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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have to say, once you really get Paradigm shifts and have access to all of the roles; the boss fights in this game are really fun. It's kind of jarring though; you go from mindlessly spamming X to having to actually do something to avoid dying pretty quickly :lol
Himuro said:
Really enjoying this forest dungeon. It has everything dungeons 4 and 5 lacked: good enemy variety, branching paths, enemies that require more than auto-battle to defeat, an actual dungeon gimmick (weather change) and interesting visuals.

Chapters 4 and 5 were chores for me, thankfully it's picking back up in chapter 6.
Chapter 7 is also great:D


Does anyone know somewhere where I can read up on weapon and accessory upgrading?

I'm in Chapter 5 atm...and honestly this aspect of FF13 is really bewildering...


Himuro said:
Really enjoying this forest dungeon. It has everything dungeons 4 and 5 lacked: good enemy variety, branching paths, enemies that require more than auto-battle to defeat, an actual dungeon gimmick (weather change) and interesting visuals.

Chapters 4 and 5 were chores for me, thankfully it's picking back up in chapter 6.

have fun with that boss :p


I`ve read everything in the datalog,it really helps understand a bit more what`s going on,with all the `Cie stuff and all,highly suggested,especially in the beginning in the very linear area`s...i`m liking the game a lot so far.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Ricker said:
I`ve read everything in the datalog,it really helps understand a bit more what`s going on,with all the `Cie stuff and all,highly suggested,especially in the beginning in the very linear area`s...i`m liking the game a lot so far.
I have to say, I really hate how they don't bother to explain Fal'Cie and L'Cie to you basically ever unless you look it up.

Final Fantasy VIII actually had something similar which explained a lot of what was going on, but it was wholly unnecessary to ever understand the plot.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
All right, I'm going to start playing the game now. Hype since TGS (?) 2006 and the LE is finally in my hands.

I guess here goes nothing.
Dude, the combat is groin-grabbingly good now at chapter 4.
The fight against that big robot thing was intense stuff, Lightning is such a beast. Sazh as a synergist, Vanille as saboteur, and Lightning as commando is some deadly shit. Pack on the buffs for Lightning and she rapes shit like nobodies business.
Man, I'm loving this game so far. :D


11 hours in & I think I'm on the Vanille Defense Force to be honest. Apart from looking like total jailbait, I think she's pretty cool. She's handy in a fight, cute & has an awesome accent. What's there to hate? :p She seems quite mysterious & that's interesting. Emo Hope & the cold-hearted bitch Lightning deserve more hate, if anything.

Having just gotten my platinum trophy in Heavy Rain, a happy-go-lucky & sexy-sounding girl is just what I need :lol


I wish the minimap was a bit smaller. I have a tendency to follow that instead of looking at the environment, which makes it feel more linear / claustrophobic than FFX, even though it's not really. I know you can turn it off but I miss not seeing enemies ahead and stuff :D
roxya said:
I wish the minimap was a bit smaller. I have a tendency to follow that instead of looking at the environment, which makes it feel more linear / claustrophobic than FFX, even though it's not really. I know you can turn it off but I miss not seeing enemies ahead and stuff :D

Got to agree with you, it also looks weird and way too wide. Really ugly minimap.


Y2Kev said:

Vanille and her sisters Kokoa and Strawberi join up and form part of the Team Neapolitan Concert Promotion Squad. They travel Cocoon doing promotion for various bands, including the newest performer to come to Cocoon, Justin Bieber. Upon checking her mailbox, Vanille receives a letter from Cocoon's Concert Administration (CCA) informing her that the CCA wishes to contract Team Neapolitan to do promotion for Justin.

"Ahaha~ we got a letter!" said Vanille
"Ahaha~ what does it say?" Kokoa asked.
"Ahaha~ it says we are going to promote a concert for Justin Bieber."
"Ahaha~ Ahaha~"
"Ahaha~" said Strawberi
Angry Grimace said:
I have to say, I really hate how they don't bother to explain Fal'Cie and L'Cie to you basically ever unless you look it up.

