Started Ch. 13 last night at 9:30, finished the game at around 1:30am. Final tally on the clock was 41 hours and change.
I really enjoyed the game, in fact I would say it ranks in the top 5 in the Final Fantasy pantheon for me.
Things I liked:
- The characters, and their interaction with each other
- Hope's story arc, which was my favorite
- The graphics. Simply jaw-dropping, and easily the most beautiful game I've played.
- The music. It was great stuff and I found myself noticing it more than I do usually in rpgs.
- The battle system. Fun as hell and not boring at all.
- Ended up liking the plot overall, but see below...
Things I disliked:
- The grunts, sighs, and groans from characters. It sounded quite often to my wife, who was often in the room but not watching me play, that sexual situations were going on in the game hehe.
- Doom. I'll curse that design decision till the day I die. "Hey, you're taking too long in this fight, how about we end it prematurely and you can do the whole fucking 20 minute fight over again, for no other good reason than we are pricks!"
- The confusing plot early in the game. Seriously, nearly gave up the game at the 2 hour mark because of the use of confusing terms like "L'Cie" and "Fal'Cie", etc. They could have done a WAY better job explaining this stuff.
In the end, it was ultimately enjoyable, and even though certain plot points still confuse me, I enjoyed the ride.