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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Which part of Gran Pulse are people saying the game is so great? The open area at the beginning? (I skipped that entire part and went straight for the story so I'm curious)


Korey said:
Which part of Gran Pulse are people saying the game is so great? The open area at the beginning? (I skipped that entire part and went straight for the story so I'm curious)

It's more about the change of game flow. Up until this part, the battle system is super limited (even more so than it always is), you can never change your party and your Crystarium is super restricted so that you mostly always cap out by the end of the chapter. Similarly, you are shuttled along a corridor level design for every chapter.

Gran Pulse is different. You can take the chapter at your own pace. Side quests open up, allowing you a welcome distraction from the lame story and level design. You decide which monsters to face and in what order. Everything finally (mercifully) starts to open up, making the battle system at the very least tolerable.

It's a complete shift in how the game feels to play, essentially. It's a taste of freedom in an otherwise claustrophobic gameplay experience.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
Because of the difference in design flow, the fact that Gran Pulse feels almost like a different game level design wise, I wanted to see if it had the spark that the rest of the game lacked.

But, thanks for informing me what I should have done. It is good to know that as always with GAF, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Thanks so... I can't complain if I keep playing. I get it. The act of playing apparently removes my right to complain about flaws.
Lol GAF has kinda backed you into a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation :lol

-you can't have an opinion if you haven't played the game.
-you can't really judge the game until you play 25 hours and get to pulse.
-oh, now you played so far into the game? Well, you must have secretly loved it no matter how much you claim otherwise!



when does that happen? I got 16ish hours in and stopped because I was bored out of my mind. the excessive boredom has lead to a total lack of interest in the story and characters. battle system is ok but feels super constrained by the the nonsensical plot


People wonder why I always end up talking for a hundred pages past the expiration date of conversations, that's because I have to respond to a hundred completely differing viewpoints on what I think :(


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
People wonder why I always end up talking for a hundred pages past the expiration date of conversations, that's because I have to respond to a hundred completely differing viewpoints on what I think :(
Your name is red :p it's too tempting to argue with you.


At the end of the day GAF should know I love everyone and I really enjoy having these conversations. Even if I didn't end up like FFXIII, I am glad I got it so I could discuss the game in greater detail with everyone who did.

Amir0x said:
At the end of the day GAF should know I love everyone and I really enjoy having these conversations. Even if I didn't end up like FFXIII, I am glad I got it so I could discuss the game in greater detail with everyone who did.

Korey said:
Finally finished the game. May or may not post impressions later.

Chapter 13, was hilarious when
Fang's like "Where's this end?" and Sahz is all "If there is one, I can't see it."

The ending wasn't that satisfying.

i wish they had expanded on the events occurring after the ending revelation, like life a year or two after
Widge said:
I'd say XII, Basch, Vaan, Penelo...
Basch never evolves beyond being baggage to Ashe's story, but he's hardly a bad character. Vaan and Penelo are obnoxious, but they're also frontloaded; the game almost forgets about them after the beginning, and you are free to as well except when you're running around a town as Vaan. FFX easily has a worse cast, I mean Wakka alone is worse than Vaan and Penelo combined, and other than Sazh hardly anyone in XIII ever behaves like a sane, rational person. In XII, four out of six PCs act like mature adults for the duration of the game.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Amir0x said:
I filmed the A.I. not using Esuna on my character when they were crippled by various status effects, instead opting to heal...

The A.I. prioritizes getting health back into the green over casting Esuna. This is the way I think it should be and I build my strategies around it. My medics are usually pretty quick about it. I've yet to see them go for a heal over Esuna if all chars are in the green.

If it looks like the fight needs extremely fast Esuna response (high level missions, etc.) I switch myself to medic.

Edit: BTW, why did you change me to "148.85" when you quoted me? :lol


Unlimited Capacity
M°°nblade said:
There are no illusions, only different levels of participation and freedom.
Switching paradigms at the right time and using auto-attack sounds bland but still requires more participation than FFXII’s ‘auto-battle’ system. In FFXII I may have had a hand in every level of the battle, but I didn’t during the actual battle. The experience is very different because one setup gives you unlimited time to slowly refine a macro system while the other one forces you to make decisions during battles while time is running.
FFXIII is by no means a hard game but the regular fights are at least a step-up compared to previous FF games, especially when you reach chapter 11. The gap between regular enemies and bosses is much smaller.

How come I keep hearing this without experiencing this myself? Are you sure you aren't the one doing something wrong? I have yet to find a specific situation that can't be solved by finding and using more efficiënt paradigms.

Don't know, I'm experiencing it right now. I would like sash to cast faith on me and himself and that's it, but he just cast a full line of buffs on me then movess tto himself. Annoying.