I'm sure this would have pissed a number of people off, but I don't see why they couldn't have just changed the words to "Gods" and "Cursed." As far as I know thats basically what it is. No reason to keep a dumb term just because people want as little changed from the original language as possible.

As a general rule I hate made up words subbing in for perfectly fine real words. Fantasy novels are HORRIBLE at this

I'd rather games use terms I understand then make something up and then try to explain it

BocoDragon said:
VDF signing in :D

My favorite character is the Moms are tough mom. I need a Moms are tough (MAT) defense force avatar


Does anyone else feel it's really stupid to go up and nuzzle against monsters in order to start a fight? They should have made you smack it with your weapon (or get hit) to initiate battle. Also it really takes me out of it when your teammates say "I'll go scout out ahead!" and they run forward and weave between all these monsters who don't seem to notice them.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Scythesurge said:
:lol Nice new avatar.

I may be joining you depending on how the rest of the game plays out...
Hope to see you join our cause. We need bright young soldiers like yourself!


Himuro said:
I never thought I'd see the day when FF had a vocal trance song as the theme of a dungeon.


Its sooo goood. I kinda don't want to go into battles in chapter 6 so i can keep listening to it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Minamu said:
11 hours in & I think I'm on the Vanille Defense Force to be honest. Apart from looking like total jailbait, I think she's pretty cool. She's handy in a fight, cute & has an awesome accent. What's there to hate? :p She seems quite mysterious & that's interesting. Emo Hope & the cold-hearted bitch Lightning deserve more hate, if anything.

Having just gotten my platinum trophy in Heavy Rain, a happy-go-lucky & sexy-sounding girl is just what I need :lol
If Lightning was ever so slightly less of a bitch, I would really like her character.


Angry Grimace said:
If Lightning was ever so slightly less of a bitch, I would really like her character.
7 hours in and I like Lightning the most. She has the right idea - who the fuck would want to hang out with these characters? And I approve of her continually trying to ditch that whiny dumbass Hope


I like her being a bitch, it was a bit grating at first but now its kind of nice to have a character pointing out what a dimwit everyone else is.

Game is growing on me a lot. Combat is really fun but I still dont like it as much as I did X-2's.
Angry Grimace said:
If Lightning was ever so slightly less of a bitch, I would really like her character.
She's a grower.
You'll warm up to her before long i think. I really like Lightning

Alex said:
I like her being a bitch, it was a bit grating at first but now its kind of nice to have a character pointing out what a dimwit everyone else is.

Game is growing on me a lot. Combat is really fun but I still dont like it as much as I did X-2's.

I LOVE the campy dress spheres from X-2, if the Paradigm Shift thing was a bit more jazzy XIII battle system would be perfection
BocoDragon said:
Hope to see you join our cause. We need bright young soldiers like yourself!
Keep in mind I'm only in Ch 3, so there's a way to go before I sign up. I really was expecting to hate Vanille's personality, but I am sensing some depth. We'll see though.


I like Lightning because she a) punches other more annoying characters b) is a hilarious bitch, see "worst birthday ever", c) doesn't talk much and d) shares the players contempt for every other character.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Himuro said:
*spits on avatar*



Hey guys.. remember when I berated that guy for not opening his LE guide?


pot calling kettle black etc. :lol


witness said:
Fuck Hope, you whiny bitch. That is all.
that'd be statutory rape wouldn't it?

but no, seriously, when
lightning wanders off and comes back to find him sleeping i half expected a bioshock 2 "harvest"/"adopt" option. and i know which one i'd pick.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
diss said:
that'd be statutory rape wouldn't it?

but no, seriously, when
lightning wanders off and comes back to find him sleeping i half expected a bioshock 2 "harvest"/"adopt" option
BlazingDarkness said:
I LOVE the campy dress spheres from X-2, if the Paradigm Shift thing was a bit more jazzy XIII battle system would be perfection

All the sane people(and 7th) agree with this.

diss said:
that'd be statutory rape wouldn't it?

but no, seriously, when
lightning wanders off and comes back to find him sleeping i half expected a bioshock 2 "harvest"/"adopt" option. and i know which one i'd pick.

