Yeah, no duh? That's the point: it lets you specialize in one while still being able to perform the role of the other if needed. All these ACN whining about attributes need to stop whining and understand how awesome it really is to have a two-in-one class. Level more classes if you want to be more min-maxed-versatile for more challenging content.
Getting into the swing of things, still haven't figured out materia though - I know I have to breakdown spiritbonded gear, but I don't actually know how to do that. Whatever, I can google it in like 5 minutes, and there are plenty of things to do regardless.
More relevant questions for GAF!
So my Glad is level 20, and I just ran the level 15 dungeon (I forget it's name). It was okay, and tanking wasn't too difficult, but I feel like I could be doing better.
I have a level 6 Lancer, should I get him up higher and have his augment my Glad if I want to tank?
If my damage is a bit light, what should I focus on to get that higher?
I'm figuring out how to level my crafting stuff better - is it worth it to get this high? I actually enjoy crafting a bunch, and right now my leatherworking is 14 - I plan on getting it to 20 tonight! What goes good with Leatherworking? Should I focus more on some other professions? Honestly I have no idea which ones to gravitate toward.
Any particular tips when it comes to finding gear for my glad? He's a bit soft in that regard. I got some colourful gear from that level 15 instance, and i guess I could run it some more, but maybe there's something around 20 that'd be better?
Any general advice or sage words GAF? I'm loving this game so far by the way.
Very nice! How did you take the shot without HUD elements?
Just started playing and I've run into a weird problem. I started the game on Max settings (GTX 660, i7) and it was running about 50 FPS. As soon as I left New Gridania, the game kinda blinked out for a couple of seconds. When it came back up, I was suddenly getting 10 FPS. Even when I turned the settings down to Standard, I was only getting like 27 FPS. Is this happening to anyone else?
I saw a lalafel with that cone hat and blue clothes. He looked like David the gnome.
Apparently digital river shipped my game without my home address on the box. Luckily I caught it and the post office is holding it so I can pick it up.
Except one of the aspects of FFXIV (and XI before it) is that any character can be any class as long as you take the time to level it up and get the right equipment. Now that's not the case with the 2 ACN jobs.
And it's easy to say quit whining now, but what happens when a class you are playing suddenly gets a new job in an expansion that requires different stats than what you built into? Now you are punished for not skilling for a job that didn't even exist when you got those attribute points?
Yes. I posted about it on the official forums and a few others did as well. Seems to be an Nvidia thing.
Apparently there are beta drivers out right now that improves performance but I havent looked into them yet.
The "fix" is to alt-tab out of the game back to your desktop, wait a few seconds, and then alt-tab back in. Your fps should be normal.
The good news is that it only seems to do this once per playthrough. Every single time it happens to me, it happens within the first hour and never repeats afterwards.
Still no word from SE on the forums about why JP is going to get new servers, but NA/EU is not. It's utterly ridiculous.
LOL. I don't even know what to say to this. Are you seriously saying you cannot play both jobs just because you can't have full bonus attributes on both of them? Seriously?Except one of the aspects of FFXIV (and XI before it) is that any character can be any class as long as you take the time to level it up and get the right equipment. Now that's not the case with the 2 ACN jobs.
I main the job I like better, simple.And it's easy to say quit whining now, but what happens when a class you are playing suddenly gets a new job in an expansion that requires different stats than what you built into?
Punished? By the time they add more jobs, even players new to ARR will have had time to get several classes to cap and enough GC seals to buy respecs.Now you are punished for not skilling for a job that didn't even exist when you got those attribute points?
Except one of the aspects of FFXIV (and XI before it) is that any character can be any class as long as you take the time to level it up and get the right equipment. Now that's not the case with the 2 ACN jobs.
And it's easy to say quit whining now, but what happens when a class you are playing suddenly gets a new job in an expansion that requires different stats than what you built into? Now you are punished for not skilling for a job that didn't even exist when you got those attribute points?
Very nice! How did you take the shot without HUD elements?
It's say because the name of the topic is "[NA]Regarding Congestion in Japan Data Center Worlds (Aug. 27)", but reading the actual contents of the post gave me the impression that they're adding new hardware everywhere.Why is this the assumption? They posted on the NA lodestone didn't they?
Still no word from SE on the forums about why JP is going to get new servers, but NA/EU is not. It's utterly ridiculous.
LOL. I don't even know what to say to this. Are you seriously saying you cannot play both jobs just because you can't have full bonus attributes on both of them? Seriously?
I main the job I like better, simple.
Punished? By the time they add more jobs, even players new to ARR will have had time to get several classes to cap and enough GC seals to buy respecs.
And if you want to look at it your way, then all the more reason why ACN has it so good right now.
Omlet, you should point out that you have pretty much ever job/class to 50.
Just like everyone else who sticks with the game for several months will.
LOL. I don't even know what to say to this. Are you seriously saying you cannot play both jobs just because you can't have full bonus attributes on both of them? Seriously?
I main the job I like better, simple.
Punished? By the time they add more jobs, even players new to ARR will have had time to get several classes to cap and enough GC seals to buy respecs.
And if you want to look at it your way, then all the more reason why ACN has it so good right now.
LOL. I don't even know what to say to this. Are you seriously saying you cannot play both jobs just because you can't have full bonus attributes on both of them? Seriously?
