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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT| World Full. Try again later. Please Understand

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Any MRD/WAR have a preference in Attributes? Supposedly STR reduces damage taken and compliments the life leech skill and DPS, so I'm leaning that way as opposed to VIT


yeah i keep getting kicked out in the sastasha instance....

then i can't log back in

was at the last boss last night


really really really really annoying

not even level 16 yet.......


on the bright side, picked this up from gamestop today and got a pretty cool unexpected gift


it's a nice material too, cloth that's a little transparent


The thread is massive and I couldn't find the info in the OP, so here's me asking:

FF11 was incredibly solo-unfriendly. While I love my social interaction in MMOs and such, I have a lot less time to play them a lot nowadays, so this means I typically mostly solo. How solo-friendly is FF14? Is it possible to level all the jobs to max level or so while mostly soloing or is this going to be another "You didn't pick the right job, so screw you, you'll never get group invites" type of thing?


I actually looked into that briefly; I don't think you can have both linked to your account atm. Don't know if that will ever change. I've had my physical token linked to my account since FFXI, but I think the phone app would be a nicer route for anyone who doesn't use a token currently.

To be fare, I've had my token for years and it's still truckin'.

I was curious because I bought the CE that comes with a token and this is my first MMO and I remember glancing at that Blizzard Diablo 3 thread about using security tokens to keep my account from being stolen. Knowing that you had yours for awhile is a relief. I think I trust using the token more than my phone.

Could you at least manually replace the (assuming it is) cell battery inside?

You can only have one security device...its either app or token, never both.

That sucks but I think I can understand why.


Unlimited Capacity
Something about the aesthetic of these FFXI team games. They just look really good. I bought this completely blind, no knowledge of anything, and am enjoying myself thus far. Only lvl, though. Need an invite tot he GAF guild on Ultros.
There really isn't an excuse. People want to pretend there is, because that's comforting, but that doesn't make it true. Cheap is not valid reason, because it's cheaper to rent servers than to have people hate your product. You can rent server and infrastructure in todays world, its not permanent infrastructure you need to pay for after you don't need it. It's way more expensive to launch a failed MMO than it is to pay for unneeded servers for 3 months. The damage to the reputation of the company is also more expensive than renting more servers. There is just no reason other than ignorance or incompetence. I know people want it to be something else, but multiple companies failing at this proves nothing other than there a lot of incompetent people in the business. These technical challenges have solutions that exist and can be implemented ahead of time. I'm not saying you can go from broken like it is now to 100% fixed in short order. However, they absolutely could have built it to handle this load without problems.
I'm not saying it to excuse their actions. I agree they absolutely should have prepared better. I just saying this is the logic companies use when they make these decisions. They don't care that certain people will be unhappy for a week at launch because they feel there won't be a significant enough dropoff from it to justify the cost of more servers. Companies have been doing it for years and it has shown the damage to their reputation for something like this is minimal in the long run.


There really isn't an excuse. People want to pretend there is, because that's comforting, but that doesn't make it true. Cheap is not valid reason, because it's cheaper to rent servers than to have people hate your product. You can rent server and infrastructure in todays world, its not permanent infrastructure you need to pay for after you don't need it. It's way more expensive to launch a failed MMO than it is to pay for unneeded servers for 3 months. The damage to the reputation of the company is also more expensive than renting more servers. There is just no reason other than ignorance or incompetence. I know people want it to be something else, but multiple companies failing at this proves nothing other than there a lot of incompetent people in the business. These technical challenges have solutions that exist and can be implemented ahead of time. I'm not saying you can go from broken like it is now to 100% fixed in short order. However, they absolutely could have built it to handle this load without problems.

This exactly.

Also, this isn't congestion anymore. I've played in a few MMO launches and there have been login errors and the like, but I've never been in one where they've essentially told the players that if you aren't in, you won't get in. No queues to give an estimated wait time, just locks on servers because their instance servers cannot handle the load. At least in other launches you could hop in queue and know you had a long wait till popping in. Here you are actively trying to log in over and over again just for a chance to login.


There really isn't an excuse. People want to pretend there is, because that's comforting, but that doesn't make it true. Cheap is not valid reason, because it's cheaper to rent servers than to have people hate your product. You can rent server and infrastructure in todays world, its not permanent infrastructure you need to pay for after you don't need it. It's way more expensive to launch a failed MMO than it is to pay for unneeded servers for 3 months. The damage to the reputation of the company is also more expensive than renting more servers. There is just no reason other than ignorance or incompetence. I know people want it to be something else, but multiple companies failing at this proves nothing other than there a lot of incompetent people in the business. These technical challenges have solutions that exist and can be implemented ahead of time. I'm not saying you can go from broken like it is now to 100% fixed in short order. However, they absolutely could have built it to handle this load without problems.