:lol At the second part.


avatar299 said:
if you hate all those things, why are you playing a final fantasy game?

Because unlike the revisionist history majors in this thread, that's not at all the way many (most?) Final Fantasy games are? FFXI is an online game with massive locations; FFXII features expansive locales to explore, a plethora of stats and gambits to manage; a story that's less saccharine nonsense (until the end) coupled to incredible voice acting. Multiple other FF titles feature gorgeous artwork that I adore (namely, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFXII, FFXI, FFXIV). Tons of FF games feature sidequests throughout the game, have towns to explore and secrets to uncover around every corner. FF is certainly not Oblivion, but until recently, it has also not been straight lines and handholding for 20 hours. There was always a illusion of traveling around a great world (FFX excluded), always a feeling that you were doing something epic and expansive. There were dungeons which frequently had many side paths and diversions, even optional dungeons everywhere!

I feel like I'm beating a broken drum here, but let's stop pretending that FFXIII is the way FF games have always been and that it's old hat. It's not. FFXIII is so divisive precisely because it isn't the way FF games are, and some people don't like the changes. Some do, of course. But that's part of having opinions, no?

BocoDragon said:
All I know is that 4 years of previews and then, critically, 3 months of import impressions, didn't prepare me for the reality of the final product. You don't know this game, I'm sure of it. You may be 100% accurate in how you will see it in the end though.

Can you please stop talking with ridiculous mysticism and just come out and tell me what I supposedly do not know about the game that would change my opinion?

I can assure you, I know absolutely everything there is to know.


This game is so fun. Just finished chapter 4.

Not really a spoiler since everyone knows its in the game but still:
The Odin fight was fucking epic. I'll admit I had to consult the guide for what to do on this, because I got destroyed the first time I tried. So pumped to have Odin though, and so glad they gave Lightning him and not something like Ramuh. I also forgot to use the Spark Rings and still won somehow :lol

Only part of the game I haven't been thrilled with are the times when you only have Sazh and Vanille. I've never been much of a caster fan, and the battles just seem annoying without a melee character (primarily the Pulsework Soldiers).

As for the Lightning and Vanille discussion.
Lightning is a fucking badass - period
Vanille isn't that bad, I think Hope is much more annoying.


I like Vanille. I dont' love her, but she's fine.
I see her as the kind of character that hides her fears through laugh..and has a happy-go-lucky attitude in front of disasters and adversity; instead on being all depressed like the rest of the cast ..Lightining: :mad: .. Snow: :( ..Vanille: XD..Hope: :,( ..Sazh: :/


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
Because unlike the revisionist history majors in this thread, that's not at all the way many (most?) Final Fantasy games are? FFXI is an online game with massive locations; FFXII features expansive locales to explore, a plethora of stats and gambits to manage; a story that's less saccharine nonsense (until the end) coupled to incredible voice acting. Multiple other FF titles feature gorgeous artwork that I adore (namely, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFXII, FFXI, FFXIV). Tons of FF games feature sidequests throughout the game, have towns to explore and secrets to uncover around every corner. FF is certainly not Oblivion, but until recently, it has also not been straight lines and handholding for 20 hours. There was always a illusion of traveling around a great world (FFX excluded), always a feeling that you were doing something epic and expansive. There were dungeons which frequently had many side paths and diversions, even optional dungeons everywhere!

I feel like I'm beating a broken drum here, but let's stop pretending that FFXIII is the way FF games have always been and that it's old hat. It's not. FFXIII is so divisive precisely because it isn't the way FF games are, and some people don't like the changes. Some do, of course. But that's part of having opinions, no?
Yes I agree with you. XIII is more linear than the others. That's one thing that, though you haven't played it, is absolutely, positively true. It's like Half-Life 2 the RPG for much of it.

