Massive Duck. C.M.
Just saw "Fix Na" and Letmeplay Inmyserver" with my JP server character...
World is full.
What the fuck was this maintenance for?
How does partying with others at much higher levels (or lower) do exp wise? I'd love to Fate party with you guys, but my PUG is only level 20.
What settings are you running man? I've got everything cranked on mine but yours looks much smoother?
What annoys me is how much FATEs give in xp compared to most leves/quests. You might as well farm highbridge or something all day if you want optimal experience gain(as well as getting some gil and seals)
The actual launch is in 2 days, right? What are they going to do then?
The actual launch is in 2 days, right? What are they going to do then?
I try to put in the early access code on the website, but it just asks me to log in. I log in, put in code, asked to log in. Rinse and repeat. HELP BROS
Telling you the stats measure up or surpass the dungeon stuff, unless you want to be fully decked out in green or pink HQ gear, up to you
Best is to at least finish off 1 Rank in GC (2K, 3K, 4K respectively) + 1 Hunting Log of GC
Unlock Rank 2, then spend seals as you wish on gear for your char/level
I can save 15K at the moment, that is good enough to cap out if you FATE farm for like 3-5 hours, then either rank invest to move save cap up or spend
Time to go F2P SE!
I believe You have good intentions and you wanted to provide a high quality service, but you Failed
So, even after this maint, I get a server full error message. What the hell?
I think next time they need to work something out with Amazon for making sure only paying customers get Early Access, like giving the codes AND charging for the game at a specific, announced time. That way at worst canceling's a lot riskier.Well...guess i'll mess around in X-Com a little more and then hit the hay.
I do wish the game put forward a better impression for early access, and then maybe have issues during normal least that would have given everyone time to really get a feel for the game.
So, even after this maint, I get a server full error message. What the hell?
Tried to do Ifrit with a tank who refused to attack the spike, then gets mad and quits....
It's almost 11 PDT how is this server full...
It's almost 11 PDT how is this server full...
Tank shouldn't have to attack the spike. Ifrit has a frontal cone attack. So if your tank goes to help on the spike, guess who gets hit. That spike is all on dps.