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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| World Full. Try again later. Please Understand

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Yeah, then later when you get the game and registrations are open (on Tuesday most likely) you install the game on PS3, link your PSN with your SE account and register the game and then you can play on either platform with the same account.

Am I missing something here I thought you have to buy both version to play both versions


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
If they gave us proper error messages and be consistent about shit like the queues, it might be a bit better but its just infuriating to keep getting the Server is Full message when everyone is having problems just trying to get on period. Are the servers actually up at all?

They are, i got some friends in.

I think that the infrastructure is like this:

Login\patch servers
Lobby server
Actual servers.

1017 is probably the Lobby server denying you any contact with the actual server, while queues are implemented in the actual server itself.


This is true. Once you're in, everything works perfectly. Even Duty Finder. Just right now the servers can't handle so many people. That's why they need to start offering free transfers.

Not sure transfers would fix it, since it seems as if its the Login Server giving people grief right now.
I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:

- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe

The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion (foggy on this one, might not have been as bad).
From what I remember, LOTRO launch + early access was smooth as well. I played the shit out of that game that first week. Almost nonstop.


Junior Member
4 hours straight on the first day? Okay, XIV has had 3 emergency maintenences that required multiple hours of down time. Overflows are not a big deal -- you can STILL PLAY THE GAME.

"A lot of people" having issues logging in is not as bad as this, where besides a small number of players, nobody can log in at all and most of the time can't even see the servers.

I didn't say GW2's launch wasn't bad -- but it was not this bad.

Not to mention the amount of people who can't even make characters on their servers with friends. I have alot of friends who've yet to even take a step in the game as Moogle is never open for character creation. Telling people to play on another server and "thanks for understanding" is not a solution.


If they gave us proper error messages and be consistent about shit like the queues, it might be a bit better but its just infuriating to keep getting the Server is Full message when everyone is having problems just trying to get on period. Are the servers actually up at all?

For me, this is the root of the issue. Not that they have issues; that's fine. But the game doesn't elegantly handle the stressed states at ALL. I've also never seen an MMO claim to have "fixed" things so many times and then break. That's the biggest concern for me, when they can't tell if they've fixed something. Giant red flag.


They are, i got some friends in.

I think that the infrastructure is like this:

Login\patch servers
Lobby server
Actual servers.

1017 is probably the Lobby server denying you any contact with the actual server, while queues are implemented in the actual server itself.

Now, I'm curious, what the heck is the Lobby server supposed to do exactly?


"rocky" is an understatement.

I've played MMOs at launch before and only a couple were borderline unplayable. One of which happened to be SE's. :/

Yeah. The last big MMOs I've been a part of at launch were Rift and SWTOR. Rift likely wasn't as big so maybe its not a fair comparison. SWTOR had crazy long queue times, but everything worked the way it was suppose to and they didn't have to constantly bring everything down for hours at a time.

This is the worst I've seen in a long while. I'm not necessarily complaining about it either. I just don't agree with the notion that this was such a hopeless situation and SE could not have done anything to alleviate many of these issues.


It's also the weekend too. I expect they're well aware of the issues and are going to increase capacity during the week.

I fail to understand why they launch things like this during the weekend. I might be mistaken but doing this on a weekday sounds like a way better plan. Load will be spread more evenly and the loginserver won't be hammered as much, there's a smaller window in which peak hours in different timezones overlap, and they actually have the people and resources available to react accordingly to a situation like this. Yesterday they still managed to somewhat salvage it but today they got completely slaughtered. I don't want to know what release day is going to bring.

There might be a lot of freebies indeed, but it's situations like this that makes them not sub. Very bad first impression.

If I hadn't bought it yet myself I would've held off on doing so and given it at least another month. And then probably forgotten about it all together.


Not sure transfers would fix it, since it seems as if its the Login Server giving people grief right now.

The login server issues are manifestations of other issues, namely people spamming to try to get back in due to low login allowances and locked out issues.

Granted, the queue system isn't up to snuff, that's a valid complaint.


I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:

- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe

The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion (foggy on this one, might not have been as bad).

