I have troubles with targeting if we're talking about it:
I was doing a quest where I was attacked by two enemies, dodos, I think, and so I slept one and went to attack the other. I manually selected the un-slept dodo, but for my next spell, it automatically targeted the 1st, slept, dodo. This woke up the bird, and I found myself being attacked by two enemies. I slept it again, but the game kept defaulting to the first enemy that I attacked.
Is there something I can change to fix this? Playing on a controller on PC, btw.
Can a Marauder be a DPS class?
I want to do DPS but I don't really want to do Lancer/Archer/Pugalist.
The answer is probably no.
I'll probably just end up doing Lancer. Or Arcanist - Summoner since I love having pets in games like WoW.
There's nothing that's equivalent to the WoW hunters with pets and stuff in this is there?
Why do these enemys I have to kill have a heart shaped key over them?
Why do these enemys I have to kill have a heart shaped key over them?
Can a Marauder be a DPS class?
I want to do DPS but I don't really want to do Lancer/Archer/Pugalist.
The answer is probably no.
I'll probably just end up doing Lancer. Or Arcanist - Summoner since I love having pets in games like WoW.
Why do these enemys I have to kill have a heart shaped key over them?
Why do these enemys I have to kill have a heart shaped key over them?
No and no.
I can't vouch for later on, but on the 1st dungeon, I was MRD with a PUG, I was hitting for as much as a PUG if not slightly less (2-4pts) per certain skills. Don't remember lvls, but I think we were the same. Maybe the PUG attacks faster though.
Can a Marauder be a DPS class?
I want to do DPS but I don't really want to do Lancer/Archer/Pugalist.
The answer is probably no.
I'll probably just end up doing Lancer. Or Arcanist - Summoner since I love having pets in games like WoW.
There's nothing that's equivalent to the WoW hunters with pets and stuff in this is there?
Happened to me three times now. About every hour. Twice while healing a dungeon. Then about 20 minutes later I try and get on a queue.anyone else getting disconnected shortly after getting in?
keeps happening to me any ideas?
It's a QWhy do these enemys I have to kill have a heart shaped key over them?
Did you cast your spell and then switch? Or the other way around?
Everyone does the same damage at that level. That said a mrd competing for threat against other tanks ain't a good idraI can't vouch for later on, but on the 1st dungeon, I was MRD with a PUG, I was hitting for as much as a PUG if not slightly less (2-4pts) per certain skills. Don't remember lvls, but I think we were the same. Maybe the PUG attacks faster though.
Is this a Japanese thing where they don't really post on the SE forum or did Japan have a really smooth launch in every aspect? (not just server times, but also getting their codes etc..)
The targeting options are fucked. I have disabled minions/NPCs, in combat, out of combat, weapon sheathed, weapon out, customized targeting, etc. but carbuncle still is the #1 target every time. That part of the options menu is convoluted as hell.
I have troubles with targeting if we're talking about it:
I was doing a quest where I was attacked by two enemies, dodos, I think, and so I slept one and went to attack the other. I manually selected the un-slept dodo, but for my next spell, it automatically targeted the 1st, slept, dodo. This woke up the bird, and I found myself being attacked by two enemies. I slept it again, but the game kept defaulting to the first enemy that I attacked.
Is there something I can change to fix this? Playing on a controller on PC, btw.
It went:
Two enemies appear
I sleep dodo 1
manually select dodo 2, cast fire
Here, I thought it would stay on the enemy I selected, but it defaulted back to dodo 1
My next spell hits dodo 1, dodo 1 wakes up and starts to eat me.
Speaking of targeting, what is "focus target" for? It has its own UI element and everything. I think the command to trigger it is Ctrl+F.
What in the actual fuck is going on over at SOE? I want to play with a friend on Diabolos, yet they have actually closed character creation on not one, but like TWENTY servers?
That is so far beyond acceptable I don't know what to say. My buddy is trying to play as we speak and he can ONLY create on a Japanese server. From Portland.
