is ultros still full? i sorta want to play my char today you know. to experience the official launch and stuff.
EDIT: i mean 1017 error.
It would be nice. wouldn't it?
is ultros still full? i sorta want to play my char today you know. to experience the official launch and stuff.
EDIT: i mean 1017 error.
Yup, check out the MogStation
Next Estimated Date of Billing Sep. 10, 2013
End Date Sep. 9, 2013
Payment Method
Credit Card/Debit Card
Next Estimated Service Fees
GBP 34.14
So is questing the fasted way to level? I'm a healer and kind of wanna just chain dungeons for exp.
is ultros still full? i sorta want to play my char today you know. to experience the official launch and stuff.
EDIT: i mean 1017 error.
What in the actual fuck is going on over at SOE? I want to play with a friend on Diabolos, yet they have actually closed character creation on not one, but like TWENTY servers?
That is so far beyond acceptable I don't know what to say. My buddy is trying to play as we speak and he can ONLY create on a Japanese server. From Portland.
Is this permanent?
This damn Lv 30 GLD quest...
I give up till im Lv34
I wouldn't.Question is - Do I risk creating a character on a JP server and hoping they offer free server transfers when it's all resolved. .
FATEs from level 20 on is the fastest right now.
So is questing the fasted way to level? I'm a healer and kind of wanna just chain dungeons for exp.
FATEs such as a CNJ though. You get squat for healing people and don't have any burst damage so getting Bronze is pretty much a given.
The way around that is to party, which means you can't use the Duty Finder.
Don't think I can pay right away.
Here's what it looks like on the Mog Station under Account Services.
FATEs such as a CNJ though. You get squat for healing people and don't have any burst damage so getting Bronze is pretty much a given.
The way around that is to party, which means you can't use the Duty Finder.
Happened to me three times now. About every hour. Twice while healing a dungeon. Then about 20 minutes later I try and get on a queue.
Where's a good place for FATES at level 22?
When you get to the top of the bridge, go straight for the Roeg. Mage. He will go down fast. Focus on the beast when he spawns and pull/turn him so that his attacks are directed away from the NPCs. Once the beast is dead, just finish off the adds. Easy peasy.
Any recommendation for a place to go to chain-run FATEs?
It's a Q
So which server is most of GAF playing on? I'm not sure what server I should choose.
Ultros but it's been hella hard to log on. There's some servers that are less populated apparently.
Today there were 199 people from the gaf free company logged on at one point.
That's what I have been trying butdies so fast.Mylla
Even tried giving her a few heals but that doesn't help much.
There is literally one open server I can make a character on. This is fucking stupid. I don't play mmos to play alone, I play them with my friends.
Woop, Was hoping to play while the kids were napping. 1017 makes me sad.
Do I have to get a regular chocobo in order to use my cueurl mount?, or a min level?.
Is all your gear up-to-date, including jewelry/accessories? The adds on the way to the top should die in like 2-3 hits each. Make sure you kill them on the way instead of running straight to the top. Mylla should have plenty of life left by the time you reach the top of the bridge and the mage will go down really fast. After the mage is down, take out some of the adds while you wait for the beast to spawn. You get a 'Power of the Echo' buff or something like that, so you should be doing a lot of damage.
Do I have to get a regular chocobo in order to use my cueurl mount?, or a min level?.
The Hyperbole in this thread is amazing.
Hm, my MogStation account page doesn't look like that at all. Am I supposed to get another code from SE at some point prior to the 3-day grace period being done?
"I can't play this game that i paid for, I'm mad"
I find FATEs to be really annoying to use to level. Constantly running all over the place, getting there and it's already over. Or there are so many damn people doing it you can't even see the enemies.
As someone looking in on this whole thing from the outside, Yoshi isn't to blame here. Yoshi took a complete abomination of a game and turned it into a solid and respectable MMO in a matter of two years. That alone is nothing short of amazing. Who is to blame here is their network team who should have had the foresight to implement a real queue system and an AFK timer as those are needed to insure people can actually get into the servers. It's pretty ballsy of them to put such immediate effort into the JP servers when there's far, far less people on those than NA/EU. They're not allocating their resources correctly and this is going to hurt them. I understand their reservations to not want to spend the money on extra servers cause it'll leave some of the eventual lower pop servers high and dry and they'll have to merge/close them later anyways. It ends up being a you keep a small amount of servers now to keep costs down but piss of your users and potential users and then lose out on their money or do you bite the bullet, put in more servers and then merge later?
I find FATEs to be really annoying to use to level. Constantly running all over the place, getting there and it's already over. Or there are so many damn people doing it you can't even see the enemies.
Hm, my MogStation account page doesn't look like that at all. Am I supposed to get another code from SE at some point prior to the 3-day grace period being done?
for those of you that ordered through the Square Enix store (like me), here what I did to find my serial #. Essentially, you need to look up your order history.
Of course, being Square Enix, they make this a pain. Such a pain that I still have no idea how to access the order history page via their website. Instead, I used Google and put in "Square Enix Order History". The first link sent me to a page asking for
Order # & Password
Email and last 5 digits of your credit card. I did the 5 digit cc.
Anyway, this will give you an order history, on the history there was a early access code and a serial code. I put this serial code into Mog gathering and got it to work. Sorry for the long explanation.
As someone looking in on this whole thing from the outside, Yoshi isn't to blame here. Yoshi took a complete abomination of a game and turned it into a solid and respectable MMO in a matter of two years. That alone is nothing short of amazing. Who is to blame here is their network team who should have had the foresight to implement a real queue system and an AFK timer as those are needed to insure people can actually get into the servers. It's pretty ballsy of them to put such immediate effort into the JP servers when there's far, far less people on those than NA/EU. They're not allocating their resources correctly and this is going to hurt them. I understand their reservations to not want to spend the money on extra servers cause it'll leave some of the eventual lower pop servers high and dry and they'll have to merge/close them later anyways. It ends up being a you keep a small amount of servers now to keep costs down but piss of your users and potential users and then lose out on their money or do you bite the bullet, put in more servers and then merge later?