Swtor? Are you sure? That launch was one of the worst launches I've ever saw. At least during early access. Gw2 was okish. Never winter was smooth but Swtor oh boy I was in for a ride on that one lmao


From what I remember, LOTRO launch + early access was smooth as well. I played the shit out of that game that first week. Almost nonstop.

Hold on give them a minute to come up with a random reason as to why you can't compare those launches and continue to state that 'every mmo launch is as bad or worse than this one' when that's not really the case anymore


Is this new?

Early Access:
August 24, 2013 (Saturday), 2:00 a.m. to August 29, 2013 (Thursday), 11:59 p.m. (PDT)

No. That's not new. Early Access always ended a little past launch to accommodate people who get their games delivered a little late.


Hold on give them a minute to come up with a random reason as to why you can't compare those launches and continue to state that 'every mmo launch is as bad or worse than this one' when that's not really the case anymore

LOTRO is a fair comparison.
They are, i got some friends in.

I think that the infrastructure is like this:

Login\patch servers
Lobby server
Actual servers.

1017 is probably the Lobby server denying you any contact with the actual server, while queues are implemented in the actual server itself.

Yeah, they're throttling access at the lobby server, which is why nobody is actually getting into any queues, it's just the generic 1017 error.
When they remove the throttle, everybody goes into a queue and then minutes later they throttle the access again. It's their way of dealing with congestion, only a certain number are getting in at a time.
It sucks, I'd much rather wait in a 30 minute/ 1 hour queue and know I'll get in, instead of randomly trying.

Panda Rin

Can we expect things to get worse on the 27th when the press and general mass hear word about the game? I can't really imagine it alleviating..


Not sure transfers would fix it, since it seems as if its the Login Server giving people grief right now.

They still could be keeping new character creations down as well. That's the frustrating part to me right now. I can't get friends onto my server.


Hold on give them a minute to come up with a random reason as to why you can't compare those launches and continue to state that 'every mmo launch is as bad or worse than this one' when that's not really the case anymore

So true, the leaps of logic can really be incredible. I'd be willing to cut slack on early access, though. Stress testing is no substitute for reality, but afterwards if anything persists they should be raked over the coals completely if they can't get it up to speed.
Can we expect things to get worse on the 27th when the press and general mass hear word about the game? I can't really imagine it alleviating..

If Squenix hasn't doubled the number of NA/EU servers by Tuesday, they might as well not officially launch it. All the worlds are supposedly nearly full during EA and you can't login to any of them anyways. There's no point in having an influx of new players who have no servers to play on.

Unless they all decided to pile en-masse onto the JP servers and crash them. Maybe if frustrated NA/EU players started hammering the JP servers and making Squenix's precious JP playerbase mad, they would pull their heads out of their asses and actually do something.


From what I remember, LOTRO launch + early access was smooth as well. I played the shit out of that game that first week. Almost nonstop.

Still the high bar for MMO launches that don't have it easy user-base wise. They had a lot on their plate and I can't remember a launch that went better.


Thread title change is only perpetuating the complaining. gg.
Honestly the people acting like this is completely fine causes me to complain more than anything else.

"MMO launch virgins hyuck hyuck"

This isn't our first rodeo. It's just the least pleasant one we've been apart of.


Servers are going to be a lot more stable tomorrow. And yes, even Tuesday. Weekday, people going back to school (if they haven't already), working etc.

Dumbest thing SE did was launch these betas and EA on the weekend.


Got my fighting chocobo, yay.



They still could be keeping new character creations down as well. That's the frustrating part to me right now. I can't get friends onto my server.

Yeah, thats weird.

Basically I think that for catastrophic congestion issues like this, they need to make certain character creation stays up, and they need to have a proper queue system.

Granted, they may only need those fixes rarely after the first 48 hours after launch, and servers settle down. Still, they may once again have brief periods of congestion during new patches, expansions, or when the game is released on new platforms. So they should get those fixes up for those instances.


City of Heroes/Villains had a good, easy launch as well, hardly any issues. Conan had HORRIBLE issues as well though.

But point is yes most mmos launch horrible, it doesn't mean it should be accepted and looked over like business 101.


