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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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While the music in this game is great, it's not all that memorable. I guess I can see where people are coming from. This is kind of weird for a Hamauzu soundtrack since his stuff usually stands out a bit more. The place I'm at has amazing music, though.
Enemy ship at the beginning of chapter 9


Scythesurge said:
So I'm in chapter 4, and taking Vanille as an example, I maxed out her lvl 1 ravager. Would it be a mistake to put points into medic for her?

I think medic is one of Vanille's set role so no you should be putting points into medic as well. (correct me if I'm wrong tho)


Scythesurge said:
So I'm in chapter 4, and taking Vanille as an example, I maxed out her lvl 1 ravager. Would it be a mistake to put points into medic for her?

No, that's one of her default roles, they mean the other three that you get at once. It is good to keep the first three even because you need to be changing between them all the time, so don't worry about spending points there. Plus you usually get enough points to max to the level cap in every chapter.


MechaX said:
Now this is slightly quizzical to me. Keep in mind, I'm not disputing with your opinion in particular nor am I trying to start a serious argument, but a sentiment that has repeated itself a few times in this topic alone. But.. I mean, there have been RPGs with absolutely terrible casts in this generation alone. I understand not liking the FFXIII cast too much, but I just can't see how they are any worse than the likes of the Infinite Undiscovery cast, the Lost Odyssey cast, and EDGE MAVERICK and his friends.

But eh, that's just me. At the very least, the exchanges between Lightning and Snow have been gold to me so far.

Right, I'm not getting it at all. Have these people not played ANY RPG this generation. The FFXIII cast is very tame and, at least in my opinion, more realistic and enjoyable then any RPG cast on next gen consoles. =/


Get Inside Her!
Aretak said:

I'm sorry but this is indefensibly the worst cast in any Final Fantasy. I want to throw up just looking at half of them.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Snookie said:
Well I'm almost through Chapter 3 and I'm really starting to like it. I think the new fight system is pretty cool. At first i wasnt so sure about being able to control 1 character but it makes sense now.

Also I have the guide. It mentions the Omega Weapons but it doesnt quite explain how to get them unless i'm missing something.



Lyonaz said:
Chapter 12 was great.
looks fucking amazing, not to mention the CGI-scene was fuck awesome.

Really one of my favourite parts of the game. The music and scenary is simply beautiful.


Scythesurge said:
So I'm in chapter 4, and taking Vanille as an example, I maxed out her lvl 1 ravager. Would it be a mistake to put points into medic for her?

No, you will hit the cap for ravager before it opens up another level. So put points in all the roles she get, obviously put more points in the role your character is most efficient in.

You get 3 defined roles for each character, so spend points in those 3. In chapter 11 you can spend points in other roles, but that's not advised. First of all they cost a shitload of CP and second they are basic and weak. It's only useful after you maxed out the 3 given roles after beating the game.


painey said:
everyone has 3 set roles, near the end you can put points in to ANY role, but the "new" roles need lots and lots of CP for little reward. If you try to turn your Snow into a medic, he will need lots of CP to be a weak medic, and when you add him to your battle party the AI might auto assign him to be a medic, which isnt very useful.

I see. I'm only about 5 hours in, so each character only has a handful of roles available. Should I max out these initial roles, which appear to be core roles for the characters?
Peff said:
No, that's one of her default roles, they mean the other three that you get at once. It is good to keep the first three even because you need to be changing between them all the time, so don't worry about spending points there. Plus you usually get enough points to max to the level cap in every chapter.
Gotcha, thanks.


Tathanen said:
I'm sorry but this is indefensibly the worst cast in any Final Fantasy. I want to throw up just looking at half of them.

I've read this exact same quote when FFXII came out. VAAAAAAAAAAAAN.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Tathanen said:
I'm sorry but this is indefensibly the worst cast in any Final Fantasy. I want to throw up just looking at half of them.

have you played through that the game? you're right - half of them are garbage. but zidane, vivi, steiner and garnet are perhaps the best "main cast" of any FF game, maybe even any video game i've ever played.

lub vivi / steiner relationship


I didn't understand much of the party talk when playing the Japanese version because the fan-translation was only of the cut-scenes, but I have to admit that it kinda adds to the experience.

Fang: I'm not kidding when I say the world can burn if that's what it takes to save Vanille.




I've got a big update on thoughts from last night. Once again, too much text to paste in here. To sum up:

I took a few battles and completely disregarded time so I could experiment with different Paradigms and the effect of skills on different enemies. I noticed things like Sazh's Firestrike (physical) doing about the same damage as his Fire spell (magic) against a neutral enemy even though his magic stat was a dozen or so points higher than his strength. I love understanding the calculations behind the scenes in games like this, so I was happy to find this Game Mechanics FAQ which explained that Firestrike has a built in 1.2x damage multiplier.

My only real gripe right now is that the game appears to dictate that you use the Auto command if you want to ensure the best ratings. Unless you're fighting something for the 10th time in a row, the AI will always know the correct pattern of skills to put on the ATB and far faster than I can come up with it. It can take me a second or two to evaluate whether an AoE attack would hit if I targeted a specific enemy (Will he move by the time it fires? Is he really close enough?), when the AI will know in microseconds. I can certainly get 5-star ratings picking my own abilities, but it irks me to know that the computer is better at it than I am.

* Does anyone notice that sometimes when you change Paradigms you get a complete ATB gauge? I'm trying to narrow down when it happens. Perhaps when you have executed some percentage of the current ATB and interrupt it?


well not really...yet
Was definitely a little painful going through Nautilus.

Can't help but notice what a missed opportunity for mini-games and side stuff that was :lol


forgrim said:
I've read this exact same quote when FFXII came out. VAAAAAAAAAAAAN.

Vaan was worthless, and Penelo, I don't even remember why she was there. But Balthier, Basche, Ashe? Those were all great characters.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Dead use spoiler tags more w/ what chapter you're on.

Trav said:
* Does anyone notice that sometimes when you change Paradigms you get a complete ATB gauge? I'm trying to narrow down when it happens. Perhaps when you have executed some percentage of the current ATB and interrupt it?

i'm also trying to figure this out...


7Th said:
I didn't understand much of the party talk when playing the Japanese version because the fan-translation was only of the cut-scenes, but I have to admit that it kinda adds to the experience.

Fang: I'm not kidding when I say the world can burn if that's what it takes to save Vanille.



I really need to stop highlighting your spoilers.


I'm 12 hours in, on chapter 8 I think?

Anyway, I've found it really easy to max out everyone's 3 default roles. I usually have enough CP by the end of each section or after a boss fight to grab all the chrysantheum (sp?) skills that are available for each character. I don't grind much either. I just kill everything I see. i really don't think i'll be teaching anyone any new roles either, except maybe Fang. I'm getting a Kimari Rhonso vibe from her... and he ended up being useless to me in FFX because I didn't develop him properly.

What is a pain in the ass is upgrading weapons. It's like Sophie's Choice sometimes. I've decided to just focus on one weapon per character. Whether it's the right weapon... well... we shall see.

Updated impressions: yep, still loving it. though I can see how some people would get turned off by it. it really does feel like a combat treadmill sometimes, but I like the battle system a lot, so it doesn't bother me. the game is pretty exhausting though, i can usually sink 3 or 4 hours into an rpg without realizing it, but this one, i need to take a break after 2 hours. all that paradigm shifting and melodrama wears me out.
Trav said:
I've got a big update on thoughts from last night. Once again, too much text to paste in here. To sum up:

I took a few battles and completely disregarded time so I could experiment with different Paradigms and the effect of skills on different enemies. I noticed things like Sazh's Firestrike (physical) doing about the same damage as his Fire spell (magic) against a neutral enemy even though his magic stat was a dozen or so points higher than his strength. I love understanding the calculations behind the scenes in games like this, so I was happy to find this Game Mechanics FAQ which explained that Firestrike has a built in 1.2x damage multiplier.

My only real gripe right now is that the game appears to dictate that you use the Auto command if you want to ensure the best ratings. Unless you're fighting something for the 10th time in a row, the AI will always know the correct pattern of skills to put on the ATB and far faster than I can come up with it. It can take me a second or two to evaluate whether an AoE attack would hit if I targeted a specific enemy (Will he move by the time it fires? Is he really close enough?), when the AI will know in microseconds. I can certainly get 5-star ratings picking my own abilities, but it irks me to know that the computer is better at it than I am.

* Does anyone notice that sometimes when you change Paradigms you get a complete ATB gauge? I'm trying to narrow down when it happens. Perhaps when you have executed some percentage of the current ATB and interrupt it?
From what I've observed the ATB gauge fills as the paradigms are changing.


