Rez said:
I don't think (m)any fans would complain if Square just made FFVI/VIII again, just with slightly different scenarios/characters and pretty graphics.
I certainly wouldn't complain...
The terrible games these days are giving me an identity crisis. I have always thought of myself as a gamer, especially a fan of RPGs. But these days, games that I would actually consider to be "classic" come few and far between. Demon's Souls was the last one, and maybe the only one of this console generation, for that matter.
It's getting to be hard to maintain my self-image as a gamer.
But really, there's just nobody making the kind of games that I like (anymore.)
It almost seems like developers are afraid to do anything that has already been done before. But that's unfortunate for the gamers, because many great design features are used once and then abandoned forever.
And once all the great design features are exhausted, nothing is left but mediocre and bad ones.
I think that's where we are right now. But that's just my view.