Toki767 said:Exactly how hard is Chapter 12 and 13? Is maxing out the 3 default crystarium roles enough or would I have to branch out to other roles?
Thrakier said:But it doesn't feel like exploring to me. It feels like running forward.
Yoshichan said:I hate you so much right now.
Don't know what to use it on?! WAT! If you get one Trap, you're pretty much done (the rest is up to gil farming).
With it, get Kains Lance (Fangs ultimate weapon) and break it down for three Traps and start getting other ultimate weapons. When you've got one over, get Fangs ultimate weapon again and repeat. Sure, it costs money but it's waaaaaaaay faster than actually buying 6 Traps for 2mil each.
Thanks. I'll take a look.WYWY said:I posted something on this earlier. Long story short: Not as useless in FF12 but not as useful/abusable in FF10.
!!! gonna try this out ASAP! THANKS!Lost Fragment said:Folks having trouble death spamming adamantortoises might be interested in my method. Seems to result in a very dead turtle in 3 minutes about 70% of the time.
Faith doesn't seem to affect death's success rate that much (if at all), and neither does the malboro wand. The only thing that seems to help the success rate is the number of debuffs the enemey has when you cast death on him.
So this is what I do:
Vanille, Fang, Hope (though Sazh will work too, I just use Hope because he's almost always in my party anyway)
Dual sab/sab/syn paradigms for atb canceling
Important gear: Sprint shoes on everyone, coinsurer and collector catalogs on Vanille
Start the fight and summon away. Apply all your debuffs except fog. When they all stick, start with the death spam. Haste will run out as soon as your eidolon goes away, so when Hope comes in he'll rehaste you, and Fang will apply all her debuffs. From there, just spam death until he's dead or his legs grow back.
time consuming. around 150hbdizzle said:How hard is it to plat this bitch?
Yoshichan said:!!! gonna try this out ASAP! THANKS!
When I need TP, I just go a couple of steps to my left and there's a behemoth and a dog fighting each other (pre-emptive), easy 5-star + lots of CP. I get 3TP for summon in less than 2 minutesCastor Krieg said:All the methods relying on summons are artificial, you need TP for that and it's a slow process to recharge the TP bar.
I will try later today to do it with just my party. The key is to get the legs.
bulovski said:6.5 hours in and till now I have to say I am on the fence with the game. The game looks gorgeous no two ways about it - it blends technology and art. Some of the videos are jaw-dropping. I love the battle system - for a change it doesn't require advanced maths degree to use (I am looking at you FF8). But other than that, the story hasn't taken off. The characters haven't evolved and there's still no attachment to them - except Vanille, whom I want to kill.
I am on a sabbatical while I finish GOW3 - coming back to this will be a relief after the violence of Kratos.
Question - does the game really take off in the story department later?
Skel said:Who dropped this and where?
Ricker said:After about 10 frustrating tries,finally beat Sahz`s Eidolon,man I was about to give up on this game hehe![]()
bulovski said:6.5 hours in and till now I have to say I am on the fence with the game. The game looks gorgeous no two ways about it - it blends technology and art. Some of the videos are jaw-dropping. I love the battle system - for a change it doesn't require advanced maths degree to use (I am looking at you FF8). But other than that, the story hasn't taken off. The characters haven't evolved and there's still no attachment to them - except Vanille, whom I want to kill.
I am on a sabbatical while I finish GOW3 - coming back to this will be a relief after the violence of Kratos.
Question - does the game really take off in the story department later?
Zalasta said:Can someone explain to me why do treasure chests show up on maps only after they have been opened? I mean, why do I need to know their locations after they have no use to me? I never really understood it.
samven582 said:do you guys having any tips on beating odin?
Pein said:Got my limit breaker trophy with bahamut, so awesome to waste a boss in a single shot.
commish said:so far, the only fight i had to put the battle speed to slow. Just go heal/heal and attack when he's just sitting there, with rav/rav, iirc.
Edit: Btw, if you scan a certain enemy type once, do you need to rescan them again or do your characters remember the info?
samven582 said:how do I set the battle speed to slow?
I got it very early with bahamut. I debuff him, then summon Bahamut and immediately go for Mega Flare.Majine said:I'm on chapter 11, is it possible to do it this far, or do i need to get some more stats?
Menu > Configsamven582 said:how do I set the battle speed to slow?
I had no trouble with him, don't know why people are finding it so hard. I just fought him like a normal enemy and paradigm shifted when neededsamven582 said:do you guys having any tips on beating odin?
In the settings, on the main screen. Or ingame: Triangle (PS3), Y (360) -> settings.samven582 said:how do I set the battle speed to slow?
ULTROS! said:Chap 11: Just gotHecatoncheir
Will I be able to go back to the Gran Pulse field if I keep going forward at this point?
Himuro said:wtf are traps? Also, there are ultimate weapons in this game? I thought people said there was nothing hidden in this?
There are ultimate weapons in this game, in fact there are tons for each character, depending on what you want (some increase magic, some strength, some increases ATB-speed etc).Himuro said:wtf are traps? Also, there are ultimate weapons in this game? I thought people said there was nothing hidden in this?
samven582 said:do you guys having any tips on beating odin?
That's what I am hearing - seems to be longer than some previous iterations for the story to get going.MoxManiac said:I'm on chapter 9, and it does pick up a little bit. The dialogue never stops being horrible, though.
Yea, I had like 45k in chapter 9Himuro said:Isn't it easy to get gil later on anyways?
I don't know if this is sarcasm or not but 45k will get you nowhere. I mean, not even a single upgrade to tier 2.LiK said:Yea, I had like 45k in chapter 9
No. There's one easy quest that will grant you 600k gil, after that you'll be farming the rest. 150k Platinum Ingots from Adams is probably the best way of getting cash and that's still hard to get.Himuro said:Isn't it easy to get gil later on anyways?
Just once, press R1 and you'll get the info screen at any time during battle.commish said:Edit: Btw, if you scan a certain enemy type once, do you need to rescan them again or do your characters remember the info?
Himuro said:Uh
How is that possible? Did you just sell a lot of shit?
I had 120,000 gil in chapter 9Himuro said:Uh
How is that possible? Did you just sell a lot of shit?
commish said:so far, the only fight i had to put the battle speed to slow. Just go heal/heal and attack when he's just sitting there, with rav/rav, iirc.
Edit: Btw, if you scan a certain enemy type once, do you need to rescan them again or do your characters remember the info?
You sell incentive chipsHimuro said:Uh
How is that possible? Did you just sell a lot of shit?