140.85 said:
The A.I. prioritizes getting health back into the green over casting Esuna. This is the way I think it should be and I build my strategies around it. My medics are usually pretty quick about it. I've yet to see them go for a heal over Esuna if all chars are in the green.

The way you think the A.I. should be is not the way it should be in certain specific situations. This is why, as always, the A.I. is far worse than anything I could specifically program, and frequently makes these mistakes. It is not possible for them to be as specific as I would be.

However, the A.I. was healing me to full even when I was already green, in the meantime my characters were poisoned and had a litany of other status effects that were inhibiting my battle functionality. Similarly, when I needed them to cure certain debuffs, or when I want them to use Barthunder or Barfire because the enemy uses powerful elemental attacks in those forms, they'll prioritize something else entirely. This causes me more damage than I need. Because the computer is too dumb to appropriately prioritize the right buffs/debuffs based on how the battle demands it. Indeed because of their deficiencies, I often DO perform the healing myself... slowing a battle that could be ended in super quick fashion because my main character is so strong.

Also, I cannot prioritize WHO I want my buffs on and when. There are many situations where I want to specifically target someone, but they'll run do a list of buffs on an entirely different person before they get to me.

Because the five star was the difference between beating a mission in a minute thirty and not, in this example, the fact that they didn't correctly remove my debuffs in the right order, the damage I dealt was dramatically decreased, which increased my victory time to over the five star limit. This reduced my drop rate.

All these things, each one, is fixed with a simple application of gambits. You can maintain the battle speed and everything. It wouldn't have to be like FFXII.

Sorry about the name change. Wasn't intentional or anything
Amir0x said:
All these things, each one, is fixed with a simple application of gambits. You can maintain the battle speed and everything. It wouldn't have to be like FFXII.
ITA. I don't know why they don't let you have any control whatsoever over setting priorities for the A.I.-controlled roles. It seems like such a step backwards, even though I didn't even like XII's battle system personally. The worst A.I. partners for me were SABs and SYNs; I didn't have the same problems with medics as everyone else and RAV, COM, and SEN are all fine. Sentinels in particular always did exactly what I wanted them to, and it's a boring role to play as the party leader, so it was nice to set them as support. But when casting buffs and debuffs, the advantages of having A.I.-controlled partners break down and are outweighed by the fact that they only occasionally cast the spells that I want them to.


Even if you don't like FFX's cast, you can't deny Auron's greatness. Rikku and Lulu were cool as well. And people may not like Wakka, myself as one of them, but he had more personality than Lightning and Fang combined.

And Basch as a weak? Really? I personally thought 12's cast was the strongest of the PS1/PS2 era. 13's cast is a mess.
Joei said:
Even if you don't like FFX's cast, you can't deny Auron's greatness. Rikku and Lulu were cool as well. And people may not like Wakka, myself as one of them, but he had more personality than Lightning and Fang combined.
Ok were now getting crazy.


I really didn't care at all for what was going on in FFXII, or the people in it after a certain point. They just became different skins to walk round the gameworld in. I kept waiting for some sort of plot direction or excitement to whip me up into the game. I put hours and hours into walking around and experiencing, fighting, which I loved, but when it came down to that FF-ness of story, it just wasn't there. Maybe if it got the full GOW Collection retouch, I'd give it another try.

Saw a mention of Wakka here, one thing I loved about him was his single mindedness towards Yevon and then watching it all crumble around him as the game presses on.


Auron was great! I loved the way he was always focussed one step onwards from where the rest of the party was looking.
Amir0x said:
At the end of the day GAF should know I love everyone and I really enjoy having these conversations. Even if I didn't end up like FFXIII, I am glad I got it so I could discuss the game in greater detail with everyone who did.



Widge said:
I'd say XII, Basch, Vaan, Penelo...

I hate Vaan and only mildly dislike Penelo but they are still way better than Snow and Vanille.

Widge said:
I really didn't care at all for what was going on in FFXII, or the people in it after a certain point. They just became different skins to walk round the gameworld in. I kept waiting for some sort of plot direction or excitement to whip me up into the game. I put hours and hours into walking around and experiencing, fighting, which I loved, but when it came down to that FF-ness of story, it just wasn't there. Maybe if it got the full GOW Collection retouch, I'd give it another try.

Saw a mention of Wakka here, one thing I loved about him was his single mindedness towards Yevon and then watching it all crumble around him as the game presses on.

"FF-ness" isn't exactly what I look for in videogame stories. :lol

Otherwise I'd have to kill myself.


IronFistedChampion said:
When fighting Vanille's summon and using SAB/SAB, Fang will just stand still and not do anything. :|

If it is a glitch, I can get it to happen with almost any character based on the fight/paradigm. They will sit there and do nothing even though there are plenty of options for them to try.

