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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| World Full. Try again later. Please Understand

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Bah, the problem is that by preordering the game new, I wouldn't be able to play MY account - and I don't actually want to spend SO much money. There is a 'upgrade to collectors edition' option, but that's not available until the game comes out it seems! Bah

You would play your account, the early-access code is independent from the game registration code.

But still, it is a lot of money just to get a small artbook, a 6 songs soundtrack, a security token, some postcards, a fancy but awesome looking box, a bluray documentary, 2 extra days, 6 bonus items and basically an extra game registration for a new account.

Wait, when putting it that way, it seems like a lot of stuff. Still expensive tho.


Must be a lot of mmo virgins in here if people expected this (early) launch to go any differently than any MMOs first week.

Same shit every time with connection, congestion and other issues with any title.

Not only does that not make it acceptable, but this is definitely on the worse side in terms of an MMO launch. GW2's, Aions, TERAs launches were not this bad. They did not have multiple multi-hour emergency maintenance that did not fix anything. Saying otherwise is just being blind to the incredibly unacceptable lack of preparation by SE.


"rocky" is an understatement.

I've played MMOs at launch before and only a couple were borderline unplayable. One of which happened to be SE's. :/

Then perhaps you were one of the lucky ones in those other MMO launches. For myself, today, it took about 20 minutes to log in, and once I did, I used the duty finder to clear dungeons, I did story quests, I played for hours. Therefore my experience was not "border line unplayable". All major MMO launches are like this, unfortunately.
Nobody said it is "ok", but it is simply a reality of the genre. If you are getting yourself into a major MMO Early Access and expecting things not to be rocky, then you're fooling yourself.

I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:

- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe

The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion (foggy on this one, might not have been as bad).


Black Canada Mafia
You would play your account, the early-access code is independent from the game registration code.

But still, it is a lot of money just to get a small artbook, a 6 songs soundtrack, a security token, some postcards, a fancy but awesome looking box, a bluray documentary, 2 extra days, 6 bonus items and basically an extra game registration for a new account.

Wait, when putting it that way, it seems like a lot of stuff. Still expensive tho.

Well, the ONE thing I am considering is buying the Ps3 version - or do I get that version free?


I've actually had good luck with the duty stuff today. I just wonder if they misappropriated resources.

A smidge, they obviously expected FFXIV's base of popularity to be in Japan, like it was for FFXI. Thus, why EU/NA servers share so many services. My thoughts behind giving the EU servers their own Login and Duty servers, is that, despite the EU only having 4 servers (should be 6), even during their off hours they probably add some strain to the NA/EU Login/Duty servers.

Plus, of course, if its the NA servers hammering the Duty/Login servers, EU services would be unaffected, much like Japan is now.
Not only does that not make it acceptable, but this is definitely on the worse side in terms of an MMO launch. GW2's, Aions, TERAs launches were not this bad. They did not have multiple multi-hour emergency maintenance that did not fix anything. Saying otherwise is just being blind to the incredibly unacceptable lack of preparation by SE.

I disagree regarding GW2. It was quite bad...
I'm just gonna try later when Europe is sleeping, or in the morning when America is sleeping.
Looks like having both together is too much congestion for the servers.



You win tonight SE.


I don't really consider billing department going down and being scammed out of a month's subscription fine.


Compare this thread to the SWTOR OT around the time early access launched + launch.

You can see people actually talking about the game. Every page isn't full of complaints about being unable to play. Yeah, at launch there were queues, but at least there were actually queues rather than having to constantly retry or just being locked out of a server completely.
I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:

- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe

The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion.
Haha I have to call you on this. Dcuo and swtor were just as bad as this at launch. Dcuo Still has some of the same issues it had in beta(still love it) and swtor had the worst cues I've ever seen In an mmo. Ffxiv is a typical launch. It hasn't even really launched yet.


It wasn't this bad. I was actually able to log in and play the game, I just couldn't use the trading post for a few days. Big woop.

And the servers were also down 4 hours straight on the first day. And there were plenty of people with issues logging in. Overflows were very annoying. I don't see how GW2 launch was not bad.


And the servers were also down 4 hours straight on the first day. And there were plenty of people with issues logging in. Overflows were very annoying. I don't see how GW2 launch was not bad.

