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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Zoe said:
That wasn't Pulse in those chapters. How would you be able to go back to redo the missions?
I probably should have written it with other words, but what I meant was that the group should go to Pulse or an other area in chapter 4/5 so that there could be some missions to do. And then return to Cocoon. So the story had to be rewritten.
MechaX said:
Mission 62 and to a lesser extent, 64 should be your main concerns at this point (62 due to the spamming of AOE attacks). But hey, if you can do it, go for it. You might want to use the death method on 63, and 64 is easily broken by switching to SEN/SEN/SEN whenever he does his AOE attack.

I'm personally curious on how in the world you're going to be able to fight Long Gui, if you intend to.

It took me 25 minutes to beat Mission 62 with a target time of 18 minutes :lol. It was intense.

I was missing a paradigm setup that I needed. If I did it again, I think I can easily beat it under 10 minutes. A setup with a Sentinel and Saboteur is pretty much necessary to beat it with my stats.

I think I can beat mission 63 without death spam. I got pretty far without it. Only 51,54,63 and 64 left for me to do.

I did fight Long Gui. But I died instantly when I tried to Libra. :lol


Dedication Through Light said:
No since you can always come back later. I have yet to start missions, should I do them sequentially from 1 and so on are just as they come along?

If you do them sequentially from 1 you will
unlock Chocobos and build up a teleportation network that you can use postgame
and the chain of missions will eventually lead you back along the plot path around Mission 17 or so.
CruxisMana said:
People weren't kidding about the difficulty stepping up in Chapter 11.
Agreed! Haven't had any trouble (except with Falco Velocycles in Ch. 7) until now. I died a few times on the 2nd Hunt (probably should have been using Slow on them, but didn't feel like switching out my party), then figured I was underleveled for Hunts, so I went to the 1st main story marker. Got destroyed by the Hoplites near the end of that cave. Decided I was underleveled for the main story and headed back out to level up. Killed a bunch of little bird things for some decent CP, then remembered I could level my weapons. Got Gladius up to around Lv23 and managed to sneak and stagger a Behemoth King.

So basically, it looks like I'm going to just kill birds and that Behemoth King for a while until I can level up the Crystallium. Fun. :| I had such high hopes for Ch. 11.

I must not be using the right paradigms and/or party. Hope had been killing it for me up 'til now -- love his shell/protect -- but now he just dies immediately. Sahz has been a mainstay for Haste, but the Haste-at-start strategy doesn't seem to be nearly as effective anymore. Don't like Vanille and Fang cramps my style because she doesn't have Rav.
affableamerican said:
Agreed! Haven't had any trouble (except with Falco Velocycles in Ch. 7) until now. I died a few times on the 2nd Hunt (probably should have been using Slow on them, but didn't feel like switching out my party), then figured I was underleveled for Hunts, so I went to the 1st main story marker. Got destroyed by the Hoplites near the end of that cave. Decided I was underleveled for the main story and headed back out to level up. Killed a bunch of little bird things for some decent CP, then remembered I could level my weapons. Got Gladius up to around Lv23 and managed to sneak and stagger a Behemoth King.

I love the Hoplites. lol Lightning and Hope would finish them in less than a minute with that Thundaga and thunder attacks. I spent a good few hours just staying in that cave, brilliant lighting effects for Thundaga.


Tom Penny said:
How do people get there in 20 hours. I'm already past that?

They probably skip a lot of fights,skip reading for sure and skip the cut scenes because Òh Vanille sucks blah,bla,bla`` ;) ,I got to chapter 11 at about 25 hours. (when I said 10 is long I meant chapter 10 not 10 hours is long)


burgerdog said:
Which Genji glove mark am I okay to do so I won't spawn the insane turtles?

Are you trying to skip ahead? You can get it in 51, but it takes a LOT of work to get there.
Cep said:
it just didn't seem like Square Enix had the guts to be clearer about it. I'd chalk it up to tasteful subtlety if it weren't for the fact that Square has the least subtle writers in all existence.

