 5/10 or 6/10. I won't do that because everyone could see this is stupid. Same is 5/10 for FFXIII.

Just to get this straight, if a reviewer thinks that putting in 25 hours to get to a point in the game where he can start having fun is ridiculous, he cannot give it a 5/10 because it's called "Final Fantasy XIII"? I guess in your world, reviews really should be backed up by marketing budget.


Angry Grimace said:
I simply don't get how people believe they aren't in control of their characters. That argument would only make any sense if you would agree that either a) slowing the game down by 3 times would make the game more fun, or that b) you WOULDN'T be slaughtered at the current battle speed if you had to manually select each ability.

Furthermore, you'd also have to make the argument that the AI does stupid things you don't want it to, but in practice it never does.

I've never once felt like I had no control over what the other two characters were doing.
I'm afraid this line of argumentation doesn't work man. It's a fact that after you've chosen roles for characters, that you are out of control of them until switching roles again. They have their own priority lists which, from my vantage point, can only be affected by casting Libra, at which point they begin using abilities to exploit enemy weaknesses.

It's absolutely wonderful that the AI is pretty smart in the game. Like you guys, I've pretty much only had good experiences. But this is all besides the point. It's still the AI doing it.

In God of War, it's generally to your advantage to use an aoe attack when completely surrounded by enemies that are inavoidably going to clusterfuck you if you don't retaliate. Would everyone here be content if the game automatically used such a move for you every time this situation arose? I know people will cry foul to this, saying "that's a retarded analogy", but it's the same thing - game poses obstacle, game chooses best option for you instead of you, the player ever electing to make the choice yourself. XIII meets you halfway on this; you choose the role, but then the AI is left entirely on it's own to pick from the pool of abilities available to that role. Smart AI is great, but it's still AI, and despite arguments to the contrary, it's very different from gambits; gambits were user-generated priority lists, they offered micro-control. XIII's non-leader characters are driven entirely by AI after roles are chosen.

I already had Hope use Shell once on the party first when I wanted to have Protect prioritized. That should frustrate anyone.


Currently in chapter 11 and have next to no money to upgrade anything, and getting my ass rocked almost everywhere I go. Is there something I'm missing here?


For people complaining about no direct control, have you never played the Tales of series, or various other action-RPGs? I really don't understand the complaints. Hell, so far the harder battles have me too busy concentrating on what I'm doing to even want to have to micromanage my party members. Macromanaging is good enough.


Xevren said:
Check the description of the item, if they say that they can be sold for a premium then yeah, sell them. Don't sell the ones that say anything about being a transformation catalyst.

Don't really need to upgrade until chapter 11. At least I didn't.
Damnnnnnnn, I just solde 3 nuggets. ;;
Shogun PaiN said:
Ive played for about an hour and Im pretty much the opposite of you. Ive completed every FF game before this one but I don't know why but the game just isn't doing it for me. I seem to be paying too much attention to things like poor dialogue and awful character design - Things that In can normally overlook when playing a JRPG.

Ive rolled my eyes at the cheesy dialogue countless times already and was close to switching the game off with that whole ''Mums are tough'' sequence. Previous FF games have all had their cheesy moments though so im not sure if ive just outgrown JRPG's.

I know im only at the start of the game so hopefully it picks up.

Yes, it is cheesy. But the voice acting isn't half bad apart from one character (Venille). Besides, ff is always known to be cheesy. I have played every ff game as well and I think this actually less cheesy than VII or VIII. The story is drawing me in which is a good thing knowing how much of it was spoil for me already (I went to wiki page, silly me).

I am in awe of the graphics. I love the environments especially the frozen lake. This is the first time I have seen ff on a high def and it really surprise me how great it look. But I don't like that fact that battle transition into another screen. I liked the ff xii setup more.

All in all, I don't think I mind the linearity of it all like a lot of the people do. May be I am too old, I don't know;).

ps. VII is my favorite.


Lion Heart said:
The menus in this game are so goddamn sexy. Especially how the characters are animated briefly in color before going B/W. Great.
i know, production level of this game is top notch

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
walter_thet said:
Yes, it is cheesy. But the voice acting isn't half bad apart from one character (Venille). Besides, ff is always known to be cheesy. I have played every ff game as well and I think this actually less cheesy than VII or VIII. The story is drawing me in which is a good thing knowing how much of it was spoil for me already (I went to wiki page, silly me).

I am in awe of the graphics. I love the environments especially the frozen lake. This is the first time I have seen ff on a high def and it really surprise me how great it look. But I don't like that fact that battle transition into another screen. I liked the ff xii setup more.