Trav said:
* Does anyone notice that sometimes when you change Paradigms you get a complete ATB gauge? I'm trying to narrow down when it happens. Perhaps when you have executed some percentage of the current ATB and interrupt it?
I believe the other role's ATB slowly fills as you play as another role. To test this, I went Com => Rav and had full, then immediately afterwords I switched back to Com. I had a 1/4 of my ATB full.

That leads me to believe it charges while you're not using it, but much slower. I could be wrong, though.


Trav said:
* Does anyone notice that sometimes when you change Paradigms you get a complete ATB gauge? I'm trying to narrow down when it happens. Perhaps when you have executed some percentage of the current ATB and interrupt it?

When you change Paradigms, it cancels the action you last had, even if it's being carried out. My question tho is that sometimes when I change Paradigms (say from COM to MED) I get more bars to cure than if I stayed in the MED class. Any thoughts?

Edit: reading the above, I guess I had it incorrect.. bah.


Westonian said:
Vaan was worthless, and Penelo, I don't even remember why she was there. But Balthier, Basche, Ashe? Those were all great characters.

Oh i'm not saying that all the characters were bad, I was just commenting on how I read that same exact quote for the last FF that came out. Vaan and Penelo were bad, and I wasn't a big fan of Ashe, but Balthier, gd, he shined like a supernova.

And right now, Sazh shines like that supernova for me.
This game just reaffirms how much I hate alchemy systems in RPGs. Of all the things they could have streamlined, that should have been one of them.


There's a video on youtube that talks about the whole gauge bonus after switching paradigms. I don't remember the exact details, but the gist of it is it happens every other time you switch.


I'll be picking up a copy of the Collector's Edition guide in Gamestop after school today since I can't find it anywhere online for cheap. Hopefully there will be some copies left.
Le-mo said:
I'll be picking up a copy of the Collector's Edition guide in Gamestop after school today since I can't find it anywhere online for cheap. Hopefully there will be some copies left.

It is a gorgeous guide, well thought out and really aware of "spoilers" with multiple warnings, etc.

K' Dash

Trav said:
* Does anyone notice that sometimes when you change Paradigms you get a complete ATB gauge? I'm trying to narrow down when it happens. Perhaps when you have executed some percentage of the current ATB and interrupt it?

I discovered that a while ago, I always get a full ATB gauge when I do the last attack with the current ATB and inmediately change paradigms.

And there's another detail, when changing paradigms sometimes I get a mini cut-scene of everybody chaging paradigms that take precious seconds to my score, but randomly I don't get the cut-scene and the paradigm change is real time, I haven't been able to determine if this is randome r has some requirement...


bigdaddygamebot said:
It is a gorgeous guide, well thought out and really aware of "spoilers" with multiple warnings, etc.
Yah, when my friend showed me his copy I knew I had to have it. I'm a sucker for hardcover strategy guide for my favorite games.


Just finished Chapter 7, and I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would thus far. I like most of the characters, even Vanille. Although Snow's constant 'Hero' talk can get annoying. The battle system's also really good so far, even if it's a little easy so far. :D
K' Dash said:
I discovered that a while ago, I always get a full ATB gauge when I do the last attack with the current ATB and inmediately change paradigms.

And there's another detail, when changing paradigms sometimes I get a mini cut-scene of everybody chaging paradigms that take precious seconds to my score, but randomly I don't get the cut-scene and the paradigm change is real time, I haven't been able to determine if this is randome r has some requirement...

Explanation here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw76CV4wh8U
Le-mo said:
Yah, when my friend showed me his copy I knew I had to have it. I'm a sucker for hardcover strategy guide for my favorite games.

I've read the first little bit and truthfully, I won't be looking at it again until I've beaten it once.


bigdaddygamebot said:
I've read the first little bit and truthfully, I won't be looking at it again until I've beaten it once.
That's what I'll be doing also. Maybe I'll take a peak at the weapons guide but that's about it. :lol I just want a copy right now since it is becoming hard to find.

Regarding the battle system I kind of dislike how your HP/status recovers after each battle. Kills the need for potions.

K' Dash

jorgeton said:
I'm 12 hours in, on chapter 8 I think?

