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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Lightning said:
What I mean about the story is that it simply is not gripping me to care about it. FFX's story had me hooked right to the end, FFXIII just isn't capturing that, partly due to the characters dialogue is rather crappy.


get it?
Is there only 1 Eidolon for each character?

Im really hoping there are hidden ones you have to battle and win over.

Oh my god that scene from FFX.... I still have nightmares about the laughing
firehawk12 said:
In the early game (chapter 5) what weapons should you upgrade? And what materials should you use?

None. Wait till Chapter 11.

Korey said:
1) When does the battle system get really good like I'm hearing? I just received the Paradigm Shift and Crystal leveling. Does it start getting good here or is it somewhere else down the line?

You have Weapons and Accessories Upgrades to unlock. That's it.
OneEightZero said:

Thanks bro
Vect said:
Battles are amazing in chapter
, gaining an extra member really ramps things up. Can't put my controller down.:lol

Battles are so much better with 3 characters....

firehawk12 said:
Ah, I can get that far with level 1 equipment?

Yeah, I wish I hadn't touched my weapons and accesories, It was just a few levels, but it dosn't make any real diference, you don't have enough materials to level up properly and you can find weapons, that are either better or have nice aditional effects.


Subete no aware
Relaxed Muscle said:
Yeah, I wish I hadn't touched my weapons and accesories, It was just a few levels, but it dosn't make any real diference, you don't have enough materials to level up properly and you can find weapons, that are either better or have nice aditional effects.

Cool. At least it's one less thing to worry about for the moment. :lol


Himuro said:
I didn't say it didn't. But it's true. FF10 eases the player in the world of Spira with great fashion. It's mysterious, it's fantastical, and yet familiar (to Tidus, through Blitzball). The game goes great lengths to make you fall in love with that place and it does a fantastic job and at the base of this is simplicity that is not found in FF13. To understand anything anything in 13, I have to read a datalog.

So true.


well not really...yet
Fuuuck. Chapter 7 was sooooooooo good. :D Huge improvements to Snow and Hope. And Fang is pretty cool so far as well.

I like the cast a lot, that alone puts it above FFX for me, which had an assy cast, not to mention XIIIs battle system destroys X as well. Comparing them isn't even fair. For me, this is definitely the best FF since the PSone era, without a doubt.


European pre-madonna
I still can't believe the script for this game! Your stuck for hours with these characters and it feels like you don't know them any better as the game progresses because their lines are just horrible. Most of the time its them repeating the same vague shit about saving the world cutscene after cutscene, and I hate those cringe worthy grunts and pauses that everyone effin makes when their trying to express themselves. Especially that teenage loligirl with the most annoying voice in a videogame ever. My point is, nobody acts like a regular human being in this world...and the dialogue has alot to do with that. I guess i'm just spoiled because of Mass Effect 2 and how deep the dialogue was in that game. Everything just seems vague and unexplained during the dialogue for me. The only real guy you can almost relate to is the black dude with the fro because he's the only character who seems to be well-written.

Srsly, its like George Lucas busted down the doors at square and demanded he write the script for this game. Its that bad! Its episode 1 bad.

Other then that, the battle system is a blast and the GFX are crazy (especially the CG).

I'm in Chp 5 btw, so hopefully it gets better


aka ThreeOneFour
Dead said:
Fuuuck. Chapter 7 was sooooooooo good. :D Huge improvements to Snow and Hope. And Fang is pretty cool so far as well.

I start playing later today. Your updates are making me hate the clock is moving so slowly. :lol


well not really...yet
OneEightZero said:
I start playing later today. Your updates are making me hate the clock is moving so slowly. :lol
7 was definitely the longest chapter so far, and character wise, its definitely the best so far :D


Damn this is long. 4.5 hours and just hit beginning of Chapter 4 I think. Controlling
Sazh and Vanille
. Really makes no sense how
Hope went off with Lightning. "Yeah, I'll ditch the girl I was with this whole time and old cool-headed dude to go off with the one who doesn't give a damn about me."


Just started playing. It's awesome... I love Vanille's attack animation. :D

On that note, it puzzles me how she and Hope whipped up weapons out of nowhere and are able to kill baddies with ease.


Also just finished Chapter 7.

Updated pros:

- Eidolon battles are definitely the best battles of the game.

