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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| World Full. Try again later. Please Understand

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I have been too busy to play today, but it seems like I didn't miss anything. I was hoping to play a little bit this evening, though. :(
I've been playing MMO's for over 15 years now. I've been there for the launches of several games and while this isn't THE worst, which I would personally give to Anarchy Online, this one is definitely among the top worst launches by far.

SE couldn't afford to blunder this game a second time and yet here we are staring it right in the face. They managed to fix what didn't work (the gameplay) but completely break what did work between 1.0 and this release. I find it hard to believe that here in the later part of the year two thousand and thirteen that not only is this sort of problem happening to this extent but that there is a full-on defense force for it.

It's not even a matter of paying for it, which I did, but that this situation is but a mere sample of things to come. If things are THIS BAD now, then Tuesday is gonna be one hell of a ride. They are about to sink this ship before it leaves port at this rate.

I'm seriously considering returning the collectors edition and advising my friends who were going to play with me to return their orders as well. It may just be three people between us but I highly doubt I/we are the only ones.

They have roughly 27 more hours to get things sorted out and under control and I just don't see it happening if they keep this pace.
Yeah seriously, how the hell are people even defending this shit? FFXIV shit launch 2.0 incoming.
So I made a character in Carbuncle and there's like no one on here. Is the traffic coming in from Japan just super light compared to US/EU? Ugh I just want to play the damn game. Dunno if I should just play on here. :( Super bummed.


To what? And I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.

I feel like I have a better idea, since the title seems like a careless play off the one I had originally:

The 4 Warriors of Darkness: 1017, 2002, 90000, 3102

Minus "The" if it is doesn't fit.


I know this has been said many times, but I feel automatically logging off people who have been inactive for 15/30/45 mins would ease things up a lot. This is the only MMO I've played that doesn't do it. Did the devs ever mention why such system wasn't in place? I know they have talked about kicking (or not kicking) during dungeons...


Beta test progress too.
Maybe not to you but people who don't get a whole lot of free time don't want to spend more of that free time to re-level and then not be able to play with friends because you are stuck on a japan server for who knows how long.

If i was able to spend 6 hours a day playing i wouldn't care, i don't.




Crystal Bearer
Haven't been able to get on Ultros so I decided to mess around with my Legacy character on Masamune. Ul'dah is a much better starter city for story-related quests than Gridania, or rather, they started a lot sooner it seems.
So three hours ago some friends decide to make a character on Exodus because the Ultros wasn't letting new characters log on. I was fine with making a new character - I only got to level six anyways. I was about to see a movie though so I couldn't roll at the same time as they were.

I came home and low and behold... Exodus is already full too. And no matter how many times I attempt to get to my character on Ultros, the world is full. I really feel like I need to come back a month from now. I'd be less grumpy if I knew I had the new Warcraft patch on Tuesday to keep me occupied but nooo... they had to tease me with a 27th date then officially announce it for the 10th.

This no idle bump thing is pissing me off too because it's only encouraging people to not log because it's so hard to get in.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Finally managed to get in and fucking blasted away for hours getting Marauder up to 18, Gladiator up to 10, Miner up to 8, and Armorer up to 12.

Will do the first dungeon tomorrow HOPEFULLY.


I love how Yoshi keeps complaining about too many people on the servers, yet he doesn't even bother to implement idle checks on all the idlers to give people a chance to get in.

Never change, Yoshi, never change.


This. That reddit thread is quite funny.

SE deserves to be ranted at, vilified, flamed, etc. Other players, not so much.
No. They don't. They are working very hard. This is the attitude of a child. If you are disatisfied to that degree then get a refund and be done with it, but don't act like a rude, spoiled brat.

(I'm really tired and going to bed so if you were being sarcastic I'm sorry XD)
Well, I for one am not going to sit here manually logging in for hours.

I wrote a script that keeps trying to log me in until I'm put in a queue. It even scans my game window (on my left monitor) for the "world is currently full" message in order to avoid accidentally quitting when you land in a queue.

An hour later I get in a queue, only to have the queue count to 0 and error out. GG square.


Most recent comment in Jiji's thread

Upvoted. Thank you. The irony of this is that most of the people saying these evil disgusting things is that they probably mostly identify as "christian".

Fucking reddit, man LOL


I just want to briefly make this announcement:

I'm on Durandal server (JP) and I've seen a lot of really, really terrible things being said in shout by enraged American/European players. If you are amongst these people I suggest you stop it, immediately. Not only is it disgusting, it is hurtful. All of this over you server being down is absolutely unacceptable. If you are among the people who have partaken in such harassment you should be ashamed.