I main the job I like better, simple.
Punished? By the time they add more jobs, even players new to ARR will have had time to get several classes to cap and enough GC seals to buy respecs.
And if you want to look at it your way, then all the more reason why ACN has it so good right now.
I have a single counter-argument to all of this. Justify how the game is better with assignable attributes VS just having attributes go up with level. Justify the pros VS cons. It's not close. The only thing this system does is make players feel bad and have less fun. If that's it's intended function then it's a resounding success. If the intention is to allow customization that is hot garbage. This is not customization. Even WoW's talent system is 1000x better than this.
It's say because the name of the topic is "[NA]Regarding Congestion in Japan Data Center Worlds (Aug. 27)", but reading the actual contents of the post gave me the impression that they're adding new hardware everywhere.
You will be viable even if you don't min-max. Go 50-50 with the bonus stats if like both classes equally. It's a tiny price for having the freedom to switch roles.Ok, then if the skill points don't matter that much, then all the more reason that giving the option to put them in how you like is more than illusion of choice than anything else.
And even if respecing were free it's way too tedious to do every time you want to switch roles. What if your party decides they need more DPS instead of a healer?
Plenty of people are having fun. Maybe you should get over yourself? It helps you to improve the job you like to play the most and doesn't really hurt the other jobs in a significant manner.The only thing this system does is make players feel bad and have less fun. If that's it's intended function then it's a resounding success.
Ok, then if the skill points don't matter that much, then all the more reason that giving the option to put them in how you like is more than illusion of choice than anything else.
And even if respecing were free it's way too tedious to do every time you want to switch roles. What if your party decides they need more DPS instead of a healer?
Question: I see people talking about getting all these different classes to the level cap...can you get these classes to level cap on a single character? How would that even work with distributing points...?
Each class has it's own points to allocate.Question: I see people talking about getting all these different classes to the level cap...can you get these classes to level cap on a single character? How would that even work with distributing points...?
Yes and then Copperbell after that.
Very nice! How did you take the shot without HUD elements?
Because they're racist against the whites. Clearly that's the most obvious answer.
Oh dear okay thanks D:
Press Scroll|Lock to disable the HUD.
Plenty of people are having fun. Maybe you should get over yourself? It helps you to improve the job you like to play the most and doesn't really hurt the other jobs in a significant manner.
No need to foam at the mouth for something so small.
But how is this any different than someone in FFXI with a 75 WAR and 75 WHM in regards to Merit Points?
Oh dear okay thanks D:
Press Scroll|Lock to disable the HUD.
Oh so that's what that was? Methought I was pushing my new 760 too much and had to pull down the OC sliders a bit. Hopefully some stable drivers come soon, I mostly get solid 60+fps@1080p except in centre of towns.Yes. I posted about it on the official forums and a few others did as well. Seems to be an Nvidia thing.
Apparently there are beta drivers out right now that improves performance but I havent looked into them yet.
The "fix" is to alt-tab out of the game back to your desktop, wait a few seconds, and then alt-tab back in. Your fps should be normal.
The good news is that it only seems to do this once per playthrough. Every single time it happens to me, it happens within the first hour and never repeats afterwards.
Do we know how an end game summoner fare DPS wise compared to a Black Mage. And how an end game Scholar compares to a White Mage healing wise? Can they replace a WM as a healer for instances?
I'd focus more on armourer and blacksmith for your class as you use more metal based equipment. Leather works is probably best for pugilist/monks.
Also if you want to stick materia to your gear that has materia will need the right class to add the materia. So a leatherworker can only add materia to leather equipment. Generally your equipment stats will tell you what you need to repaire and add materia. (also, you need to be level 19 in that class to learn how to bind, once unlocked on 1 class its unlocked on all..but you still need the right class for each weapon/armour/item).
Ultimately however the plan would be to max out all the classes![]()
Just pointing out that the system didn't hinder you![]()
I have a single counter-argument to all of this. Justify how the game is better with assignable attributes VS just having attributes go up with level. Justify the pros VS cons. It's not close. The only thing this system does is make players feel bad and have less fun. If that's it's intended function then it's a resounding success. If the intention is to allow customization that is hot garbage. This is not customization. Even WoW's talent system is 1000x better than this.
I couldn't get on Ultros all last night at all after trying for a while. Decided to roll a new character on Malboro and got in on the first try. It might just be Ultros that is terribly overloaded. Some of you may want to move to other less-full servers.
Plenty of people are having fun. Maybe you should get over yourself? It helps you to improve the job you like to play the most and doesn't really hurt the other jobs in a significant manner.
No need to foam at the mouth for something so small.
I didn't feel like anyone was foaming at the mouth! I'm certainly arguing more for the sake of discussion than anything else. Most aspects of the game encourage try out everything, and being able to do it effectively, except for this. At least so far. Maybe we'll all find out it doesn't matter that much in the end (which is why I'm not actually stressing about it in game when it's time to apply new points), but it definitely seems to encourage the sentiment that there is a right and wrong way to apply the points.
The last thing we need is the community to develop the attitude that you are bad at your secondary job just because you set your stats for your primary.
When can I join a free company? I'm level 9 and beat the golem in the storyquests.