- The whole sequence at the end of Chapter 7 (with three-person battles again, finally!) was great. But did Yaag
perish at the hands of his own soldiers
? A shame.

- Man, did you guys see that new Tron Legacy trailer? It was so awesome, it made this game more awesome. (They both have clothes with glowy strips!)

Updated cons:

- The game's extremely awkward forcing of pairs is pissing me off. First Lightning and Hope split from Sazh and Vanille for no reason at all. Then Lightning and Fang split from Snow and Hope for, once again, NO GOOD REASON. Square-Enix, at least come up with better explanations.

- I'm in Nautilus and I CAN'T PLAY ANY MINIGAMES? God DAMN it.

Updated what-the-hell:

- What, exactly, do "Role Level Up" crystals do in the Crystarium? Increasing a role's level seems to serve no purpose.


I just lost this one fight at least 20 times in a row. Finally won with under 1 second left. Near the beginning of the game:
second eidolon battle

Half of my losses happened before I could even take a single action. Not to mention I had to use like every potion and phoenix down to win.


Subete no aware
Updated what-the-hell:

- What, exactly, do "Role Level Up" crystals do in the Crystarium? Increasing a role's level seems to serve no purpose.

My understanding is that they give you bonuses when using that role in combat.

ACE 1991

So far I like all the characters except snow. I literally roll my eyes whenever the word "hero" comes out of his mouth. Also, I'm at the point right when
Sazh and Lightning enter the Fal'cie, (or whatever) maybe about 1 1/2 hours in or so. Does the combat open up soon? I'm getting might sick of pressing auto battle every fight.

I'm in the first chapter still, I believe.
ACE 1991 said:
So far I like all the characters except snow. I literally roll my eyes whenever the word "hero" comes out of his mouth. Also, I'm at the point right when
Sazh and Lightning enter the Fal'cie, (or whatever) maybe about 1 1/2 hours in or so. Does the combat open up soon? I'm getting might sick of pressing auto battle every fight.

You'll rarely need to not use auto battle, and it'll only crop up really late in the game and only if you're pedantic about buffs and so on. This game will 'play itself' in the sense that XII played itself, but without as much indirect control in your hands, and this time you get to mash X. The AI will know what to do 99/100, because of the tightly defined roles. Switching between them to debuff and break an enemy is the game. Picking individual commands isn't.

firehawk12 said:
Cool. At least it's one less thing to worry about for the moment. :lol

Just to go against the earlier advice on weapon/acc upgrades I'd say go ahead and mess around with it. You will have the opportunity to get a lot of money later on, in the 11th and 12th chapter, and it will allow you to do a lot more, but the lower levels of items are extremely cheap in comparison to the later ones. Also, you really aren't wasting anything. It's a completely replaceable resource. I personally found the boosts to my stats very useful. Remember to try to get a good multiplier (3x preferably) by using natural components, then spend your mechanical components for extra points. There are specific components that will net you more points than others but I couldn't tell you what those are in English.

Yes, money can be tight for most of the game, but I really don't think you're wasting anything by experimenting with weapons. Items serve no other purpose. (Other than sale, and again those are very obviously marked.) It should be fairly clear what stat each weapon prefers and what extra bonuses it confers. Messing around with it costs you nothing in the long run.


Junior Member
RpgN said:
BTW does anyone know if you get more trophies for unlocking data about the monsters besides the 100 one? I've missed a few monsters scanning them 100% in the first 10 chapters and am afraid this could not get me all the trophies.



Feep said:
What, exactly, do "Role Level Up" crystals do in the Crystarium? Increasing a role's level seems to serve no purpose.
It explains it all in the guide if you have it. They increase both your damage and your allies damage. For example level 2 Commando gives all your damage x2 and all your allies damage x1.05 (iirc).
i dont like the 2 character battles ._. its realy anoying that you to change paradigms so often with 2 characters. i hope there are 3 chars to fight soon. the constant splitting it into groups of 2 needs to stop it dosnt work well with the gameplay mechanics :(


Subete no aware
chicken_ramen said:
Just to go against the earlier advice on weapon/acc upgrades I'd say go ahead and mess around with it. You will have the opportunity to get a lot of money later on, in the 11th and 12th chapter, and it will allow you to do a lot more, but the lower levels of items are extremely cheap in comparison to the later ones. Also, you really aren't wasting anything. It's a completely replaceable resource. I personally found the boosts to my stats very useful. Remember to try to get a good multiplier (3x preferably) by using natural components, then spend your mechanical components for extra points. There are specific components that will net you more points than others but I couldn't tell you what those are in English.