All in all, I don't think I mind the linearity of it all like a lot of the people do. May be I am too old, I don't know;).

ps. VII is my favorite.
I don't think Vanille's VA is bad; it's what her character was told to do, and from what the VA says, they seemed to want it to sound like her assuredly Genki-girl VA in the Japanese version.


Oh my goodness. Why are the enemies suddenly HP tanks? It's getting to the point where the battles are starting to drag on, even with 5-star finishes.


MechaX said:
Oh my goodness. Why are the enemies suddenly HP tanks? It's getting to the point where the battles are starting to drag on, even with 5-star finishes.

Debuffing always goes a long way for me to increase speed, or other tricks, but the debuffing in the game is great.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Papercuts said:
Oh yeah, should I be upgrading my equipment more? I'm at chapter 6 and only leveled a few things after learning how to do it. I had a feeling I was going to get better stuff but so far that hasn't been happening, should I just use all my backlogged crap up?

You're not going to get "better" gear. Just gear with differently weighted stats. It's up to you to choose one, and stick to it. From there, level it.

wow......just wow. alright so for the first time in my many fights with this thing I used the special L1 herbs(totally forgot lol) and guess what.....the bitch had like 10 hp left and I died :lol, curse you SE
Delio said:
Er..these robots that block the bridges in Chapter 11. So insane and i just cant get past them :/

Lightning, Sahz, Hope for a haste/fast kill or Lightning, Snow, Hope for a sentinel/slow kill. Either one works but only the first setup will get you 5 stars. If all else fails, summon.

Currently in chapter 11 and have next to no money to upgrade anything, and getting my ass rocked almost everywhere I go. Is there something I'm missing here?

If you didn't get a lot of 5 stars during earlier chapters where you pick up a lot of credit/incentive chips to sell at the shop, you will be pretty broke when you get to ch 11. Also if you didn't get a lot of 5 stars earlier you won't have very good weapon upgrade drops. You may have to do some grinding to make up for those previous issues.. or if you're good you can probably make do.
Roxas said:
So, are Fang and Vanille lesbians? Serious question. Coming upto the end of chapter 9 now...

They're family if we go by their names, dosn't mean there's incest in the middle,lolicon, shotacon and lesbian incest, best FF evar.

Oli said:
Well I just swapped to disk 2. Can I delete disk uno in the meantime? My hard drive is getting cramped.



Registered User
Well I just swapped to disk 2. Can I delete disk uno in the meantime? My hard drive is getting cramped.
Lion Heart said:
The menus in this game are so goddamn sexy. Especially how the characters are animated briefly in color before going B/W. Great.

I love the font too. Yeah weird maybe but that was something I noticed looong ago is how sweet the font is.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
LiK said:
YES, finally 3 party members! now the bosses and fights are EVEN easier :lol wheeeeee
Yeah, they stay easy for like 15 minutes :lol

Anyone else have framerate issues? They're starting to flare up on disc 3 especially.


Alright so I'm almost done chapter 4 and I'm just starting to realize how awesome Saboteur is.

A question about the roles and upgrades. Will I get enough CP to full upgrade everything so far? Cause I believe I'm almost done chapter 4 and it seems that I will have just enough CP to max out everything.

BTW further in the game, will I be able to constantly fully upgrade all 3 primary roles for the characters or do I have to make some sacrifices?


If this was dragon age origins my party would be covered in Hope's blood right now.

Does this have the japanese voice acting? Snow or whatever his name is sounds way too bro and Vanille and Hope can't decide whether they are english, american or australian.


mjemirzian said:
Lightning, Sahz, Hope for a haste/fast kill or Lightning, Snow, Hope for a sentinel/slow kill. Either one works but only the first setup will get you 5 stars. If all else fails, summon.

Yeah my Party has been Lightning,Fang,Hope and i notice without haste it's really hard to handle them. tnx for the advice.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Chapter 5 End Spoilers:

Hope: "
Operation Nora. Stage One complete.

I wanna rip my ears out and shove them down my throat.


panda21 said:
If this was dragon age origins my party would be covered in Hope's blood right now.

Does this have the japanese voice acting? Snow or whatever his name is sounds way too bro and Vanille and Hope can't decide whether they are english, american or australian.
Vanille's voice is australian through and through.

Snow as a bro is pretty appropriate IMO, but I can see how people don't dig the bro action
panda21 said:
If this was dragon age origins my party would be covered in Hope's blood right now.

