There were so many AFKs on Gilgamesh when I was playing earlier today. It's pretty damn ridiculous.
People managed fine in FF11 until later when they stopped putting important terms in the dictionary. Obviously it isn't optimal, but it's completely workable and I saw people making do just fine for years.lolz
hell no
there's no way you can play an MMO on a high level with auto translate.
I learned Japanese playing FFXI.
As long as you're not one of the people who will shout complaints, have at you
For a digital download?
I ordered the digital download and they are shipping me something. (Probably the boxed edition with a code)
Digital River is terrible and Square should drop them like a sack of bricks.
So many people terrified of not being able to log in. I wish I did the same thing. Left about 2 hours ago and logged off. Got back home and can't play.
People managed fine in FF11 until later when they stopped putting important terms in the dictionary. Obviously it isn't optimal, but it's completely workable and I saw people making do just fine for years.
Started out on Sarg playing with my two friends.
I go to work, come home, turns out they both switched to Ultros and made new characters.
Ultros not taking new characters at the moment.
I am thinking that you won't be able to use them till tomorrow. My PS3 physical copy came today and I get the same issue. I made a post on the general forum others had this issue.Great so nobody is getting "ffxiv the entered code is invalid." error, meaning GMG gave me a broken code and I am down 40$ and a collectors edition.
i am beyond pissed
You do realize that these same people are at least in part to blame for you being unable to log-on in the first place, right?
Seriously annoying stuff. Square may be ultimately be responsible, but this sort of behavior compounds the problem so much that they only get maybe half the blame.
I am thinking that you won't be able to use them till tomorrow. My PS3 physical copy came today and I get the same issue. I made a post on the general forum others had this issue.
Why go for a non optimal "getting by" experience?
I expect later on there will be complicated raids that will be difficult with out voice communication.
but then again, it's SE
*plays all day without a problem*
*Get out for lunch*
*the world is full*
This way, I regret being honest and logging out like a normal person.
I don't think they foresaw people idling being a problem and to implement something like afk time out and test it would take longer than the problem will exist. Only short term solution I can see to this is regularly resetting the servers to purge people who aren't there. But resets could also fuck everything up. They are pretty much in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.
I know a bunch of folks that played with JPs using only auto-translate. It worked, even in high-end FFXI content because you don't necessarily need words to communicate with someone, even in a videogame. Strats can be deciphered by paying careful attention and simple instructions.
Yes but this seems to be a bigger issue with Ultros as every new player wants on it. I'm on Hyperion and everyone I know and myself have had zero ques or issues logging in.
I can't believe this.
You and me both.
Btw, strange that Mog Station has a character I made on a JP server (that doesnt exist anymore) listen, but not my Ultros main character.
You do realize that these same people are at least in part to blame for you being unable to log-on in the first place, right?
Seriously annoying stuff. Square may be ultimately be responsible, but this sort of behavior compounds the problem so much that they only get maybe half the blame.
How do i enter my digital CE code?
When i logging I see Standard WIN and no characters on the right even if i have 2 characters when i log into the game...
any help please?
Upgraded to CE. Probably going to purchase 180 days for bonus. I like this game way too much.
Upgraded to CE. Probably going to purchase 180 days for bonuses. I like this game way too much.
People managed fine in FF11 until later when they stopped putting important terms in the dictionary. Obviously it isn't optimal, but it's completely workable and I saw people making do just fine for years.
I know a bunch of folks that played with JPs using only auto-translate. It worked, even in high-end FFXI content because you don't necessarily need words to communicate with someone, even in a videogame. Strats can be deciphered by paying careful attention and simple instructions.
yeah, it doesn't seem to be pulling from NA/EU datacenters right now.
I have the same issue.