I have been in contact with SEJP Support in game, and out. They have a list of players and they have said action will be taken. I will not post names, etc. But I want this to be seen and taken note of.

I have also posted it to the http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1l2yhq/naen_players_on_jp_servers_dont_be_stupid/.

While I don't agree with the horrible comments of people, I do believe if this problem was happening on JP servers SE would be taking a much bigger note of it. Other than "Please understand, you have to be patient to play the game you already paid for". I"m a legacy member I've given them my money all through 1.0 and their handling of this matter is rather shameful. Someone needs to man up and take some responsibility and say something useful.


Junior Member
I've been playing MMO's for over 15 years now. I've been there for the launches of several games and while this isn't THE worst, which I would personally give to Anarchy Online, this one is definitely among the top worst launches by far.

SE couldn't afford to blunder this game a second time and yet here we are staring it right in the face. They managed to fix what didn't work (the gameplay) but completely break what did work between 1.0 and this release. I find it hard to believe that here in the later part of the year two thousand and thirteen that not only is this sort of problem happening to this extent but that there is a full-on defense force for it.

It's not even a matter of paying for it, which I did, but that this situation is but a mere sample of things to come. If things are THIS BAD now, then Tuesday is gonna be one hell of a ride. They are about to sink this ship before it leaves port at this rate.

I'm seriously considering returning the collectors edition and advising my friends who were going to play with me to return their orders as well. It may just be three people between us but I highly doubt I/we are the only ones.

They have roughly 27 more hours to get things sorted out and under control and I just don't see it happening if they keep this pace.

couldn't have said it better myself. This is right up there with AO in regards to the major clusterfuck that is the state of the servers. Even then I gave Funcom a pass cause it was their first MMO and only the 3rd large commercial MMO of its time. Square has no fucking excuse, they need to look themselves in the mirror on this one. They had 4 weeks to open beta test this game since P3 ended and they took the high road. Furthermore they could have extended their open beta 2-3 days to clean up all these fuckups which were staring them in the face during the last weekend and nothing.

Personally I am very hesitant to pay for a sub if shit doesn't drastically improve over the next few weeks.


Neo Member
No. They don't. They are working very hard. This is the attitude of a child. If you are disatisfied to that degree then get a refund and be done with it, but don't act like a rude, spoiled brat.

(I'm really tired and going to bed so if you were being sarcastic I'm sorry XD)

Its more of a case that they (SE) didn't work hard enough to prepare for the amount of players who would hit their servers at Launch, doesn't even take 20/20 hindsight to see that. So yea, SE does deserve to be severely criticized. =)
Its more of a case that they (SE) didn't work hard enough to prepare for the amount of players who would hit their servers at Launch, doesn't even take 20/20 hindsight to see that. So yea, SE does deserve to be severely criticized. =)

From what I know about MMO launches it's going to take 1-4 weeks to resolve residual issues if demand keeps up.

Looks like FF14 is the new hotness.


Junior Member
No. They don't. They are working very hard. This is the attitude of a child. If you are disatisfied to that degree then get a refund and be done with it, but don't act like a rude, spoiled brat.

(I'm really tired and going to bed so if you were being sarcastic I'm sorry XD)

They fucked up. These issues were present through P4 and instead of extended open beta and addressing them they simply went business as usual


Kills Photobucket
Anyone know what to do to continue the story after going the 3 nations quest? Trying to get to the GC Chocobo point, since it seems that is needed before you can use Legacy chocobo and other mounts. Not seeing anything in quest recommendations though.


Since the first server maintenance happened on EA I decided to start over on Ultima since I figured it was probably the less populated server considering it was one of the last ones added in phase 4 and since I'm mainly playing solo I don't really care about not finsing people to play with. Haven't had any issues except for people who have decided to go there and shout their rage. I didn't go as far as Jijidasu to complain to customer support, but yeah, it is pretty annoying. I also saw some Japanese player complain about the players from other regions shouting things there but oh well:
EDIT: Lodestone! http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/2939699/ It still hasnt updated to reflect my actual current gear and levels though.
Random 90000 disconnects just walking around an area are awesome! So fun! ~.~

Says world data could not be obtained when trying to sign in. Lovely.


Anyone know what to do to continue the story after going the 3 nations quest? Trying to get to the GC Chocobo point, since it seems that is needed before you can use Legacy chocobo and other mounts. Not seeing anything in quest recommendations though.

If you mean after Ifrit, then go to the waking sands, north west of Horizon.
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