:lol :lol :lol :lol
Well... for Square... you know... :lol

Oh all right, it wasn't subtle at all. The ending, oh my goodness.

Vincent Alexander said:
So much for the first female protagonist, huh. Maybe they were afraid to have her take the main spotlight. Hence, Snow. The typical tough-guy male role.
In what reality was Snow the main protagonist in this game...


Zoe said:
Are you trying to skip ahead? You can get it in 51, but it takes a LOT of work to get there.
Skipping ahead. I have an ultimate weapon and my characters have 4 roles maxed out. Tell me of the hard work I have ahead of me, :D


burgerdog said:
Skipping ahead. I have an ultimate weapon and my characters have 4 roles maxed out. Tell me of the hard work I have ahead of me, :D

You need to complete missions 35-50 first. However, they're in tournament style, so you need to complete them multiple times to get through them all.
Dedication Through Light said:
I love the Hoplites. lol Lightning and Hope would finish them in less than a minute with that Thundaga and thunder attacks. I spent a good few hours just staying in that cave, brilliant lighting effects for Thundaga.
But there's the one 'boss' version of the Hoplites who calls for more Hoplites! Then they power themselves up, etc. Argh. OK, I think I had pulled Hope by that point, but you're right, I should be going into those fights with much magical electricity.

The real frustration I have right now is that the designers simply did not do a good job of supporting a playstyle of subbing characters in and out of the party. When you sub in/out regularly, you need to re-do your paradigms. Every time. Makes me not want to switch out, but right now, I'll be so much more effective if I do.


Zoe said:
You need to complete missions 35-50 first. However, they're in tournament style, so you need to complete them multiple times to get through them all.
Ahh, I literally just did the mark that opens up what I think you are talking about. Titan's Trials? Thanks btw.


momolicious said:
Any explanation why there is no Japanese VA option? It cant be hard to put on as they have the subtitles for everythign already...

The PS3 version has 30 GB of video files. All of those are lip-synced to the respective audio language. To add a second language, they would have to double the video content in addition to leaving room for the second set of audio files.


affableamerican said:
The real frustration I have right now is that the designers simply did not do a good job of supporting a playstyle of subbing characters in and out of the party. When you sub in/out regularly, you need to re-do your paradigms. Every time. Makes me not want to switch out, but right now, I'll be so much more effective if I do.

Eh... I never felt I had to switch out my characters until I started doing post-game content. Hope/Lightning/Fang was my party till the end.

momolicious said:
Space even with bluray disc?? agh , they couldve did dual layer or something, the japanese VA sounds a bit more natural to the characters.

It's already dual layer.


affableamerican said:
The real frustration I have right now is that the designers simply did not do a good job of supporting a playstyle of subbing characters in and out of the party. When you sub in/out regularly, you need to re-do your paradigms. Every time. Makes me not want to switch out, but right now, I'll be so much more effective if I do.
I'm having the opposite experience. I constantly swap chars in and out, making new party combinations, choosing new leaders. I pretty much change them at least every save point or so. I love this on-the-fly customization. I don't find rearranging paradigms cumbersome, since I enjoy planning the builds, and it's not exactly time-consuming. Really like how CP's are spread out evenly, regardless of who's in your active party, who dies in battle, or whatever. Lets the player experiment more. Especially nice you can just swap things around and significantly change your party setup very easily after losing a battle, rather than opting to go grind or whatever.
momolicious said:
Space even with bluray disc? agh , they couldve did dual layer or something, the japanese VA sounds a bit more natural to the characters.

I remember Square outright saying (or at least implying) it was the 360 version's fault for that. However, I don't think it's as simple as that. The lip-syncing is probably a bigger problem.


Nork unification denier
icarus-daedelus said:
Oh all right, it wasn't subtle at all. The ending, oh my goodness.

I was actually pretty impressed at the ending.
Lesbians save the world for great justice!
gay couple saves the world.
(would buy!)

