I guess I don't know what I was reading in Yoshi's post...
In laymen's terms, besides overfilling servers to the point they have temporary issues that can't be resolved until the load is lightened, what kind of damage are we looking at here?
So what's the deal with the mounts? I've heard you have to get your GC mount first, but I've had others say it's not true.
I used the whistle, selected it from my mounts menu, and the icon is greyed out and is not selectable. What do you have to do to use it?
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| Naoki Yoshida uses a Phoenix Down. It's Not Very Effective
Ah I was thinking it was a new issue for them and that's where the message came from. I guess it reads more like, "You probably aren't going to be able to play with your friends." now.Some of them have been locked since phase 4, but there are still some open ones-as there are for NA/EU. JP side also got the message.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| Naoki Yoshida uses a Phoenix Down. It's Not Very Effective
There was a message the other day from him saying there aren't enough tanks and to please play tank.Amazing. Yoshi and co. had literally MONTHS to prepare for this contingency. And now that the contingency has arrived, his advice is literally "WELP, STOP FILLING UP THE SERVERS THEN DERP"
Considering all these problems are being caused by sheer consumer demand to play the game, I'd say he's doing OK.
It just comes down to how the next few weeks are handled.
That was a message the other day from him saying there aren't enough tanks and to please play tank.
Essentially the servers are close to the caps, unless people logoff they can't increase caps. If they try to increase caps the server may crash.
There*Um.... what? Did you click on the link?
I bet the idle timer is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced soon to kick of idlers
Amazing. Yoshi and co. had literally MONTHS to prepare for this contingency. And now that the contingency has arrived, instead of fixing it, he simply says "WELP, STOP FILLING UP THE SERVERS THEN DERP"
I bet the idle timer is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced soon to kick of idlers
Ha, it's ridiculous how many people there are! I've never played an MMO during launch period before, I'm amazed.
Next few weeks? Most current MMO players don't have the patience to wait that long, nor should they be expected to. SE needs to get this fixed before launch day - launch week.
I read everything that they say, it can take a while sometimes.So it should be.
I've seen really large groups huddled around quest givers, doing absolutely nothing but crowding up the area.
Any idea when the instance servers might come back up? I don't see the point in just grinding so I can't really progress at all at the moment.
They should have never attempted to segregate the servers. FFXI worked just fine and a good mix on all servers ensured a good population at all times of the day.
This is an artificial situation precisely because there are more people concurrently accessing the servers than the game will reasonably have doing so for most of its lifespan. Success or not, a lot of people are going to peace out once the first month expires.
Everyone always overdramatizes week one of MMO launches, they're always ugly and it's always the end of the world except it isn't. But if the situation doesn't improve by the time subscriptions are supposed to get renewed, then we have an actual problem.
That fate farming at High Bridge was crazy lol. Pretty much everyone there was GAF.
I would think that if a person is willing to subscribe to your game, you want to have the capacity to let them.This is an artificial situation precisely because there are more people concurrently accessing the servers than the game will reasonably have doing so for most of its lifespan. Success or not, a lot of people are going to peace out once the first month expires.
Everyone always overdramatizes week one of MMO launches, they're always ugly and it's always the end of the world except it isn't. But if the situation doesn't improve by the time subscriptions are supposed to get renewed, then we have an actual problem.
How do you even manage those? I couldn't even see the thing we were supposed to be attacking :/
How do you even manage those? I couldn't even see the thing we were supposed to be attacking :/
Finally got my early access code. Looks like it somehow got lost the first time, I was wondering why it was taking Amazon so long.
There's no way I'll get in Ultros anytime soon right? :/
So after lvl15, you pretty much have to craft your own armor/weapon unless you do dungeons? There's no high level merchants?
Hello, this is FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Producer and Director, Yoshida.
Thank you for your cooperation on the multiple maintenance correspondence.
With the 2 maintenance that was implemented with the NA/EU Data Center, we have resolved the 90000 error origin and corresponding characters. For the few reports that have been sent after the maintenance, it seems like it is a separate issue, and we will be working on them individually. Thank you for your cooperation with the maintenance.
And we are also currently working on the an even better way to optimize the heavy load of simultaneous access, heavy load on matching and the matching server features for Duty Finder.
Since it is hard to implement them during peak hours and that it might make the matters worse, we are carefully deciding when to do it.
So at 4:00 p.m. JST, we will be implementing a maintenance to optimize the NA/EU Data Centers. At the same time, we will be implementing all the fixes done for the NA/EU Data Centers to the JP Data Center, so a maintenance will be done on the JP Data Centers to get a smoother optimization.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this is causing everyone, but we please ask for continued cooperation for an overall stable environment. The Development and Support Team will continue to work hard for smoother play to our customers, and we thank you for understanding and for your cooperation.
Saw a merchant selling level 20+ items so I think you just have to progress to higher zones.
It's a sub-based MMO. I would think that if a person is willing to subscribe to your game, you want to have the capacity to let them.