Anyway, I've found it really easy to max out everyone's 3 default roles. I usually have enough CP by the end of each section or after a boss fight to grab all the chrysantheum (sp?) skills that are available for each character. I don't grind much either. I just kill everything I see. i really don't think i'll be teaching anyone any new roles either, except maybe Fang. I'm getting a Kimari Rhonso vibe from her... and he ended up being useless to me in FFX because I didn't develop him properly.

If I want to grind I usually find a path with many respawning enemies and kill them until I'm tired and get bazillions of CP, yesterday I found a corridor flooding with PSICOM and did it a LOT of times and got so much money (credit chip/incentive chip spoils) that I maxed out every main weapon of every character in and hour and a half...


zero margin said:
Is it? Surprising since there was almost a quarter million made.
Last time I checked Gamestop is the only place that have it in stock. Amazon, Bestbuy, Wal-Mart, Overstock, Barnes and Nobles, etc are all out of stock.


This upgrading weapon stuff is confusing - should i buy new weapons or should i just keep upgrading the ones i already have?

I have found weapons that have much worse stats than my current ones, but thats cause im comparing a level 1 weapon with a level 6/7 one!

Whats best?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
zero margin said:
Is it? Surprising since there was almost a quarter million made.
gamestops seem to be the best place to get them. I got mine yesterday and the gamestop probably had 15 or so in stock, and it showed up in stock at all other ones in the immediate area also.

but outside of gamestop, yeah it seems most places are out of them. 3 best buys in the area showed up yesterday morning. In the afternoon only one showed up and I just checked now this morning and none show up.


K' Dash said:
If I want to grind I usually find a path with many respawning enemies and kill them until I'm tired and get bazillions of CP, yesterday I found a corridor flooding with PSICOM and did it a LOT of times and got so much money (credit chip/incentive chip spoils) that I maxed out every main weapon of every character in and hour and a half...

That's a good idea, actually. I never thought about grinding because I didn't need the CP... but the money and components... That I need. Do we know what the protocol is for enemies respawning? I know that if I load a save in a room I cleared, all the enemies come back. Is there a more efficient way?


Adamm said:
This upgrading weapon stuff is confusing - should i buy new weapons or should i just keep upgrading the ones i already have?

I have found weapons that have much worse stats than my current ones, but thats cause im comparing a level 1 weapon with a level 6/7 one!

Whats best?
I'm just randomly shoving items to lvl them up. I look at the numbers, that's it
You know what's really annoying in FFXIII? After exiting the menu at the save points you have to wait a second or two before you can start moving. They really couldn't have fixed that?
Oh God vanille is such an adorable character, I love her!!! lol

My goodness, I'm positive SE made a conscious effort to make her as annoying as possible.


jorgeton said:
That's a good idea, actually. I never thought about grinding because I didn't need the CP... but the money and components... That I need. Do we know what the protocol is for enemies respawning? I know that if I load a save in a room I cleared, all the enemies come back. Is there a more efficient way?

When enemies are out of radar range they respawn.


We need more Vanille gifs :p

The very first thing I did when I unlocked the upgrade stuff, was to pump up Lightning's first sword to lvl 12 using all kinds of random shit. Did I screw up? :S


Adamm said:
This upgrading weapon stuff is confusing - should i buy new weapons or should i just keep upgrading the ones i already have?

I have found weapons that have much worse stats than my current ones, but thats cause im comparing a level 1 weapon with a level 6/7 one!

Whats best?

There's no weapons that's better than others per say. Some weapons are good for certain roles you're in. For example: if you use Lightning's role as a COM primarily then you want a weapon that has more +attack than magic.

As for upgrading, organic materials increase the multiplier bonus.
synthetic materials have more XP but decreases the multiplier bonus.

So what I would do is upgrade with organic materials first until you get +3 bonus, then upgrade with synthetic. When the multiplier bonus decreases then upgrade with organic again. rinse and repeat.


Minamu said:
We need more Vanille gifs :p

The very first thing I did when I unlocked the upgrade stuff, was to pump up Lightning's first sword to lvl 12 using all kinds of random shit. Did I screw up? :S

Not reeeeally.

I upgraded the Gladius to level 26 then crafted it into a Helter Skelter and also levelled that to 30.

.....then I found a Lionheart in chapter 12, which turns into the Ultima weapon later on.

Not really wasted since endgame content in FFXIII allows for material farming out the ass and the Helter Skelter I made did help me well throughout the game.

So in the end, up to you. Just know that you can beat the game without upgrading anything and that it really doesn't matter what you do until endgame content.
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