I like how someone mentioned the AI esuna chaincasting over healing. My favorite is how the leader character isnt prioritized by the AI healing.


i just got "techniques"

but i realized everytime i paradigm-shift i get a full attack guage, so now i just change back and forth in before turns........

this an exploit? or is there any drawback with this


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
IronFistedChampion said:
When fighting Vanille's summon and using SAB/SAB, Fang will just stand still and not do anything. :|

Sab AI will not spam debuffs after they already cast all of their moves. So it's not a glitch, just a retarded AI feature you can't prevent.


Lunchbox said:
i just got "techniques"

but i realized everytime i paradigm-shift i get a full attack guage, so now i just change back and forth in before turns........

this an exploit? or is there any drawback with this
Nope, it's a legit technique...people are calling it "Paradigm canceling" and it makes the combat more interesting and seem faster since you're pressing more buttons.

After you paradigm shift, the bar instantly refills to full, if you've waited at least 3 ATB bars between shifts. The first shift in any battle gets you a full bar. So for example:

  1. Battle starts, use the first full ATB gauge.
  2. As the last bar gets depleted, shift to a different paradigm. You will have a full bar.
  3. After that bar depletes, let the ATB gauge fill up to 3 and immediately press Y/triangle to expend it, and then shift as the last bar gets depleted. You will have a full bar.
  4. Repeat
If this is too hard for you, just shift every other bar and it'll work.


  • You can set up duplicate paradigms in the menu, so you can shift from Relentless Assault -> Relentless Assault if you want to.
  • Shifting in air skips the animation/cutscene. If you skip the first shift animation it may play on your next one though.
  • This technique lets your allies cast *during* the shift cutscene. So by the time you finish shifting, Hope will have already thrown a couple of heals, for instance.


Lunchbox said:
i just got "techniques"

but i realized everytime i paradigm-shift i get a full attack guage, so now i just change back and forth in before turns........

this an exploit? or is there any drawback with this

no, the game just compensates the time lost while showing the paradigm switch animations (even though sometimes there isn't any animation triggered).

a good trick is spamming death with Vanille as a SAB (obviously) and immediately switch to a paradigm where she is a COM, this way the death spell inflicts 4x-5x times the damage and a higher chance of success of instant kill. Go back to SAB, repeat and profit. I was killing tortoises in 40 seconds with Eidolon help or 1:10 without (taking the legs out with Fang's Highwind is ridiculously easy).


Lince said:
no, the game just compensates the time lost while showing the paradigm switch animations (even though sometimes there isn't any animation triggered).
No, the time you save from shifting is noticeably more than the animation. If you do the technique a lot, this becomes really obvious.


Korey said:
No, the time you save from shifting is noticeably more than the animation. If you do the technique a lot, this becomes really obvious.

I know, in 105 hours I noticed just switching around even when not needed will grant you full ATB bars out of nowhere, I didn't know about the half-ATB trick but I was doing that all the time because I "felt" the game was faster that way, now it's all clear :lol


Korey said:
[*]You can set up duplicate paradigms in the menu, so you can shift from Relentless Assault -> Relentless Assault if you want to.

thats what i was doing......

i thought i was such a genius, but now i see everyone does this :lol

its like one man army/grenade launcher spam from call of duty
Lunchbox said:
i just got "techniques"

but i realized everytime i paradigm-shift i get a full attack guage, so now i just change back and forth in before turns........

this an exploit? or is there any drawback with this

I think this was mentioned in the datalog somewhere


IronFistedChampion said:
When fighting Vanille's summon and using SAB/SAB, Fang will just stand still and not do anything. :|

NPC do that when a mob can't be debuffed at all, or already been debuffed with everything that the mob is not immune to


Kagari said:
Sales have died, they're trying one last marketing blitz!

Sadly, this game's probably just a one hit wonder.:lol I bet most of the people who brought the game went and got a refund. :p

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Well I finished the game yesterday with a total of 65+ hours & I only done just a little more of half of the mark hunts.

I'd rank this game below the PSX games & FFX/FF6, but above all the rest.

VII > XI > FFX > VI > FFVIII > XIII >>> V > IV > XII

Haven't played the nes ones or the online one.
Why did the Missions in Chapter 11 jump from 1 to 21? I haven't even finished the first one yet, but in order to get through Taejin's Tower I have to complete mission 21. This is pretty confusing...


IronFistedChampion said:
Why did the Missions in Chapter 11 jump from 1 to 21? I haven't even finished the first one yet, but in order to get through Taejin's Tower I have to complete mission 21. This is pretty confusing...

Cause you didn't do any of the ones along the way. #2 was right next to the #1 mark.


FTWer said:
Well I finished the game yesterday with a total of 65+ hours & I only done just a little more of half of the mark hunts.

I'd rank this game below the PSX games & FFX/FF6, but above all the rest.


Haven't played the nes ones or the online one.

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