4 hours straight on the first day? Okay, XIV has had 3 emergency maintenences that required multiple hours of down time. Overflows are not a big deal -- you can STILL PLAY THE GAME.

"A lot of people" having issues logging in is not as bad as this, where besides a small number of players, nobody can log in at all and most of the time can't even see the servers.

I didn't say GW2's launch wasn't bad -- but it was not this bad.


I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:

- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe

The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion (foggy on this one, might not have been as bad).

This is my thought exactly. Rift, DCUO and Neverwinter had great launches.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Aw that's no fun, I'm on a japanese server, which I hear are pretty functional. I was looking forward to this all weekend! Aw wells

I'm not precisely sure of the legality of the thing, but there's sellers for pre-order codes on Ebay etc.


It wasn't this bad. I was actually able to log in and play the game, I just couldn't use the trading post for a few days. Big woop.

Considering that GW2 stopped being sold for a few days due to their technical issues, I think you're hecka downplaying this in order to support your narrative.

While I agree that SE should have structured their servers a bit differently, I've been following these threads for awhile, and people have stated repeatedly for over a month that FFXIV would probably have a few rocky days during early access and launch. So this is par for the course, and also why I didn't plan my entire weekend around playing this game.

Seriously, I just get the impression that a ton of people didn't pay attention or something. 9_9;;


Cool - so I buy the Ps3 version, get early access, and use that code on my PC - should work right?

Yeah, then later when you get the game and registrations are open (on Tuesday most likely) you install the game on PS3, link your PSN with your SE account and register the game and then you can play on either platform with the same account.


If they gave us proper error messages and be consistent about shit like the queues, it might be a bit better but its just infuriating to keep getting the Server is Full message when everyone is having problems just trying to get on period. Are the servers actually up at all?

Darkman M

So I decided to purchase this and I'm currently creating my player. I take it most gaffers are on ultros server?? Should I keep waiting and try to get on that particular server??


Must be a lot of mmo virgins in here if people expected this (early) launch to go any differently than any MMOs first week.

Same shit every time with connection, congestion and other issues with any title.

I've not seen an MMO crumble like this since the dark ages, not sure what you're talking about.


If they gave us proper error messages and be consistent about shit like the queues, it might be a bit better but its just infuriating to keep getting the Server is Full message when everyone is having problems just trying to get on period. Are the servers actually up at all?

They are - I have a friend on Leviathan who says everything is relatively smooth in there.

So once you're on, just don't log off, ever. And hope you don't crash while zoning.


I love playing on the US servers. I will wake up tomorrow morning while MURICA still sleeps, log in on my first try and have a wonderful 8 hours of gametime without problems. Then MURICA wakes up and the shitstorm begins ^^".
So I decided to purchase this and I'm currently creating my player. I take it most gaffers are on ultros server?? Should I keep waiting and try to get on that particular server??

Honestly, if you want to play right now, or in the next few days, don't bother.
Choose a server other than Ultros.
You could always create another character there later (or wait for them to introduce transfers)


They are - I have a friend on Leviathan who says everything is relatively smooth in there.

So once you're on, just don't log off, ever. And hope you don't crash while zoning.

This is true. Once you're in, everything works perfectly. Even Duty Finder. Just right now the servers can't handle so many people. That's why they need to start offering free transfers.
If they gave us proper error messages and be consistent about shit like the queues, it might be a bit better but its just infuriating to keep getting the Server is Full message when everyone is having problems just trying to get on period. Are the servers actually up at all?

Yeah they're up.
It seems they let a certain amount in, and then close off the ability to log-in.
All the while, people that are in are getting various errors and being booted, and not being able to get back in.
So after a time, the amount of users logged in is considerably less, so then they let in another batch.
Rinse and repeat.


I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:

- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe

The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion (foggy on this one, might not have been as bad).
And the two you mention are the closest analogs to XIV release...

WoW Expansions don't count for obvious reasons.
SWTOR they overdid it on servers and they had to merge shortly after launch. Now this may have helped for a smooth launch; whether it's the right call relies entirely on financial information we don't have access too.
Secret World wasn't successful, so it wasn't hit very hard. Bad comparison.
Neverwinter wasn't an MMO in the same sense. It's not going to have the infrastructure issues we're seeing.

Terra and DC Universe may be fair game.
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