I get the feeling that more than half of them are lurkers who don't even post here.
How's the FATE situation in your servers, guys?
Here on Ragnarok is something like this
Kinda miss Phase 3 FATEs where I had to wait for 2-3 people to engage the stronger FATEs. :\
That's where some people differ, I think a lot of us aren't in any real race to the endgame
I'd say a lot of people that kind of commitment isn't really feasible (school or jobs etc) so I know for myself I'd rather go at a leisurely pace
That's why it's nice to have GAF, there's always someone up for a dungeon run or whatever.
Doesn't excuse that they made more than adequate preparations for the JP launch, yet apparently don't care about the NA/EU launch. They knew exactly how many people to expect with the early launch, and they just ignored it.
You know this rarely happens with me, but that explains the creepy ghost moving cursor I get sometimes. I always just assumed it was my dog or something, but then realized he was no where near the mouse.... and the mouse was upside down.I have both mice. The G700 is definitely more comfortable. The G600 is a great mouse though if you can get used to it. There are some problems with the G600 that people have been reporting with some games like LoL or DOTA though where the cursor randomly jumps. Don't know how widespread the issue is though. I bought my G600 refurbed and have noticed the cursor moving by itself sometimes. Having said that I'd recommend the G700 as a safer bet for all your games other than FFXIV.
Doesn't excuse that they made more than adequate preparations for the JP launch, yet apparently don't care about the NA/EU launch. They knew exactly how many people to expect with the early launch, and they just ignored it.
While we're all waiting...what does the end game of FF 14 generally consist of? Just looking for an approximation off of 11 and 14 1.0, since no one probably has first hand experience.
That's where some people differ, I think a lot of us aren't in any real race to the endgame
I'd say a lot of people that kind of commitment isn't really feasible (school or jobs etc) so I know for myself I'd rather go at a leisurely pace
That's why it's nice to have GAF, there's always someone up for a dungeon run or whatever.
I thinkandCrystal TowerBahamaut
Read the OP.
"Ignored it." You mean "S-E, like every game developer, didn't waste thousands of dollars on servers that would be unnecessary in a week."
Also be awesome to have AF and go back help others with dungeon and lvl sync back to lower levels HAHA!
Your locally owned brick and mortar store. Support small business!
How big are those generally? I think I heard the numbers 8 and 30 thrown around a bit?
I must be blind cause I'm not seeing it =\
Ugh, Is nice for a while but I rather find my own rhythm between, like doing story quests, class quests...are just run out there.
I think 24?
3 8-Member Parties
I could be wrong
Finally, confirmation for that burning question on everyone's mind.
You realize you can rent these right?
How's the FATE situation in your servers, guys?
Finally, confirmation for that burning question on everyone's mind.
Finally, confirmation for that burning question on everyone's mind.
Finally, confirmation for that burning question on everyone's mind.
Finally, confirmation for that burning question on everyone's mind.
How big are those generally? I think I heard the numbers 8 and 30 thrown around a bit?
I use a Logitech G600 for all the crazy buttons. It's an amazing mouse.
Don't even think of buying a Razer. Terrible build quality.
Why were people wondering? You can't release a game without trophies now.
Server: gaf.mumble.com
Port: 5311
They knew exactly how many people to expect with the early launch, and they just ignored it.
Grave Robber not sleeping ever again confirmed.
I'm having withdrawal
Did you see my morning snack picture LOL
How would they know?
I'm thinking I might become a Miner with my Therm once I hit 10, there seems like a lot of nice mining spots around Ul'Dah.
What's the required level for Copperbell Mines, it's a dungeon, right?
Because their system generated each and every EA code. So there was an exact count to base the model off of.
Finally, confirmation for that burning question on everyone's mind.
Yeah, Caramel Crunch and Much >>>>>>> Butter Toffee
GraveRobberX said: