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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| World Full. Try again later. Please Understand

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Eeny Meenie Penis
I would like a linkshell. :)

If you'd like to join the one im in too we have a quite a few from GAF as well that played 1.x in Sarg. I don't want to make it a competition between Shouta and us though. lol Can join both if we don't end up joining together.
Holy shit, just got in after hardcore spamming. Guys, just spam that shit. I'm sure the servers won't mind. You're pretty much just knocking on the servers door. If the server is not hearing the door at first, just knock harder.


Holy shit, just got in after hardcore spamming. Guys, just spam that shit. I'm sure the servers won't mind. You're pretty much just knocking on the servers door. If the server is not hearing the door at first, just knock harder.

Thats the one use I have had for this game's gamepad support. Just watch something on netflix and hammer away at the A button.


To be honest except the saturday instances problem (even so you could play), and the sunday login cockblocking in which after all I managed to get in, I have barely had any issues. Sargatanas is quite stable right now except some lag spikes and I barely had to wait to enter today.

I know I'm with the lucky ones, but I can't call the launch the biggest MMO disaster like some people are claiming.

Every launch MMO has delays due to server loads. It's kind of degenerate the way they're doing it, but there was clearly something wrong with the queueing system, so they had to find some way to make it a stable experience for the people who were in. I think they did it the right way, because once you're in, it's quite solid and you can really settle in and appreciate the experience. It's an amazing game and I hope that they find a solution that will reduce the headaches for people, so that everyone can play the game when they want without staying logged in 24/7.

It's really a confluence of several things that is causing all of this:

1) Lots of people using illegitimate early access codes from preordering the game and then canceling
2) Servers designed around 5,000 concurrent logins, but clearly getting many times more than that due to good word of mouth
3) Queueing system that works improperly and lets too many people in
4) The game itself is awesome
Just read a decent chunk of the OP. This thread being so massive and always on the first page has got me interested. Gonna go in blind, see ya out there.

Panda Rin

So to someone who is relatively new to mmos...

Should I wait a few days to buy this game or just get it now?

I would wait a few days for the servers to even out.

Has anyone had any luck getting their veteran rewards? I've tried looking for some NA time cards, but haven't found any in my area.
This is far from the biggest launch disaster of any mmorpg..

a disaster is when the servers are down for hours and no one can play.

This is a few people upset because they can't create characters on their friends servers or being told that the server is full when they try to log in.

At this point, the problem is more that they don't have more servers ready to go up to handle the new influx of players so a lot more people are going to feel frustrated today and continuing until they get more servers up.

Did they screw up by not implementing a proper login queue that let players wait for an open slot on the server? Yep.

Were the first 24-48 hours a clusterfuck due to the instance servers not working correctly? Yep.

Were they on the ball with providing us status updates about the issues and what was being done to fix them? Yep.

Can a lot of people log in and play without problems now? Yep.


I am honestly getting rather tired of not being able to play the game I've purchased. I purchased the collectors of 1.0 for 70$+ when it came out, and I decided to buy the latest collectors to support the game. I've gotten 6 people to buy the game, where we were all excited to get into the world, but these issues are really souring my experience.

I've been rather patient, saying to myself each day "I'm sure it'll be fixed by tomorrow, I'll try again then" and it ends up never being the case. I've felt like I didn't really get a "early access" as each time I tried to play, except for one time in which I played for about 20 minutes, I either can't play or I get disconnected within 5 minutes due to an error and cannot proceed to log back in. I have not had a chance to truly enjoy this game, despite it being out since the 24th.

I noticed Yoshida apologized here

An Apology to Our Players Using NA/EU Data Centers

but there is no solution, so there really isn't much to make me feel better.

The "launch" issues this game is having is more worse than any other launch MMO I've experienced, and I never had an issue playing Tera despite the initial stuff on the first day, yet, still was able to play. They need to fix something and do it soon.

Here's an even more realistic apology. Like . . .Total breakdown. He's really sincere about it and they will be implementing more servers next week. We just need to be patient, as rough as things maybe.




Sigh, the email I used for my CE v1.0 died (stupid university account expired 5 years after graduation) and I can't remember my password for the account, so my CE bonuses are basically gone.

Luckily my brother let me take his CE v1.0 account. Now I'm just contemplating buying the PS3 version and linking it. I have a HTPC hooked up to my TV so I wonder if it's better to just hook up a controller to it. Is the 360 controller the way to go on PC? Mouse/KB is hard to play in bed with.


Are trophies working yet?