Does this have the japanese voice acting? Snow or whatever his name is sounds way too bro and Vanille and Hope can't decide whether they are english, american or australian.
Huh? Hope doesn't have an accent.


just thought id chime in to say this game is one of the best looking games ever!!

So much awesome world design and the lighting and everything looks fantastic. I especially love they were able to get some AA in there so no jaggies!!

I also just unlocked the ability to upgrade weapons and accessories and i definitely see my addiction rising!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The story has been fairly entertaining. Shame about the character design, dialogue and VA.

The game looks stunning, but suffers from the same problem X did. Nothing is cohesive. It just seems like each chapter is another 'level'.


DY_nasty said:
Yeah, they stay easy for like 15 minutes :lol

Anyone else have framerate issues? They're starting to flare up on disc 3 especially.


still smooth sailing so far! currently fighting a
boss XD

edit: bawahahaha, took him down. no problem :D
panda21 said:
If this was dragon age origins my party would be covered in Hope's blood right now.

Does this have the japanese voice acting? Snow or whatever his name is sounds way too bro and Vanille and Hope can't decide whether they are english, american or australian.


Yeah, I dunno about Fang but the others are legit. Hope doesn't have an accent.


Only like an hour in, looks awesome, sounds awesome and the characters are as absurdly retarded looking as I expected. The blue haired Nicki Sixx kid is like a Final Fantasy poster boy.


Awesome! I finally beat Ch. 9
Pope guy!
Feels good to be on Disc 3, man. And thanks for the guy that told me how to use the Repeat command, helps out a ton. :D
Angry Grimace said:
I don't think Vanille's VA is bad; it's what her character was told to do, and from what the VA says, they seemed to want it to sound like her assuredly Genki-girl VA in the Japanese version.

Yah, I know Vanille is suppose to be that kind of character. But if ff is really going to continue appealing to the western market, they need to get rid of character cliche like that. I mean, I don't mind that they want to build this Vanille character as being happy on the outside but really sad inside. But they way she act is too Japanese school girl and a lot of the character appeal is lost. I blamed the voice acting before but you are right. It is a character flaw. I just wish that Square go away from making character like that.
Hey guys, I am now 18 hours into the game and I am at the beginning of Chapter 10. At this pace how long do you think it will take me to make it through the game?


Finally on Chapter 11.

Maybe now I'll get interested in this again, though I'm not expecting any big come back.

DY_nasty said:
Yeah, they stay easy for like 15 minutes :lol

Stayed easy for me. :lol

Especially when you can have Hope+Sazh.


remz said:
Vanille's voice is australian through and through.

Ok maybe hope doesnt have an accent, but near the start Vanille has some very definite moments where she sounds like she fell out of a Harry Potter movie, then goes american, before turning australian. I don't know how much you guys know about accents but I'm a master of dialects
I'm not
and Vanille occasionally sounds just like Hermony out of that Harry Potter in the first few sequences with her.
darkressurection said:
Hey guys, I am now 18 hours into the game and I am at the beginning of Chapter 10. At this pace how long do you think it will take me to make it through the game?

Sounds like about half way there or another 18-20


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
cosmicblizzard said:
The end of chapter 9 was fuckin nuts. Wish we
got the chance to fight Jihl
but it was pretty great anyway.

End of Chapter 9 spoilers

The big bad looks like a Bayonetta version of the King of the Cosmos. So awesome. Barthandelus, eh? Can't say I was blown away by that twist considering that we barely knew Dysley, but man, that was still epic. Sanctum got their asses handed to them by their own leader. Fucking sweet!
just finished chapter 9
wow finaly i had 3 people to fight with :D iam pretty slow witht he progress but i dont run away from any fight and did some leveling in chapter 9 so that everyone was maxed out before the chapter boss started. currently iam upgrading all my weapons only. i see only small benefits from upgrading the other gear. my weapons are now at level 9 (i level all weapons my party has equipped).

is there any upgrade / weapon / crafting guide? btw am i the only one who thinks that all creatures should drop gil directly?


The Amiga Brotherhood
I'm fairly sure that I'm at the end of chapter 9, but anyway... should I feel inclined to select abilities manually yet? I mean, I've so far really found auto-whatever to be more than helpful enough. Also, is it not possible to have your allies focus on certain spells (not attack spells, but protect, shell, dispel, poison, etc). Or are they already focusing on what's important dependent on the enemy you're facing? Say an enemy have a strong magic attack, will my ally focus on casting shell, or will they randomly go through the list or start with the first and then move on to the next?

Anyway, main question is: do people use the Auto-abilities, or choose the abilities manually? It kinda feels like cheating, probably because of the name. :D
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