are you able to party up for main story fights, or do you have to do those on your own?
On your own for the early fights so far. Dungeon based story fights are parties of course, but later on...there may be larger scale party battles.
are you able to party up for main story fights, or do you have to do those on your own?
Main story portions that lead to primals/dungeon instances have to be done in a group, other then that the smaller fights are all done solely by yourself.
Wasn't that posted last night?Yoshi has some comments:
Hello, this is FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Producer and Director, Yoshida.
Thank you for your cooperation on the multiple maintenance correspondence.
With the 2 maintenances that were implemented with the NA/EU Data Center, we have resolved the 90000 error origin and corresponding characters. For the few reports that have been sent after the maintenance, it seems like it is a separate issue, and we will be working on them individually. Thank you for your cooperation with the maintenance.
And we are also currently working on the an even better way to optimize the heavy load of simultaneous access, heavy load on matching and the matching server features for Duty Finder.
Since it is hard to implement them during peak hours and that it might make the matters worse, we are carefully deciding when to do it.
So at Aug. 25 12:00 a.m. PDT, we will be implementing a maintenance to optimize the NA/EU Data Centers. At the same time, we will be implementing all the fixes done for the NA/EU Data Centers to the JP Data Center, so maintenance will be done on the JP Data Centers to get a smoother optimization.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this is causing everyone, but we please ask for continued cooperation for an overall stable environment. The Development and Support Team will continue to work hard for smoother play to our customers, and we thank you for understanding and for your cooperation.
Ok Ok I seriously need some help and this process is really testing my patience.
SO I got the game from GMG, got the confirmation email with the key, that key I used in the square enix site to get the game. After I entered it it gave me my early access code( adifferent one) and it gave me a link to download the client. It then said that I need to register the game with that code in the sqaure enix page or the game client. Since the game client asked me for a one-time password I used the site, pressed the button that said I already have a square enix account etc. After I registered the game and it appears in the library it says I need to go to the Square Enix account management page to set up the one-time password and go from there so that I can log into the client so I can download the game etc. I'm stuck here.
I cannot access the client because of this one-time password, but on the Square Enix account management page I appear as not registered. I have been trying every different thing even accessing through a direct link the setup for the Android app but get an error. I'm seriously stuck and I hav eno email from either GMG or Square that truly helps. SE just sent me an email giving me my early acces register code and says to follow the link to register or to just do it through the client. I cannot get this far and I have not found what to do. HELP PLEASE!
I'm screwed then. Did a lvl 18 Ul'dah fight, did fine the first portion, then I get my ass handed to me by a masked mage and a gargoyle .
The worst part about what you did?I've been constantly remaking characters, being unable to decide on what class to play. So I finally chose a class...I delete my unwanted character, and now the server is not accepting new characters.
Ridiculous. I'm locked out of my server in early access. I thought the whole fucking point of early access was to get the server you want / names you wanted. I literally can't play the game, since I'm playing with a small community of people on that specific server.
Wasn't that posted last night?
Edit: Yeah, that's the same message from last night. That's referring to the maintenance that happened between midnight and early this morning.
I remember that from the beta.I'm screwed then. Did a lvl 18 Ul'dah fight, did fine the first portion, then I get my ass handed to me by a masked mage and a gargoyle .
Attack the gargoyle first, ignore the mage. And if it comes down to it, bring an antidote with you.
How far am I from finally get my airship ass? I just want to go to Limsa and unlock Archaist.
I'm screwed then. Did a lvl 18 Ul'dah fight, did fine the first portion, then I get my ass handed to me by a masked mage and a gargoyle .
I remember that from the beta.
Make sure you have some antidotes on you, and make DOUBLY sure you aggro only the Gargoyle until you've killed it. That way you should be able to handle them. If both tag-team up on you there will be pain.
Strange, the code SquEnix sent me for PS3 doesn't get accepted by the webshop. Oh well, I'm busy with other things anyway.
Wasn't that posted last night?
Edit: Yeah, that's the same message from last night. That's referring to the maintenance that happened between midnight and early this morning.
The worst part about what you did?
You advance far enough in your class's jobs and you can switch to any other easily. Granted you might have issues initially getting into classes not based in your starting city, but in the end the only reason to keep remaking characters was to settle on an appearance you liked, and perhaps deciding which starting story was more interesting though that's probably better powered through with the help of others once the game's running smoothly.
I think I'll re-rent SR4 and forget about FFXIV for now. Don't really feel like playing the game of mashing buttons to get in, just make me wait longer in a damn queue.
Ah shit, I only get to play on the weekends really ;_;
Well, I guess i'll wrap up SMT IV and pick up Pikmin 3.
|OT| World full. Try again later.
Hey guys, I'm having trouble with this early quest where you try and log into the game. Seems really high level for a starting quest; can't get past the boss named 1017. He looks like a rectangle on a black screen -- I can't even SEE my character when I'm fighting him. Any pointers?
A smaller party and continued cooperation are recommended.Hey guys, I'm having trouble with this early quest where you try and log into the game. Seems really high level for a starting quest; can't get past the boss named 1017. He looks like a rectangle on a black screen -- I can't even SEE my character when I'm fighting him. Any pointers?
Hey guys, I'm having trouble with this early quest where you try and log into the game. Seems really high level for a starting quest; can't get past the boss named 1017. He looks like a rectangle on a black screen -- I can't even SEE my character when I'm fighting him. Any pointers?