Snow was sort of head feint. Barely used him, which is unfortunate as I sort of liked his so-shonen-it-hurts character design.
Oh god, I hate neochu. Hate hate hate. Fuck him in the face. But it's all good, because there's no way I'm going to do all the grinding necessary to level up everyone in every role... holy fucking shit. Takes all the fun out of this game. :-/ Oh well, I guess that's how Platinum trophies are.

FateBreaker said:
I don't get the massive hate for ch 10...it has the best music in the game. :)
It has good music, but that's it. It's got the worst case of copypasta level design in the game (which is a feat) and after
it just goes on forever and ever. Plus,
Cid turns into a lame Seymour-alike and his second-in-command (Rygdea?) has a much cooler design in the first place.

Himuro said:
Hey geniuses at Square-Enix, whose idea was it to continuously switch party members out but NOT allow the option to save paradigms?
That's one of my biggest gameplay-related problems in this game other than the shitty level design and the sphere grid retread. I tried to pretty much stick with one team at a certain point just because I didn't want to waste time resetting the paradigms.

Unknown Soldier said:
I've been reading FFXIII: Episode Zero - Promise. It's a series of web novels Squenix posted to their Japanese site before and after the Japanese release of the game. There's a great deal of additional background information in the prequel you don't even get if you read all the stuff in the Datalog about the story and the world. The bonus is that the quality of writing in Episode Zero is about a million times better than the quality of writing in the game. Why Squenix didn't have the guy who wrote Episode Zero also write all the dialogue in the game is beyond my mortal comphrension.

Yeah, that really sucks, doesn't it? Anything decent about the story is buried in supplemental material. I think I would've preferred if they kept the amazing-looking 1080p CGI cutscenes for entertainment's sake, put the prequel novel in the datalog, and cut everything else.
Everything not relating to Fang and Vanille, of course. :3
Llyranor said:
Really like how CP's are spread out evenly, regardless of who's in your active party, who dies in battle, or whatever. Lets the player experiment more. Especially nice you can just swap things around and significantly change your party setup very easily after losing a battle, rather than opting to go grind or whatever.
Totally agree with this. I applaud S-E for streamlining the experience to the extent they did -- a risky move, but they got a lot of things right. My benchwarmers get XP so I can feel free to use them whenever I want? Crazy like a fox. Same with eliminating the need to find shops when I want to shop (removes the tedious step of traveling to a town, finding the right shop), auto-healing after every battle (removes the tedious step of healing after each fight), liberally sprinkling save points, potions healing everyone, etc. Allowed them to meticulously craft a well-paced, powerful story... now, about that pacing and story...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
affableamerican said:
But there's the one 'boss' version of the Hoplites who calls for more Hoplites! Then they power themselves up, etc. Argh. OK, I think I had pulled Hope by that point, but you're right, I should be going into those fights with much magical electricity.

The real frustration I have right now is that the designers simply did not do a good job of supporting a playstyle of subbing characters in and out of the party. When you sub in/out regularly, you need to re-do your paradigms. Every time. Makes me not want to switch out, but right now, I'll be so much more effective if I do.
I hated that guy, so I just downed an Ethersol and summoned Odin.

Can someone tell me how to make money in Chap. 11? I want to upgrade my weapons and stuff (which is why I can't really switch my part from Fang/Hope/Lightning), but I have about 3000g and have for several hours.
affableamerican said:
Totally agree with this. I applaud S-E for streamlining the experience to the extent they did -- a risky move, but they got a lot of things right. My benchwarmers get XP so I can feel free to use them whenever I want? Crazy like a fox. Same with eliminating the need to find shops when I want to shop (removes the tedious step of traveling to a town, finding the right shop), auto-healing after every battle (removes the tedious step of healing after each fight), liberally sprinkling save points, potions healing everyone, etc. Allowed them to meticulously craft a well-paced, powerful story... now, about that pacing and story...
You didn't even mention the best part: no MP! Well, I guess TP is sort of like MP, but it's so easy to come by (unless you suck) that it's not even worth mentioning.

