I logged out because my LS told me that if I relog I'd get my 1.0 CE items in the mail.
I'm never logging out.
I logged out because my LS told me that if I relog I'd get my 1.0 CE items in the mail.
Warrior is a (AOE) tank and an off-DPS. It deals damage but the other DPS jobs will get more punch on the whole.
Warrior is a tank role in this game. They do more DPS than a GLD or PLD, but you won't see numbers like a DRG, MNK, etc.
Fortunately I don't need an airship to get to Gridania since I can easily just travel on foot from Ul'dah.
But yeah, I'll try to get to LV15 anyways I suppose.
This cooperbell mines story quest. All day since 12[6 hours ago] I have been standing out side waiting for a party of for the Duty finder to match me with people but nope. Still there...still waiting..
How is logging into the game working right now? I'm hoping to get a feel for how things are going to be in 2 hours once I'm done work...
IGN live feed this evening too right?? That is a lot of exposure for the game... Maybe IGN will just do a feed from a JPN server.
How is logging into the game working right now? I'm hoping to get a feel for how things are going to be in 2 hours once I'm done work...
IGN live feed this evening too right?? That is a lot of exposure for the game... Maybe IGN will just do a feed from a JPN server.
What exactly is an AoE Tank? I'm not too familiar with these terms since I'm still a MMO newbie. I know what DPS means though.Awesome. I am truly loving the well thought out job roles for classes in this game. Thanks for the help.
Welp, you heard em, qq more. You're going to be a AoE Tank with some DPS. Also, it's because level 15 means partying with people. (I think)
Using the modified version of SweetFX? Official versions 1.3 and 1.4 crash on FFXIV (game and benchmark) even without Steam.Sweet FX + Steam = Crash.
Warrior is a tank role in this game. They do more DPS than a GLD or PLD, but you won't see numbers like a DRG, MNK, etc.
I think PLD does pretty solid damage on single targets. I'd need a parse but looking at the skill layouts but it wouldn't surprise me if PLD was outpacing a WAR a little bit in that area.
... Also, it's because level 15 means partying with people. (I think)
Can't wait to see their live stream of the start menu.
What exactly is an AoE Tank? I'm not too familiar with these terms since I'm still a MMO newbie. I know what DPS means though.
Oh, I kept thinking it was lv10 was where you started a party but I thought wrong... dang. So ridiculous lol.
so how is the game running right now? Im sitting at work but my wife went over for lunch and logged us in
So the impression Im getting from reading comments is, better than yesterday, but still not perfect.
Mm, hopefully things will improve a little everyday. If so things should be fairly steady by mid to late week.
Also, hopefully I can get in when I get home from work, im already feeling withdrawel.
Try asking in GAF? Should be people willing to help. Level sync means people outside of your level can go back and help without any issues.
how do you do Grand company leaves? Current Leevemates don't give any & GC NPC neither ?
AoE is Area of Effect, for tanks it means that it is easier to keep multiple enemies on yourself.
After you've joined a GC, the NPC inducting you tells you where your first GC Levemate is. For Maelstrom, it was at Moraby Docks. You will also find GC Levemates in outposts as you continue the story.
Who/where is that? I think I have all my stuff but it couldn't hurt to check.
Logged in and left my hellsguard next to an aethercyte in La Noscea while I went to work. Not taking any chances.
Ohhh. So it's possible of me to take down multiple enemies at once? Sounds amazing...
The rest of the community that can't log in because of you and people like you, give thanks
People, please do not log in and leave your characters idle to save a spot. Ifxa significant number of people do that it'll destabilize the servers. I understand, Iwish there was a way to guarantee I could get in after work too, but that's just as likely to backfire and ruin the experience for many people.
Okay, granted, I have no such authority to make such requests, but still, is really appreciate it.
So I take it you picked Gridania? Maybe I'll run into you in-game.
I doubt anything has changed on Squares end. Better performance is probably down to it being a weekday and people are back to work.
I'm not sure I understand why the servers are still up. It is clear (to me anyway) that major maintenance is required since launch is less than 12 hours away.
Then, I feel like they're being racist, by keeping the Japanese and Americans/Europeans apart, which makes for a better experience for the Japanese, as they've had no issues with the game since early access started (and will have no issues when the physical game goes on sale there).
I'm not sure I understand why the servers are still up. It is clear (to me anyway) that major maintenance is required since launch is less than 12 hours away.
No crashing here but i am using 320.49 via nvidia experience.Anyone find a fix for the NVIDIA GPU crashes/black screens yet? On the latest 326.80 beta drivers and still having this issue.
The way I see it, if no one makes a fuss about it, customers who are waiting to purchase tomorrow, who don't know what's going, will buy the game and help them make money... in NA/EU that is.
Yoshida said he plans on limiting people's ability to login for the best of the game. He didn't say anything about fixing the issue, maybe by... you know... adding more servers here in NA and in EU.
They're treating the NA/EU userbase like crap in this matter, while the Japanese gamers have been playing without issue since early access started.
As long as they get their 30 bucks a pop tomorrow, what do they care if any certain individual gets in? It's that customer's time, not theirs.
I hope reviewers of the game will show no mercy to this game, honestly. It needs to be made aware to customers who are about to plop down money, not knowing they aren't gaurenteed to play tomorrow. By that time, it's too late to return the game for a refund, because the shrinkwrap has already been torn off.
People, please do not log in and leave your characters idle to save a spot. Ifxa significant number of people do that it'll destabilize the servers. I understand, Iwish there was a way to guarantee I could get in after work too, but that's just as likely to backfire and ruin the experience for many people.
Okay, granted, I have no such authority to make such requests, but still, is really appreciate it.
Sure people should probably log out to be fair, but your reasoning doesnt make any sense, how do, say 100 people logged in but AFK make make the server any more or less stable than 100 people logged in doing stuff. Logically the latter should in fact be more destablising.
There have been issues with Japanese servers as well.
Do any of you complaing about the great Japanese conspiracy ever stop to think why they aren't having as many problems?
Sure people should probably log out to be fair, but your reasoning doesnt make any sense, how do, say 100 people logged in but AFK make make the server any more or less stable than 100 people logged in doing stuff. Logically the latter should in fact be more destablising.
Blah! Was reading mail while using duty finder and a party popped up on it. Now I can't read my messages! Helm of light and behemoth chocobo gear in item limbo....
The load on the instance servers has been the biggest issue, but the only way they can really deal with it is throttling logins, since if people are in the game, they are going to be pinging the instance servers regularly for story quests and dungeons.