Is this permanent?
What in the actual fuck is going on over at SOE? I want to play with a friend on Diabolos, yet they have actually closed character creation on not one, but like TWENTY servers?
That is so far beyond acceptable I don't know what to say. My buddy is trying to play as we speak and he can ONLY create on a Japanese server. From Portland.
Is this permanent?
What in the actual fuck is going on over at SOE? I want to play with a friend on Diabolos, yet they have actually closed character creation on not one, but like TWENTY servers?
That is so far beyond acceptable I don't know what to say. My buddy is trying to play as we speak and he can ONLY create on a Japanese server. From Portland.
Is this permanent?
My lvl 36 Black Mage:
Maybe you can Ctrl+F the big bad, and then after you're done killing adds you can focus right back, I guess. I dunno.For fast targeting pretty much.
I don't really use it but it probably is the most useful for a healer. Set the tank as a focus target so you can quickly switch back to them and heal.
I typically just use F1-F4 for that but it might have some applicable use later on when you grow to 8 and 24 man parties.
We're sorry. This acronym is already in use within the context of...MMORPG VIDEO GAMES...Please choose another.What in the actual fuck is going on over at SOE?
No, of course it isn't. They're working right now as pointed out above at getting new datacenteres up to expand worlds.
I just can't decide on a grand company. I will be maining white mage and I was looking at the gear, and it seems like the city I love the most, Limsa Lominsa, has the worst gear prospects. I know that you can change between them, but for some reason knowing that doesn't make the decision any easier.
BTW, just in case people missed it, it IS confirmed that SquareEnix is expanding their data centers to meet capacity.
It'll take a few days to get the new servers up and running though. They're saying late this week, early next. That makes sense, since setting up a new server isn't as easy as sliding a debit card and pushing a button. It'll take time to set up the software, stress test the hardware, etc etc.
So, yes, between the gradual leveling off of traffic, and increased capacity, congestion woes should be a thing of the past soon.
What in the actual fuck is going on over at SOE? I want to play with a friend on Diabolos, yet they have actually closed character creation on not one, but like TWENTY servers?
That is so far beyond acceptable I don't know what to say. My buddy is trying to play as we speak and he can ONLY create on a Japanese server. From Portland.
Is this permanent?
My understanding (which could totally be wrong) of those options menu refers to tab targetting. Like if you want to just select enemies, you set the Enemies preference for when your weapon is out. Then, when you target, you have to use the dpad (or whatever the keyboard equivalent is). Just facing something and pressing X won't necessarily follow your targeting preferences.
When you switch targets, you have to confirm it, so pressing X or A or whatever your controller button is. If you just switch without confirming, after you do your first action you'll go right back to whatever your last confirmed target is.
This probably isn't the case, but just to rule it out. You aren't using any skill macros that involve setting a "focus target" and perhaps casting on it?
From paaaages ago:
How did you get that? Is there a way to pay for the days now?
Is this a Japanese thing where they don't really post on the SE forum or did Japan have a really smooth launch in every aspect? (not just server times, but also getting their codes etc..)
Can a Marauder be a DPS class?
I want to do DPS but I don't really want to do Lancer/Archer/Pugalist.
The answer is probably no.
I'll probably just end up doing Lancer. Or Arcanist - Summoner since I love having pets in games like WoW.
There's nothing that's equivalent to the WoW hunters with pets and stuff in this is there?
Well this is some good news that they are getting new servers. I know there was some confusion abou the original message because of minor issues occuring with JP servers over the weekend. My guess is that these servers won't be in till after Labor Day unless they get them in late this week. I wonder if they are actually buying servers or renting them...
So is questing the fasted way to level? I'm a healer and kind of wanna just chain dungeons for exp.
is ultros still full? i sorta want to play my char today you know. to experience the official launch and stuff.
EDIT: i mean 1017 error.