I can confirm this isn't true. I've logged in and out 5 times since early this morning. Had to wait but eventually got in every time.They locked down ultros. It's impossible to get in.
There was a 2.5min window to log in 2 hours ago, in the last 6+ hours
Servers? Game? Play?
i'm losing it
Yes, you missed the previous posts mentioning that he, as a 1.0 player, is receiving the PC client free.
Neverwinter had a pretty bad launch and SWTOR suffered from bad queues and disconnects.I would stop spouting this kind rhetoric. Competent developers have managed launches no problem. From what I've played the following games all had smooth launches:
- Terra
- Recent WoW Expansions
- The Secret World
- Neverwinter
- DC Universe
The only two games I remember playing at launch that we're worse than this was OG WoW and Aion (foggy on this one, might not have been as bad).
Double the hyperbole! Double the fun!
Firstly, yes, I agree they should have more servers. Having the same number as JP suggest a serious resource allocation disparity. I doubt we need double though.
Second, you establish the cause of the NA/EU problems is resource allocation, yet then assert it's due to favortism? There is no way JP alone pays for the TWO dev cycles this game has. It takes me, a lay bystander, simple logic to deduce that if more peopel are hitting NA/EU than they stand to make more money from NA/EU. Pretty sure people at SE are aware of this as well. There is no favoritism. That's stupid.
Bear in mind tomorrow is a holiday for some in the EU.
What about the past 6 hours? Forget about earlier.I can confirm this isn't true. I've logged in and out 5 times since early this morning. Had to wait but eventually got in every time.
SE is not known for making decisions based on liking to make money. Final Fantasy Type-0 not getting a release outside of Japan is an example of this. Furthermore, they KNOW how many copies of the game they pre-sold in every region. So I defy you to give me a rational explanation for how they could get server resource allocation this wrong even when they should have all the information they need in front of them.
This thread was amusing at first, but now it's just getting sad
Honestly the people acting like this is completely fine causes me to complain more than anything else.
"MMO launch virgins hyuck hyuck"
This isn't our first rodeo. It's just the least pleasant one we've been apart of.
SE is not known for making decisions based on liking to make money. Final Fantasy Type-0 not getting a release outside of Japan is an example of this. Furthermore, they KNOW how many copies of the game they pre-sold in every region. So I defy you to give me a rational explanation for how they could get server resource allocation this wrong even when they should have all the information they need in front of them.
Anyone Playing FFXIV with an I3 and 7850 ?
hows the game play ?
With all the dumbshits flooding in I dont think that the blacklist with a cap of 200 is going to be enough.
Unsatisfied with this ranking, SE quickly modified their strategy to add the login, crashes and queue issues that were lacking the first time they launched.
You remind me of Londa for some reason.
Anyone Playing FFXIV with an I3 and 7850 ?
hows the game play ?
well this is different getting 1017 before getting to my character to select, guess they decided to wall off the lobby servers now.
Twice in the past 6 hours. Not gonna test it now though lol.What about the past 6 hours? Forget about earlier.
What do you mean?
Eeessh. Rough.
well this is different getting 1017 before getting to my character to select, guess they decided to wall off the lobby servers now.
Unless they all decided to pile en-masse onto the JP servers and crash them. Maybe if frustrated NA/EU players started hammering the JP servers and making Squenix's precious JP playerbase mad, they would pull their heads out of their asses and actually do something.
Math. If it cost 5 million to have the extra padding to save 10,00 customers...did you gain or lose money by this decision? What is the monetary value of reputation? I wasn't going to get into all that, is what I was trying to express. It WAS a fair game for comparison.
*Rolls eyes*You all haven't been to very many rodeo's then because there have been way worse.
Being out of sync with American time has made this launch pretty great for me.
Managed to get 6 hours play in each of the first two days.
Phenom II x4 @4ghz and an overclocked 7870. So my rig is only a smidge beefier.
Mmm, on Desktop High, you should expect somewhere around 50-55fps in most instances, and 30fps in capital towns. I get around 60/38fps.
I am! It plays relatively smoothly on high, doesn't usually dip below 30fps.
Again, nothing to do with the consumer, when the consumer purchases a game theyve formed a contract in good faith with the manufacturer of the game. The customer has paid their money and upheld their part of the bargain, if the developer fails to deliver due to incompetence and being unable to calculate how many servers they need (which they should have a fairly good idea off) thats bad. If the developer fails to deliver because they know they can "get away with it" theyre simply cheating consumers. But sadly they will get away with it because for some reason videogame fans are all too happy to leap to the defence of the poor old embattled games corporations with the battle cry of an unequal status quo i.e. "Thats how it always is". A phrase which both implicitly alleviates the developer of responsibility for their failure while simultaneously casting the consumer as a powerless agent unable to change the status quo.
Well that sort of went off on a tangent and ultimately MMO companies will continue to get away with this shit because populations will drop off and the people who stick around wont be able to work up any ire over it because by and large the dysfunctional relationship between gamers as gamers and gamers as consumers with videogame developers is akin to Stockholm Syndrome.
If only I could lot in I wouldnt have to blather on like this![]()