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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| World Full. Try again later. Please Understand

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So the answer is to plug in more fucking servers and up world counts.

Maybe an open beta longer than like 2 days out of the blue would have helped this kind of situation. Why are the people in charge of this shit always the most short sighted twits imaginable?

Yeah, the decision to have such a short 'open' beta was strange.


I'm hoping things will get better tomorrow or Tuesday, after most people are back at work and people who preordered/canceled immediately just for EA are gone. Who knows how many people who didn't bother with EA will be logging in on Tuesday though?

As of now, this is technically one of the worst MMO launches I've seen, but at least they're sort of keeping us updated on what's going on. Hopefully they can sort it out soon. Beta should have probably been longer but I'm assuming they didn't anticipate so many people to join EA.


Ugh, please don't tell me that. I had some things to do last night, so I logged out. Came back and then I had 20 mins before maintenance, so I said forget it, and just went to sleep.

Now, I woke up, getting ready to jump in, and there's maintenance again?
Fuck!! Fuck!! FUCK!! FUCK!!


When will the next maintenance start and how long will it last?

I just got 90k'd. Is it because of the maintenance?


I knew this was going to happen the moment i heard there was only a 3 day open beta.

Way too fucking short to sort these types of issues out.


There is already a lvl 40 on our server. With all these people on the fast track, I wonder how much content there will be at lvl 50.

Endgame consists of 3 level 50 dungeons, 2 level 50 FATEs (might be a few more but talking about Odin and Behemoth), 3 Primal fights (Ifrit, Garuda and Titan), and the Labirynth of Bahamut (which seems to be divided in 6 floors/sections). There might be level 50 GC leves that are harder than the usual ones, but that is just assumption on my part.


Neo Member
That is the absolute worst thing they could do. Unless you want people to drop the game because their server is a ghost town.

It is the best thing they could do short of having actually spent the money of building out more robust servers, or spending the money to have a datacenter in Europe. This is simply a bad launch, no excuses for a RE-launch of a game.

People will not quite once their server is a "ghost-town" if they have the opportunity to transfer, or if servers are merged. The game is great, the management of the game is bad, just bad.


Went to sleep because of maintenance last night, working up and log in to find out maintenance is going to happen against within minutes...ugh.

How long is maintenance?
My biggest problem with the game is that kills don't count for everyone in areas.

It took me almost 30 minutes just to kill 6 fucking beetles. Seriously, it's 2013. If you are in an area with 1000 other people on the same quest, kills should count for all.

I came across that problem of having too little mobs for a quest when 20+ people were attempting to do it also. I just took the initiative to invite everyone I seen vying for claim on these particular mobs and got the quest done within 3min.

It's an mmo, although SE is forcing us to solo so much shit, it doesn't hurt to communicate every once and awhile to help get over a hurdle. Could have saved yourself the headache.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
That is the absolute worst thing they could do. Unless you want people to drop the game because their server is a ghost town.

I'm not particularly sure why there are worlds at all if they all overload at once and seemingly cant quantify their population properly with what their hardware can manage? Its not like this shit is Square's first MMO and they dont have access to the absolute specific amount of early access codes coming in. Its total joke-town.

Whats gonna change in two hours? They share the load of certain worlds between more interconnected boxes?

I had a more enjoyable experience for the period in which I was paying nothing for this shit! Thats not the right way round!


This is pretty much launch "early access" means nothing. Most people who want to play the game have it pre-ordered. What I don't understand is why they didn't have these issues during open beta.

I'm fully convinced it's various bottlenecking issues, similar things happened in FFXI regarding anything involving a CS when stuff launched (anyne else remember the line for the Companion quest in the crypt area?), and having several fully instanced encounters peppered throughout the game from the get-go means that it gets worse as more people get to that point and are stuck too. Even worse, several of those are necessary to complete for real progression (unlocking other jobs and areas and functions and whatever).

I'm also fairly positive there's a non-insignificant amount of people playing the game right now who haven't bought it yet. I know I got at least 1 extra "early access"/SE code on my Gamestop receipt (that I did not give away) and it seems you could easily preorder for those codes and then just cancel your preorder to play right now. That + there's just a lot more people who could log in to play probably means they are just now really reacting to sever stress. I say this isn't the real launch because whatever instancing issues they have now will most certainly be magnified several times over if they are still around come Tuesday.