They should be working i just unlocked two. Some have been saying that they won't work till the game is registered but don't quote me on that. Infact it unlocks most of your trophies in bunches by the look of it. I just got the one for defeating your first enemy and it gave me the achievement for defeating 10,000 enemies right after.


I'm #teamYoshi for sure, can't get mad at him after his emotional speech!

He's pretty incompetent though.

So to someone who is relatively new to mmos...

Should I wait a few days to buy this game or just get it now?
It depends can you play at weird times? If peak times are the only times you can play, then it's not worth it. I probably only got around 4 hours play time. It's the worst launch I have experienced, at least from what I can remember.
Got it this morning and installed and managed to make a char on Coeurl. Game is freaking packed. Took me a while to get in but I just kept hammering it until I got in a queue. Damn wish I didn't have to work today, bah.


Bah got booted, doing a FATE

CE arrived from UPS, put code in, try to log back in 1017 appears, World is Full


If it's done @3PM EST what the hell happens @ Prime-time 6-11PM EST LOL

Edit: Woo-Hoo I'm In!

Oh man...I feel like that might be what happens to me when I get home. I might just sleep for a few hours and wake up around midnight and just play through if I can't get in reasonably quickly.

You FATE hunting again tonight GraveRobber?
I can really give you a proper strategy since I don't think I did anything out of ordinary.

That said,
I would focus in the galka conjurer first, he's quite weak but he heals a lot. Then I focused on the THM lala and the ogre he spawns, kept them away from Mylla and the others

She is really my only problem, I get up there and she is already down to half health.
going to try a few more times.
this is the first time I have had to retry a quest more than once.

me Jojo

So I registered my service and... nothing happened. It's showing me my account is up and running, I can upgrade to CE etc, it's showing me my subscription info but... there's no download link ANYWHERE.

What do I do? :|
Here's an even more realistic apology. Like . . .Total breakdown. He's really sincere about it and they will be implementing more servers next week. We just need to be patient, as rough as things maybe.



Now why did you have to go and post this. Who am I gonna be angry at now >.>. I guess all in all once you actually get into the servers the game is solid.

But that whole getting in part...



I'm #teamYoshi for sure, can't get mad at him after his emotional speech!


Fuck the haters. They put in years of effort and transformed 1.0 into a game that is worthy of the Final Fantasy name. The server problems can't be fully excused by that but in the end it would be unfair to write off the game and the work they put in on that alone. I'm sure things will get better soon enough.


Second time in a row I was kicked with 90k errors while inside a dungeon. Why still? Feel like such an ass cause both times the party members were talking about how long it took for them to queue and it took me less than a minute both times. Only to be locked out. 1017.


I regret knocking back this large coffee.

Can't sleep now and knocked off everything on my to-do list earlier. It's storming outside so i can't go for a walk and ive seen everything i wanted to see on netflix

Hold that shit entitlement gamers.

How dare those entitled shits complain about not being able to play a game they paid for! Those sons of ungrateful entitled bitches.


So, 7 hours later and I still can't even log into my squareenix account. I am locked out of my account because I registered my security token that doesn't work. I have no clue what I am supposed to do at this point. Called a service hotline and they basically told me they can do nothing for me. I just spend 55€ for a product I can't use. It was nice knowing you Mahou Shoujo but I think this is where our journey ends ;_;/.
So no word on how I acess RR if I owned the original game? Haven't gotten any sort of email.

Don't think you need to do anything as long as you still know the SE account you originally registered the game under. My Roommate was able to log-in and play yesterday without anything.


The 1.0 upgrade to CE gives you all the in game items. If anyone is wondering, it doesn't give you an additional month of play or anything. I know that is probably obvious in some sense, but just in case anyone was wondering. For 19.99 though, I think it's a pretty cool deal. You can then subscribe, and a 1.0 player has all the digital goodies and is subbed a month for about the normal cost of the regular edition on most stores, etc.

Mr. Hyde

I am confused. I got a message saying 52 people are in queue and then it kicked from that and said the world is full. try later. Why tell me 52 people are waiting but not let me queue?


Today I learned about allowances. How is man supposed to level crafting a gathering skills?

Every 12 hours, you automatically get 4 leve allowances, with a hard cap of 99. You can use them as you get them, or all at once if you get an itch to level some alternate class quickly. I'm saving them for the moment and I'll see where I am at when I have 80 or so, which should happen this weekend.


Just posting to ask for frame rate / rending impressions about the PS3 version of the game - namely if it gets in the way of running instances. Later instance in the game will have what, 10-20+ characters? If the monsters aren't rendering, that's a pretty big drawback.

I want to get the PS3 version, but PVP in GW2 taught me what a clusterfudge it can be when opponents aren't appearing on screen.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.


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