Not to mention they are most likely going to shill out an extra month of free play time--especially if it's not fixed in the next couple of days


I'm not saying it to excuse their actions. I agree they absolutely should have prepared better. I just saying this is the logic companies use when they make these decisions. They don't care that certain people will be unhappy for a week at launch because they feel there won't be a significant enough dropoff from it to justify the cost of more servers. Companies have been doing it for years and it has shown the damage to their reputation for something like this is minimal in the long run.

If they really think that they are beyond clueless. Square's reputation isn't just in the toilet, it's swirling to the bottom. Any further damage to their reputation could cost them infinity dollars.


Neo Member
...Could you at least manually replace the (assuming it is) cell battery inside?

I don't see a way to replace it on mine without cracking it open, not sure if its the same with the newer ones that come with the CE. My physical CE should arrive within a few days, so I wouldn't be able to check until i get it.
Yeah with all of the NA EU servers locked down I would just suggest for people who want to really play the game to make an alt character on a JP server because you can have up to 8 characters on 8 worlds.


A queue would be so awesome lol...

SE needs to put and option to avoid targeting Carbuncles/NPCs in battle. So infuriating if you're using a controller.

There is an option for it, on the controller at least. I set mine to only target enemies in battle but for some reason would still target Carbuncle


The thread is massive and I couldn't find the info in the OP, so here's me asking:

FF11 was incredibly solo-unfriendly. While I love my social interaction in MMOs and such, I have a lot less time to play them a lot nowadays, so this means I typically mostly solo. How solo-friendly is FF14? Is it possible to level all the jobs to max level or so while mostly soloing or is this going to be another "You didn't pick the right job, so screw you, you'll never get group invites" type of thing?

Its pretty solo friendly. Of course you will still need a party at some points. Also all jobs seem pretty useful so far.


SE needs to put and option to avoid targeting Carbuncles/NPCs in battle. So infuriating if you're using a controller.
I recall seeing something like that in the character settings menu, but it also affects out side of combat situations agaik.
If they really think that they are beyond clueless. Square's reputation isn't just in the toilet, it's swirling to the bottom. Any further damage to their reputation could cost them infinity dollars.

You might be right but history has shown that gamers have a very short term memory and these things are forgotten quickly if the game is actually good.


Just a thought, does anyone know of any mods for pc that could make the a button on the 360 autofire? So I could just walk away and spam the login server.


Today I learned about allowances. How is man supposed to level crafting a gathering skills?

Research as you don't need leves to level crafting or gathering.

Once you know how it works it's very fast. I plan to go from 19-21 BSM in 30-45 min if I can get on and this includes having to mine the estimated iron ores.

Yes doing the right leves can make it faster (and profitable), but it is not a must.

Crafting for me has been at this pace most of the time, but it may slow down.

You can only do a limited number of Guildleves. Essentially you get 3 allowances every 12 hours (which stack) and once you run out you can't do Leves any-more. I was just spamming some to get my carpentry up and then ran out, the time and cost of levelling it any other way seems ludicrous (once you start needing items from other craft jobs) so I feel like I've been road-blocked.

You are doing it wrong if this is happening. You need to gather raw mats and convert them yourself. Also go for adding quality when crafting as you can double/triple your exp.
IE doing a low level craft with 0 quality gives around 210exp, but just doing 1 quality step ups it to around 400. You can yield 600+ with 3-4 quality steps.

I have used around 8k gil to level up both DoL to 20 and all but 2 DoH to 15+. Most of that loss was from buying the needed equipment.

Honestly get a few crafts to 15 (get hasty touch, manipulation, tricks of the trade/rumination) and you can get enough quality to get loads of exp just crafting regularly. Make sure you do crafts that net you a gain or small loss (they exist all the way to 15+ at least and when I say loss I mean around 1-4 gil loss per synth. Again you will NEED to gather your mats to do this.)

Basically if you try to rush crafting you will run out of gil quick. Don't rush it though.


Any MRD/WAR have a preference in Attributes? Supposedly STR reduces damage taken and compliments the life leech skill and DPS, so I'm leaning that way as opposed to VIT

It depends. Vitality is good for smoothness, and it does boost the power of your emergency heals by some amount. But the build the class seems to be built around has less to do with passive survivability and more with active mitigation, and a Str/Parry build plays more into that idea.

The more damage you do, the more self-healing you get from Bloodbath and Storm's Path. that's what it boils down to.


The thread is massive and I couldn't find the info in the OP, so here's me asking:

FF11 was incredibly solo-unfriendly. While I love my social interaction in MMOs and such, I have a lot less time to play them a lot nowadays, so this means I typically mostly solo. How solo-friendly is FF14? Is it possible to level all the jobs to max level or so while mostly soloing or is this going to be another "You didn't pick the right job, so screw you, you'll never get group invites" type of thing?