And yeah, the story...sigh...with few exceptions the best parts were the most cheesy, over-the-top bits, which just reconfirms that Square writers need to stop taking themselves so damn seriously so much of the time. That's not even considering how they bury the plot underneath miles of flashbacks for the first 7 or so chapters to extend the length of the Tubular Tutorial part of the game.


well not really...yet
affableamerican said:
Totally agree with this. I applaud S-E for streamlining the experience to the extent they did -- a risky move, but they got a lot of things right. My benchwarmers get XP so I can feel free to use them whenever I want? Crazy like a fox. Same with eliminating the need to find shops when I want to shop (removes the tedious step of traveling to a town, finding the right shop), auto-healing after every battle (removes the tedious step of healing after each fight), liberally sprinkling save points, potions healing everyone, etc. Allowed them to meticulously craft a well-paced, powerful story... now, about that pacing and story...
Benchwarmers getting XP is something I wish every single RPG would have. Same with post battle auto-healing.
icarus-daedelus said:
Cid turns into a lame Seymour-alike and his second-in-command (Rygdea?) has a much cooler design in the first place.

It really goes to show how much wasted potential there was regarding the villains. I would've much rather fought
Rygdea. That probably would've been an awesome fight. He'd be like a crazy gunslinger and stuff.

Hell, you should just be able to fight every named character. Dammit, why are human boss fights so damn rare in this game (and RPGs in general)!?


Chapter 11...

Just beat
that old man again

People really had a tought time with him? Beat him pretty fast and got 4 stars for it. Beat the
fal'cie above the tower
even faster. Got 5 stars after that fight. None of my teammembers died during the fights. Really, a paradigm with two active medics makes the game so easy...

Chapter 12 is next.

But first...
have to finish the Vanille and her robot sidequest


°Temp. member
I had some spare time today so I thought I might as well try to get the superstar trophy and I got it on the first try (an easy gold trophy). Now there's only 4 trophies between me and the platinum, but they're the time-consuming ones and I don't care about getting the platinum that much. :lol

After you finish all the missions, are there any post-game mini-games to do like chocobo racing or anything?
cosmicblizzard said:
It really goes to show how much wasted potential there was regarding the villains. I would've much rather fought
Rygdea. That probably would've been an awesome fight. He'd be like a crazy gunslinger and stuff.

Hell, you should just be able to fight every named character. Dammit, why are human boss fights so damn rare in this game (and RPGs in general)!?

It is a shame, especially after they did such a great job with the judges in FFXII.
Not getting to fight Jihl, and only fighting Yaag when he's in a flying tank thing was dissapointing. A waste of some cool character designs.


Scythian Empire said:
Is there any way to get a
on chapter 11?
Running around Pulse is getting really tiring
Missions 12-14. 12 opens up the area where the Chocobos are, 13 is necessary to get to 14, and then 14 gives you the item so that you can ride them.

Also, any of the red Ci'eth stones can transport you around, there is quite a few in the Archlyte Steppe, and then at least 1 in every other major area. Only area I don't have a teleporter in is Sulya Springs.
Die Squirrel Die said:
It is a shame, especially after they did such a great job with the judges in FFXII.
Not getting to fight Jihl, and only fighting Yaag when he's in a flying tank thing was dissapointing. A waste of some cool character designs.
See, I thought the realization of the judges in FFXII was also pretty pathetic, especially considering how excellent the designs for them were, at least in concept art for that game. The villains in this game do not have particularly interesting designs (unless you think that Jihl's hot librarian with cleavage in-your-face design is interesting :lol) with the one exception of
Rygdea... and you don't even get to fight him. Here's hoping he's in the inevitable XIII-2.
Skel said:
Also, any of the black Ci'eth stones can transport you around, there is quite a few in the Archlyte Steppe, and then at least 1 in every other major area. Only area I don't have a teleporter in is Sulya Springs.

Just fixed it for ya.

Nose Master

Uh, I don't think 5-staring the missions gets you anything different. You just get a unique item the first time you complete it, then get the Secondary item for every repeat.

