Again, there is a fine line between being upset and reasonable and being childish/immature.When you already fucked up on the game once when you relaunch you better be perfect. They knew going in they had zero margin for error. People aren't going to cut you some slack when you already failed once, and to be quite honest if you purchased the game and can't log in or get into the server you want you have every reason to be upset.
0 room for error? Impossible, you can't plan for everything. MMO's have shaky launches and technically today is the official launch of the game. Not Phase 3 or 4 and not early access. The game hasn't even been out OFFICIALLY for 24 hours. Yes, it's reasonable and ok to be upset but to act like a immature child? That's not ok. That reflects badly on everyone and further proves the gamer man child immature stereotype.
What's reasonable is to accept problems at a MMO launch because it's inevitable. It's ok to be upset but be grown up about it. Act like an adult not a child and this comment isn't directed towards you and i want to make that clear. This is directed towards the immature people on twitter babbling incoherently and throwing out unneeded racial slurs and cursing.
TL;DL It's a video game. It's ok to be upset but don't be a childish about it. MMO's have launch problems and early access =/= launch.