SE definitely is to blame for this, but a lot of people are mad at the wrong aspects of it imo, or complaining just to complain/hear themselves talk which a lot of people just don't want to hear. I won't tell people to stop though (even if i usually tell people to complain to SE directly since their cognitive dissonance can be really bad), Whatever the reason for it, SE should not only be scrambling to fix it, but absolutely have it fixed before official launch. I want this game to keep going and this stuff could really cripple their potential userbase and image going forward. it doesn't really matter if other games had worse launches, what matters is that this launch is a good one period rather than comparatively. They still have a solid chance but they are running out of time.
BTW, for those curious, yes AF quests are indeed soloable now, and they start at level 45. I did all of my WHM story quests (including the unicorn mount quest), and the lvl45~quest gives you hands, legs, feet, and head. The final level 50 quest gives you the body + your last ability. If you already have the AF from 1.0, equip it during the quest so you won't get multiple AF that you cannot sell or discard (probably a bug for 1.0 players).


Someone put this person in a coma



Well, time to order some food and get in shape for a couple more hours after servers go live again. Not a big fan of people breaking the game with FATE groups. Don't misunderstand me, it is completly viable as it is in the game but I really don't dig games that let you cap out this quickly. For my part I am just gonna continue doing quests/leves/dungeons/etc and see where I end up with that.


So, the chat log in the lower left can have multiple tabs. You can pull the tabs out to have several chat logs. My question is, can you merge those? Can I have a chat log in the lower right with multiple tabs? Couldn't find a way :(. Tried to naively move one pulled out chat log into another hoping they would merge together, but didn't.


So the answer is to plug in more fucking servers and up world counts.

Maybe an open beta longer than like 2 days out of the blue would have helped this kind of situation. Why are the people in charge of this shit always the most short sighted twits imaginable?

A couple servers, possibly, but in my experience going overboard on adding servers = a month or two of satisfaction and then another 10 months of bare ass gameplay due to server population being screwed. SWTOR died due to this, among other reasons. They panicked and opened a shit ton of servers, spread the population way too thin...when folks started leaving it was ghost towns all over. WoW has long suffered from the same fate as well - many barren servers and a few super popular ones. EDIT: Higher player caps per server is the answer. More player load. They'll get it sorted, just hopefully before everyone jumps off the deep end.


Is it fair to say they need a second NA/EU Datacenter at this point?

They need an EU datacenter in the EU!
A couple servers, possibly, but in my experience going overboard on adding servers = a month or two of satisfaction and then another 10 months of bare ass gameplay due to server population being screwed. SWTOR died due to this, among other reasons. They panicked and opened a shit ton of servers, spread the population way too thin...when folks started leaving it was ghost towns all over. WoW has long suffered from the same fate as well - many barren servers and a few super popular ones.

I quit SWTOR due to this and I was the most hyped person on GAF.



Takeda Kenshi

blew Staal
Doing quests naked has made some of the lv. 20+ ones a little exciting. The difficulty is increasing, but knowing what I know about AF quests now, I'm still rather concerned. I actually lost twice against the GLA lv. 20 quest and had to slightly adjust my tactics. I liked that.

Still, it is very hard for me to enjoy this game right now. Even the aspects I like (namely, the aesthetics, but particularly those that feel associated with Eorzea and not the uncreative fanboy approach to "what is Final Fantasy" that is slowly enveloping it) are being drowned out by the sheer tedium of it being a very typical MMORPG that is too afraid of being "stressful". It is actually harder to enjoy the setting given how systematic and manipulative things have become - how brutally aware I am that this is a MMORPG player's MMORPG. Hanging over it is also my pessimism how it goes out of its way to destroy any sense of community outside of your free company (including having long since lost the multicultural aspect in the process) and how their game design reflects how little they think of the playerbase's intelligence and patience. If you are saying "wait til end-game", then you are failing to see how much of a cynical approach that is to treat players (especially when "it is a real Final Fantasy" is main selling point). I'm really looking for a moment where it clicks, where it is both challenging and not blatantly trying to manipulate me. If they can put forth a piece of content that makes me forget this is a MMORPG that is trying to patronize me, I'll be excited. Server issues at launch a short-term concern to me, so whatever, but I guess they are slowing me down while I try to look for that moment.

That being what it is, what I'm curious is how the game will look when the new MMORPG smell wears off.

A-fucking-men brother. What do you know about the AF quests btw?
I feel bad for people who JUST got on thinking the skies had opened for them, and a light came down greeting them to the game... nope, just maintenance. Sorry fellas :(


Maybe he means add more dungeon/instance servers because it seems these are the ones that are having the biggest problems right now.

Which might not even be the solution if the issue isn't capacity but a bottleneck involved when transferring characters to instances.
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