Hated all the villians in this game :(
icarus-daedelus said:
The villains in this game do not have particularly interesting designs (unless you think that Jihl's hot librarian with cleavage in-your-face design is interesting :lol) with the one exception of
Rygdea... and you don't even get to fight him. Here's hoping he's in the inevitable XIII-2.

It was Jihl's hair, it was amazing, there's never been hair like that in a game before, especially after the downgrade left Lightning's looking a bit anemic.
cosmicblizzard said:
I remember Square outright saying (or at least implying) it was the 360 version's fault for that. However, I don't think it's as simple as that. The lip-syncing is probably a bigger problem.

Was the disc already full?
Die Squirrel Die said:
It was Jihl's hair, it was amazing, there's never been hair like that in a game before, especially after the downgrade left Lightning's looking a bit anemic.
Jihl did have incredible hair, I'll give you that, but IIRC she mostly appeared in FMV cutscenes so her hair probably would have suffered the same downgrade as everyone else's did going from CGI models -> in-game models. Outside of the hilariously polygonal fingers, the hair was the worst part about the in-game character models. Especially Lightning.

Now SERRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH's hair is just awful in every way, even rendered in CG, so that's yet another reason why it's a really, really good thing that
she hardly appears in the game at all.


cosmicblizzard said:
It really goes to show how much wasted potential there was regarding the villains. I would've much rather fought Rygdea. That probably would've been an awesome fight. He'd be like a crazy gunslinger and stuff.

Hell, you should just be able to fight every named character. Dammit, why are human boss fights so damn rare in this game (and RPGs in general)!?

It's usually rare for your average human to have anything that makes your playable characters so strong (see: Tales, Final Fantasy, Persona/SMT, etc.), and if they do, it means they're just as strong, if not stronger than the party. Of course that means that they're not your average human and they have to be the most "special" fights in the game.

There's probably a TVtropes.com entry that describes this perfectly. :lol

But yes,
Jihl and/or Rosch should have become Cocoon l'Cie and even gotten their own Eidolon to summon, or at least Cid. I feel it's just yet another great opportunity to make the l'Cie/Eidolon concept more interesting that they didn't take. :p


I really don't get the people who complained about the difficulty of this game. There are so many things wrong with this game, but difficulty is certainly not one of them. There is literally no panelty in losing a battle. You can even quit and retry at any point, with no worry of losing any progress. And except for some post-game fights, most enemies can be handled with the proper role and equipment setup. You might need to retry a couple times, but the game is designed in such a way that losing is not frustrating. This is one of the few things that the developers got it right.

Just what do these people want? Auto-battle from start to finish so they can spend 50 hours button meshing and watching the Oscar worthy cutscenes?


Just beat the game, kinda disappointed how they handle the side characters (team nora, jihl, yaag, rygdea, cid).
Seems like they focused to much on the main cast and not enough on the other characters.
The ending
was pretty interesting, but it felt short.
It ended alot sooner than I thought it would.
Ehh, wish the bosses were more organic/human.
Most of the boss fights were like fighting pieces of metal.
I see potential for a sequel though.
They could expand on the maker, lindzei, the other fal'cies, and the rest of pulse.


Finally maxed the crystarium with everyone during the weekend. Only two missions to do and I will trade this game back. How the hell are you supposed to do mission 62? Equip multiple witch bracelets on everyone?
Cep said:
The lack of summon on summon action still depresses me.

I just cannot understand why this was not priority 1.
In or out of vehicle form? I think I laughed (out loud!) at nearly every single summon transformation.

MrDenny said:
The ending
was pretty interesting, but it felt short.
It ended alot sooner than I thought it would.
I'm glad it ended where it did. We could have gotten a repeat of MGS4 all over again. Instead, it's nice and short and leaves out all the soap opera wedding junk that surely occurred off-screen.

MrDenny said:
They could expand on the maker, lindzei, the other fal'cies, and the rest of pulse.
That kind of thing is only for games that are interested in worldbuilding.
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