Can anyone toss me an invite on Ultros? Goosio Knight
I think one look at the comments on any news story on the new lodestone will tell you your answer to that O.O.
I shouldn't be appalled by what I read on the Internet anymore, but people are REALLY stretching the insults/threats to, frankly, unacceptable levels. It's one thing to be frustrated and vent your frustration. It's another to threaten lives of the director and employees at SE.
I'm really enjoying the PS3 version a lot more than I expected I would. The controller setup for this game is quite good once you're used to it.
edit: or I'm remembering wrong.
People are acting really childish and ignorant about a problem effectively being created by other players. If people like that are going to bounce, then I say peace.
Vashetti why you no play with me? ;__; Lady Yunalesca is lonely
FFXIV v1.0 is not still going. I don't know what you're smoking. I guess their actual last MMO would be DQ though.
Yes this makes sense. He said "last mmo", which I interpreted as the last FF MMO, which did not tank. 1.0 is an earlier version of this MMO, it's not their "last MMO".
I'm really enjoying the PS3 version a lot more than I expected I would. The controller setup for this game is quite good once you're used to it.
I'm just using some someone else posted earlier, can't remember who, but here they are:
I have not played around with the settings at all to try different things. I also turned off the vibrance and tonemap (I think) that's turned on by default with SweetFX since I don't dislike the color rendering of the game.
Everything is dialed up pretty high in the SMAA settings and it does affect font rendering in the game, but not to the point that it's unreadable or annoying to my eyes anyway. Forcing traditional SGSSAA looks bad in the game to my eyes, it mutes the colors and makes everything look blurry to me. I'd rather have some shimmering than that.
I'm just confused in general on what the problem really is I guess? I have my main on Exodus (couldn't get on ultros)... Past 2 days I've had problems with the 1027 error, server full.
Switch to a different NA/EU server, bam I'm in queue, in game. They really just have turned queues off for certain servers or what in the world is going on?
(Not really complaining (maybe a little)... the bit I've played I've really enjoyed and yes, its an mmo launch... expected. I'm just stuck in this 'huh' feeling for a problem like this)
The best part is playing the PC version using a DS3 and changing the HUD so it displays PS3 buttons instead of 360 controller ones. It's like playing the PS3 version... on your PC!
Its great for me, until I keep targeting people's carbuncles by mistake whenever a FATE starts, and I'm desperately trying to find a target before all the casters nuke it.
Its great for me, until I keep targeting people's carbuncles by mistake whenever a FATE starts, and I'm desperately trying to find a target before all the casters nuke it.
I think the issue's mainly exasperated by a lot of major gaming communities (GAF, Reddit, /vg/) picking a few select servers to base major communities out of and it's overwhelming the load on those in particular.
Change the filter to ENEMIES.
This is something I hope they fix soon! Targetting should prioritize mobs over NPC pets/NPCs/etc.
FFXI had a similar was even used as a way to grief people at HNM camps!
Has this been posted? Apparently I made the mistake of adding a new service account. But if I go through this to fix the problem, I'll LOSE my 30 days free subscription? That better not be true.
Didn't even know that existed... You sir are officially my hero. This has been a problem for me as well.
Where are you guys getting registration codes? I only have the EA registration code.
Change the filter to ENEMIES.
Bought DD preorder directly from SE. No link was found anywhere in emails to download the client. No product or early access code given. Opened support ticket and the response given was the generic download instructions contained in the purchase confirmation email. Friend sent me the d/l link but I don't have a code. Cancel my order, they said no refund required. Well, it billed me, and a refund IS required. Currently like number 175 in live chat queue. Gonna ask them to provide a link to download the game and cancel my cancelation, or simply process the cancel. At this point I don't even care if I play the game anymore
I've bought DD preorder directly from SE too - I got an EA code with which I've been playing for the past few days, but I didn't receive the code for the actual game until like 10 minutes ago. But it's weird that you didn't get the early access, hope they're able to resolve the issue on live chat!