You can solo most things, other than the dungeons (some of which are required to progress with the story) and certain battles. There is the Duty Finder (instance queue, like WoW's) which randomly matches up players to form a light party (tank, healer, 2 dps).


Its pretty solo friendly. Of course you will still need a party at some points. Also all jobs seem pretty useful so far.

That's the thing. I don't mind needing to be in a party for some quests, instances, etc. That's to be expected, but I like to know I'd be able to fully progress to the end-game without having to rely on other players.

I know this is an MMO and I should be playing with others and all that bullshit. :) It's a question of time, really - I love playing MMOs but I don't have infinite time anymore.

You can solo most things, other than the dungeons (some of which are required to progress with the story) and certain battles. There is the Duty Finder (instance queue, like WoW's) which randomly matches up players to form a light party (tank, healer, 2 dps).

Ah, this is what I wanted to know! Thanks!
this thread moves too fast. i can't keep up.

Any MRD/WAR have a preference in Attributes? Supposedly STR reduces damage taken and compliments the life leech skill and DPS, so I'm leaning that way as opposed to VIT

i decided on a balance of vit and str. can't break your character anyway, might as well go with what feels good.


I can certainly appreciate what Yoshi P. has done for FFXIV, even more when taking into account what SE has turned into over the years, it is a long shot from their glory days. I played FFXI from launch and quit after about 6 months or so, that game is a prime example of what it means to have a developer that does not care about their fan-base. I am all for challenge when comes to games, Dark Souls is in my top 3 this gen, but I'm not a masochist.

So yes, his efforts should be commended, but it's the 3rd day in a row coming from work and not being able to play, I paid full price for this game back in July. Is there any word on server transfers? Any solution at all to what's happening? I don't want to re-roll and repeat the same quests I've been doing since the beta.


I asked this yesterday and kinda got an answer and was able to tweak it some but I have some more questions about targeting.

It basically boils down to this: I click on every target. I dont use auto target, I dont use tab, or a controller. Is there a way that I can make it so that, when my weapon is unsheathed, I can only click on enemies and party members?

I have it set in a way that I can only tab through enemies when unsheathed but I can still click on anything and everything. Theres a setting called "click filter" but I cant figure out what it does for the life of me.
What are the odds that SE will allow free server transfers for people who are forced to go JP at start? I hesitate to create a character there, but I also want to start playing now that the time is ticking.


Any MRD/WAR have a preference in Attributes? Supposedly STR reduces damage taken and compliments the life leech skill and DPS, so I'm leaning that way as opposed to VIT

Defiance grants a lot of health anyway, although it might be interesting to boost that up by putting points into Vitality, but I've gone straight for Strength. Life leech is more important to me.


Getting unable to update server error now, just gonna call it quits. I'm not too mad because I expected it, and there's other games and things I can be doing, but I'm just disappointed because I was looking forward to playing after work today
What are the odds that SE will allow free server transfers for people who are forced to go JP at start? I hesitate to create a character there, but I also want to start playing now that the time is ticking.

I don't like the odds but I think it's a far compensation for the super rocky launch,
I asked this yesterday and kinda got an answer and was able to tweak it some but I have some more questions about targeting.

It basically boils down to this: I click on every target. I dont use auto target, I dont use tab, or a controller. Is there a way that I can make it so that, when my weapon is unsheathed, I can only click on enemies and party members?

I have it set in a way that I can only tab through enemies when unsheathed but I can still click on anything and everything. Theres a setting called "click filter" but I cant figure out what it does for the life of me.

The targeting options are fucked. I have disabled minions/NPCs, in combat, out of combat, weapon sheathed, weapon out, customized targeting, etc. but carbuncle still is the #1 target every time. That part of the options menu is convoluted as hell.


Can a Marauder be a DPS class?

I want to do DPS but I don't really want to do Lancer/Archer/Pugalist.

The answer is probably no.

I'll probably just end up doing Lancer. Or Arcanist - Summoner since I love having pets in games like WoW.

There's nothing that's equivalent to the WoW hunters with pets and stuff in this is there?


I have troubles with targeting if we're talking about it:

I was doing a quest where I was attacked by two enemies, dodos, I think, and so I slept one and went to attack the other. I manually selected the un-slept dodo, but for my next spell, it automatically targeted the 1st, slept, dodo. This woke up the bird, and I found myself being attacked by two enemies. I slept it again, but the game kept defaulting to the first enemy that I attacked.

Is there something I can change to fix this? Playing on a controller on PC, btw.
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