Honestly old FF games were not THAT open world, but at least they maintained that illusion with many "hub areas", something which this game does not.
Amir0x said:
Can you please stop talking with ridiculous mysticism and just come out and tell me what I supposedly do not know about the game that would change my opinion?

I can assure you, I know absolutely everything there is to know.

It's like telling someone what it's like to go to Disneyland. :p I don't care how much you've read about it, you don't know what the experience of playing it is actually like. There's nothing to argue... calm the attitude. This isn't even about getting you to LIKE FFXIII (I don't think for a moment you will with an attitude like that)... it's just that you have no idea how the pieces come together and what it's like to actually play it.
Skel said:
Only part of the game I haven't been thrilled with are the times when you only have Sazh and Vanille. I've never been much of a caster fan, and the battles just seem annoying without a melee character (primarily the Pulsework Soldiers).

I actually like this pairing in combat a lot. Vanille's Saboteur role, in combination with Sazh's Savager role works out great.


BocoDragon said:
Yes I agree with you. XIII is more linear than the others. That's one thing that, though you haven't played it, is absolutely, positively true. It's like Hald-Life 2 the RPG for much of it.

Honestly old FF games were not THAT open world, but at least they maintained that illusion with many "hub areas", something which this game does not.
In FFXII I usually just walked from A to B, but I liked having the freedom to wander off a bit. Even if it was just an illusion, and everything just repeats, it just made it seem more epic. In this you are blatently being shuttled down narrow corridors. Having tiny alcoves every now and then doesn't make this feel any less so. Am I using that word right? Alcoves? Ah, In Bruges, what a great movie. Anyway what was I talking about? Oh yeah, don't do drugs.


Man, the one Role in the battle system that I don't like is sentinel. Slows down the entire system. I end up using it sparingly only when really needed and then it's commando all the way.
Love the new avatar Boco. While it is my company policy to only have avatars with some connection to ice and/or cold based things, I will definitely join the defense force.


BocoDragon said:
It's like telling someone what it's like to go to Disneyland. :p I don't care how much you've read about it, you don't know what the experience of playing it is actually like. There's nothing to argue... calm the attitude. This isn't even about getting you to LIKE FFXIII (I don't think for a moment you will with an attitude like that)... it's just that you have no idea how the pieces come together and what it's like to actually play it.

It's just not really possible. I know what I like and what I don't like about games. If you don't, that's fine... but I'm extremely secure in my knowledge of what is good and what isn't in games. It's an extreme rarity when I am wrong about a final product, and that's only when I was missing some core piece of the gameplay. I know everything about the gameplay and story here. There's nothing to miss.

That's why this is a stupid conversation. It's just like me arguing about something I don't like, but never played! Pointless! I just prefer to discuss what I do know about the title when people say "WESTERNERS DON'T LIKE HAPPY THINGS!"


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
cosmicblizzard said:
Love the new avatar Boco. While it is my company policy to only have avatars with some connection to ice and/or cold based things, I will definitely join the defense force.

Maybe you could find a shot with her in Bresha?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Aljosa said:
Dude, the combat is groin-grabbingly good now at chapter 4.
The fight against that big robot thing was intense stuff, Lightning is such a beast. Sazh as a synergist, Vanille as saboteur, and Lightning as commando is some deadly shit. Pack on the buffs for Lightning and she rapes shit like nobodies business.
Man, I'm loving this game so far. :D
I tend to start out that way, but then switch to Relentless Assault once I feel my HP is under control and the relevant buffs/debuffs are up. There's not much point in staying in Synergist, Medic or Saboteur unless you really need it. That's kind of the game's battle strategy; figuring out how to get all this stuff going + get a good stagger chain because all the bosses (even some mooks, really) so far seem to have way too much HP and defense to just pummel blindly.
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