As one of the accused, I'd like to say that though I haven't played much yet, I really like the established mythos a lot, and I've got high hopes for the game. I hope it turns out well.I'd be curious to know what FFXIII haters think of this game. Sounds to me like it could be the series' redemption to those people.
there was a follow up post he made that said he only had level 4 GLD and was tanking as MAR so he wouldn't have had access to flash.
I see they choose the most exciting solo class....
There was a follow up post he made that said he only had level 4 GLD and was tanking as MAR so he wouldn't have had access to flash.
A few of you guys are overreacting.
Its not like can play on the NA servers and even they already showed the problems on stream lol
They do. It's called Overpower and you get it at level 12.MAR (MRD?) don't have an AoE? Weird.
Just entered my early access code on my PS3 through the start up of the beta client. It's now saying another 6GB file has to be downloaded. I thought it said a re-install would not be necessary?
MAR (MRD?) don't have an AoE? Weird.
There was a follow up post he made that said he only had level 4 GLD and was tanking as MAR so he wouldn't have had access to flash.
MAR (MRD?) don't have an AoE? Weird.
There was a follow up post he made that said he only had level 4 GLD and was tanking as MAR so he wouldn't have had access to flash.
There was a follow up post he made that said he only had level 4 GLD and was tanking as MAR so he wouldn't have had access to flash.
MRD has overpower and it feels much more powerful than flash for enmity, but I suppose it's harder to land.
A lot harder for SE now than it was for everyone else ten years ago, apparently. Does WoW make you wait for animations to finish before an ability can fire or make it impossible to communicate across servers?Guys, network development for mmos is hard.
Not really. This is pretty clearly your first MMO launch, these kinds of issues are no big deal. Be glad it's not eating into your actual paid time!
Yeah... Not really comparable. A lot has changed since then.Nope, played Asheron's Call through beta and launch - no issues that I can recall, it was a while ago though . . . and on dial-up.
MRD has overpower and it feels much more powerful than flash for enmity, but I suppose it's harder to land.
Just cancel that download and boot up your P4 client instead.
so use over power.... its a lv12 ability.... unless this not one of the dungeons, but a lv10 guildhest. In that case it's going to be rough
Nope, streaming a JP server . . . you know, the only servers SE seems interested in keeping running smoothly. Please be excited for the stream.
Yup. Got Invigorate as the first thing I did today.Its easy to land, only problem is that you cant spam due to the high tp cost.
A lot harder for SE now than it was for everyone else ten years ago, apparently. Does WoW make you wait for animations to finish before an ability can fire or make it impossible to communicate across servers?
Uhm, do you think WoW had a smooth launch? Heck, do you think WoW expansions come out without issue?A lot harder for SE now than it was for everyone else ten years ago, apparently. Does WoW make you wait for animations to finish before an ability can fire or make it impossible to communicate across servers?
As much as all the server issues remind me of previous MMO launches... so does all the complaining.
Always hilarious. People will completely forget about this a few weeks from now.
On what are you basing your assumption that they aren't getting higher load now?
Using flash with MRD is for pussies.
You blast the fucking enemies with Overpower and watch that hate flowing to you with no problem.
As much as all the server issues remind me of previous MMO launches... so does all the complaining.
Always hilarious. People will completely forget about this a few weeks from now.
I see they choose the most exciting solo class....
What the he-.
ugh nvm, I'm not gonna argue.
Still asking for a code when I boot up the P4 client. I created a new Square Enix ID for the early access code (got locked out of my old SE account for some reason). Would this have something to do with it?
Maintenance until 8:30pm EST? Christ!!!!!!!
Blood for Blood + Bloodbath + Overpower =
Only got to level 7 so far but I'm not really feeling archer. Loved Ranger in FFIX...miss my Ranger/Ninja from back in the day. I'll stick with it awhile and see what happens.
Which instance?
You were supposed to be using Flash. You get it at level 8. The first instance is at 16.
Hey what's your in game name? I'm generally not on this early (7am in Australia) but I'm looking for a few friendly players or gaf link shell to join. I tried messaging one or two of the names on the spread sheet but they either werent on or did their English was no good. I'm boddhi teachwell if we happen to play at the same times.
What is the actual most exciting solo class? There are no semi-interesting combat encounters to be had in the first 15 levels of this game.
EDIT: Also, just think of Early Access as Beta Phase 5.
I played for a while as WAR 50 checking some 45+ FATEs in Mor Dhona and Coertas, there ain't no BfB on WAR 50.
I totally forgot about GW2's launch being bad. I'm just going to trust Aeana being right because I really don't remember any issues. No one will care in a few weeks.