If Squenix hasn't doubled the number of NA/EU servers by Tuesday, they might as well not officially launch it. All the worlds are supposedly nearly full during EA and you can't login to any of them anyways. There's no point in having an influx of new players who have no servers to play on.

Unless they all decided to pile en-masse onto the JP servers and crash them. Maybe if frustrated NA/EU players started hammering the JP servers and making Squenix's precious JP playerbase mad, they would pull their heads out of their asses and actually do something.

Double the hyperbole! Double the fun!

Firstly, yes, I agree they should have more servers. Having the same number as JP suggest a serious resource allocation disparity. I doubt we need double though.

Second, you establish the cause of the NA/EU problems is resource allocation, yet then assert it's due to favortism? There is no way JP alone pays for the TWO dev cycles this game has. It takes me, a lay bystander, simple logic to deduce that if more peopel are hitting NA/EU than they stand to make more money from NA/EU. Pretty sure people at SE are aware of this as well. There is no favoritism. That's stupid.


SWTOR they overdid it on servers and they had to merge shortly after launch. Now this may have helped for a smooth launch; whether it's the right call relies entirely on financial information we don't have access too.

Who gives a shit if they had to merge servers? If everyone who purchased a copy of the game could get in and play the game then thats the "right call". Consumers have no responsibility to worry about the financial burdens a company willingly shoulders when it sells them a game. Yet companies continuously get away with shorting MMO customers when it comes to launch because of an endless chorus of "Well thats just the way it is".


Who gives a shit if they had to merge servers? If everyone who purchased a copy of the game could get in and play the game then thats the "right call". Consumers have no responsibility to worry about the financial burdens a company willingly shoulders when it sells them a game. Yet companies continuously get away with shorting MMO customers when it comes to launch because of an endless chorus of "Well thats just the way it is".

A lot of people.

Merging servers tells people to stay away from the game. If I see dead servers and people clamoring for a server merge, I don't touch that MMO.


They clearly didn't have ANY backup servers to commission in case of heavy load. That is just atrocious preparation and lack of foresight by Square. P4 should've at least clued them in that there were more NA/EU players than they originally expected.

And yet, not a single new server has been opened despite nearly all NA/EU servers being locked for character creation

Sure, they don't want to go overboard like SWTOR did, but I suspect they didn't have any extra servers ready to go for a situation like this. And it being a weekend meant nothing would be able to be brought in until Monday. Their "fixes" during maintenance reflect this. Instead of increasing capacity to handle the load, they're capping the number of players who can log into the game itself. So now instead of putting strain on the instance/duty servers, we're straining the login/lobby servers. Good job Square.


Who gives a shit if they had to merge servers? If everyone who purchased a copy of the game could get in and play the game then thats the "right call". Consumers have no responsibility to worry about the financial burdens a company willingly shoulders when it sells them a game. Yet companies continuously get away with shorting MMO customers when it comes to launch because of an endless chorus of "Well thats just the way it is".

Math. If it cost 5 million to have the extra padding to save 10,00 customers...did you gain or lose money by this decision? What is the monetary value of reputation? I wasn't going to get into all that, is what I was trying to express. It WAS a fair game for comparison.


Servers are going to be a lot more stable tomorrow. And yes, even Tuesday. Weekday, people going back to school (if they haven't already), working etc.

Dumbest thing SE did was launch these betas and EA on the weekend.

Yeah, I mean sure, in the evenings a lot of people will be logging back on, but not all of them. Plus, during the weekends, there's going to be a lot more overlap between NA and EU players trying to log on. I mean, last night for example, before the maintenance went through, there was about two hours when everything started working, as most NA players went to bed. So take out even a little traffic, from people having to work or sleep, and things start working fine.

EU players, and those of use living in the western United States, had a lot of fun during those few hours.


Black Canada Mafia
Sooooo, do I normally have to wait for my pre-order code? Hopefully not too long if I do - if I check my invoice info, it says "Processing serial number or unlock code." Where I would EXPECT to see it, so... there's that.


Honestly the people acting like this is completely fine causes me to complain more than anything else.

"MMO launch virgins hyuck hyuck"

This isn't our first rodeo. It's just the least pleasant one we've been apart of.

You all haven't been to very many rodeo's then because there have been way worse.
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