Yes, money can be tight for most of the game, but I really don't think you're wasting anything by experimenting with weapons. Items serve no other purpose. (Other than sale, and again those are very obviously marked.) It should be fairly clear what stat each weapon prefers and what extra bonuses it confers. Messing around with it costs you nothing in the long run.

It just seems like the mechanical components are super rare at this point in the game... and even then, getting enough organics to get the multiplier is a bit difficult as well. I always get paralyzed by upgrade systems in RPGs. I guess you can "respec" by deconstructing weapons though, so that helps a bit.


I kept using the optimize and balanced options for the equipement menu but then decided to go optomize/offense with Light ;) and it switched to the Gladius,I think i`ll upgrade that one as much as I can for a while...glad I only sold a few of all the crap items,if I have had 17 of something,I sold 2 to bring it down to 15 heh...


I must be the only one here who hasn't found Snow annoying, there must be a part where he jumps the shark...
LiK said:
I must be the only one here who hasn't found Snow annoying, there must be a part where he jumps the shark...
Not as far as I know, most of the hate comes from all his lines about being a
near the beginning of the game.


LiK said:
I must be the only one here who hasn't found Snow annoying, there must be a part where he jumps the shark...
He doesn't annoy me, but I can see why other people wouldn't like him. I just can't dislike a character with the same voice as Yuri Lowell.


well not really...yet
Inferno313 said:
Not as far as I know, most of the hate comes from all his lines about being a
near the beginning of the game.
I can count the number of times he's said the word on one hand. I was expecting him to be spouting it every 5 seconds. Totally blown out of proportion.


Subete no aware
LiK said:
I must be the only one here who hasn't found Snow annoying, there must be a part where he jumps the shark...

I actually don't find Vanille annoying. But that's probably because I expected an aural genocide to occur in my ear drums based on all the hate and the reality just didn't live up to the "horribleness" that others have described.


Inferno313 said:
Not as far as I know, most of the hate comes from all his lines about being a
near the beginning of the game.
Yea, it's silly, and he has some cheesy lines in his flashbacks but he's not terrible as some people make him out to be.


Vanille. Please. Don't laugh! Stop it! Fucking stop! Talk all you want but laugh? Don't! It's killing me slowly like a damn piece of meat on the grill...
Does the battle system get any more advanced? Right now I'm just mashing the X button and occasionally changing paradigm's to heal. I just past the part where
snow got Shiva and got arrested

And is there no limit breaks in the game? I thought every FF game had limit breaks.
I'm up to Chapter 3.

I'm enjoying that there is some real conflict in this game. I expected the worst and that every conflict would be like
Hope and Snow. There is no reason for it, other than to make it so that not everyone is buddy buddy. I mean seriously, if someone would just address the situation the issue would be resolved in mere seconds. The conflict between Lightning and Snow is great though. There is real basis for it. She detests him for saying that he will save her sister over and over. He is a dreamer, and while he is motivated and acts, he is grabbing at strings to come up with a new plan every 5 minutes. Some of the plans are fantastic, like chopping at crystal with a piece of scrap metal. This is after he basically helps everyone get fucked over by attacking a fal'Cie and turning them into l'Cie.

Hope has a bit of a death wish, because she knows nothing is going to happen sitting at home. The boarding of the train scene is fantastic. She can't come up with a plan--all she can really do with as big of an unknown as Pulse is criticize Snow's BS. She is basically just trying to journey to the center of the eath because there is at least the possibility of running into a solution there. It reminds me of the sort of conflict in IV with Cecil and Kane. Both want the same thing, but they have different views on how to get there (with the King or against him). In XIII, they clearly have a tune that is supposed to be a take on one of the main themes on IV. It tends to play when Sanctum ships are slowly moving in.
The last jRPGs I played before this were Persona 4 and Mother 3 and the story of this is so boring in comparison (I'm up to chapter 3).

I'm sure if I was ten years younger I would have found it fascinating but right now it's becoming a chore to sit through.
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