Played till right past the warmech enemy in chapter 3...
First few areas:
Area 1 (the skyway) - kinda plain looking
Area 2 - (the temple) - looks like a rejected FF12 map
Area 3 (bresha lake) - absolutely fucking gorgeous... Shocked
Well, the story isn't really doing anything for me right now, voice acting isn't bad but I dunno. I expected something a bit more gripping at first, but FF stories do take a while to develop. Last FF stories I really liked were 6, 7 and 9. Battle system, well for the first 2 chapters, it's basically mashing the X button. Unlocked the sphere grid and paradigm shift, but even the paradigm shift seems to be auto battle, then occasionally hit L1 to switch paradigms to a healing one when your HP is low. So the game still feels like its playing itself for me.
Not to mention, I dunno if I'm getting old, but the game feels extremely spastic, you turn left or right the camera spins around so fast it took me back to the original Kingdom Hearts. Camera control is also really sensitive too. Even though the areas are straight corridors, I like to look around and admire the scenery a bit.
But yeah, graphics and cinemas look mindblowing, everything else is extremely 'meh' so far. Lost Odyssey will still probably be this gen's best FF game.
Oh and Vanille is pretty hot