Am I supposed to be sent a key if I owned the game previously? Or do I just download the installer and log in with my account.
They need to add bigger capacity servers.
Still won't let me register my code, keeps saying it's invalid. :/
1017s this early in the day? Jesus Christ.
Glad you got in and yes I agree about the server situation...Also Update 3...My game crashed im out again lol! 3102 error. Thats the really bad one isnt it? Character still logged in error.
So any PS3 CE owners here?
Is the CE rewards code the same as the registration code that is in the game box?
This game needs cosmetic armor slots and the ability to change hair styles.
Wow SE say people are not allowed to play any other music but the music that was designed to be used by the game for videos. Twitch users are following the "rules". SE is crazy with all these rules, what next, no commentary and if you do talk it must be positive?
So playing the Benny Hill theme while trying to get passed the login screen is not allowed?![]()
Wow SE say people are not allowed to play any other music but the music that was designed to be used by the game for videos. Twitch users are following the "rules". SE is crazy with all these rules, what next, no commentary and if you do talk it must be positive?
I guess not, SE is strict now. They could probably get people banned from twitch or youtube via copyright claim I guess.
Yeah good luck with that. Youtube I'd be believe, but not Twitch.
Any recommendation for a place to go to chain-run FATEs?
Are trophies working yet?
God this GLD quest is so freaking hard.
dies every single timeMylla
They are going to add those in the next patch or so. Barber shop and vanity slots.
Twitch was doing something to people that streamed FFXIV videos before today. Destiny (popular streamer) streamed not knowing about the no video rule and that ended quickly. That was a copyright claim situation too (you can use screen shots but not video) not a NDA.
So, my physical box arrived today, sealed in plastic from ShopTo.
Already playing the game, got my Cait Sith and Mog Cap, so.... what is this for? Do I need it for anything, or better still, has it come with a completely different code someone else could use?
I assume I already have 30 days running, or is that whats in here, a third code to shove in this things gob?
It baffles me that they can't get a login server and queue working in 2013. They had time to create a fix as well. You are just incompetent at this point.but there is no solution, so there really isn't much to make me feel better.
The "launch" issues this game is having is more worse than any other launch MMO I've experienced, and I never had an issue playing Tera despite the initial stuff on the first day, yet, still was able to play. They need to fix something and do it soon.
Which one? lvl 30 one?
Don't do FATES. Do Grand Company Leves and spam them. You can make what you need in about 20 minutes.
I am honestly getting rather tired of not being able to play the game I've purchased. I purchased the collectors of 1.0 for 70$+ when it came out, and I decided to buy the latest collectors to support the game. I've gotten 6 people to buy the game, where we were all excited to get into the world, but these issues are really souring my experience.
I've been rather patient, saying to myself each day "I'm sure it'll be fixed by tomorrow, I'll try again then" and it ends up never being the case. I've felt like I didn't really get a "early access" as each time I tried to play, except for one time in which I played for about 20 minutes, I either can't play or I get disconnected within 5 minutes due to an error and cannot proceed to log back in. I have not had a chance to truly enjoy this game, despite it being out since the 24th.
I noticed Yoshida apologized here
An Apology to Our Players Using NA/EU Data Centers
but there is no solution, so there really isn't much to make me feel better.
The "launch" issues this game is having is more worse than any other launch MMO I've experienced, and I never had an issue playing Tera despite the initial stuff on the first day, yet, still was able to play. They need to fix something and do it soon.
To be honest except the saturday instances problem (even so you could play), and the sunday login cockblocking in which after all I managed to get in, I have barely had any issues. Sargatanas is quite stable right now except some lag spikes and I barely had to wait to enter today.
I know I'm with the lucky ones, but I can't call the launch the biggest MMO disaster like some people are claiming.
To be honest except the saturday instances problem (even so you could play), and the sunday login cockblocking in which after all I managed to get in, I have barely had any issues. Sargatanas is quite stable right now except some lag spikes and I barely had to wait to enter today.
I know I'm with the lucky ones, but I can't call the launch the biggest MMO disaster like some people are claiming.
I find jumping in during the typical early evening hours has been the worst post-Sunday. Probably because that's when everyone gets home, and you reach a certain point where ALL NA timezones are in a position to spam the hell out of the game. Just a bit later in the evening and it's easy to get in.To be honest except the saturday instances problem (even so you could play), and the sunday login cockblocking in which after all I managed to get in, I have barely had any issues. Sargatanas is quite stable right now except some lag spikes and I barely had to wait to enter today.
I know I'm with the lucky ones, but I can't call the launch the biggest MMO disaster like some people are claiming.