It's pretty ridiculous if they don't offer some free transfers when the service launches.
Well I knew there'd be paid server transfers. Which, depending on the price wouldn't be a big deal. I mean, if it's .99USD, it'd still be a no brainer to roll on a Japanese server for a few weeks.
So communication alone might alleviate some problems.
Yeah, that would be a no-brainer. I guess the question is are they going to offer free one's in the coming weeks or not. But, I'd agree, they really need to communicate their intentions here. I'd much rather know now that I could just plunk down a $1 later and transfer over to another server. Even if it isn't Ultros -- then I'd just roll on JP and move to a US one.
If you're looking for the translation of that video you can find it here. Done by Reinhart as usual.
I know people hate Kotaku here but that vid was hard to watch, Yoshida is so awesome. I have no interest in FF14 whatsoever but Square desperately needs more guys like him.
Is Mogstation still borked? I cant pay with Crysta.
Haven't had any big problems at all really, guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Smoothest MMO launch so far for me. Been playing everyday, almost level 30, my account is set up perfectly with the pre-order items and 30 days trial active, and the game is just damn fun.
Those people would just tape down a control stick or key or something to keep themselves logged in.Do you guys blame people that never logs out to prevent themselves from having to go through 1017??
Do you guys blame people that never logs out to prevent themselves from having to go through 1017??
Payment Crysta
Period Length 90 days (Automatic Withdrawal)
Current Crysta Balance 1,500 Crysta
Crysta Cost 0 Crysta
Remaining Crysta 1,500 Crysta
Seriously, fuck this game. I haven't been able to get onto Ultros for 3 days. Can't even get into the queue. I don't remember any other launch MMO this bad.
I don't blame them for the server issues, as it shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. Even if they were, there should be an /afk system active to remove players if they're idle for a long period of time. Considering the state of the servers, though, I don't think players should idle for lengthy periods of time [with so many people wanting to play], but people are entitled to think/act however they like.Do you guys blame people that never logs out to prevent themselves from having to go through 1017??
It's not. An over-reaction to people shitting on a guy whose done an impressive job, all things considered (ESP being his first rodeo in such a big stage with big IP) but no, not a parody.Is this a parody? It reads like a parody.
Yea, once you get it every thing is working great. The main problem right now is for new players trying to create new characters I'd imagine.
Those people would just tape down a control stick or key or something to keep themselves logged in.
Do you guys blame people that never logs out to prevent themselves from having to go through 1017??
Hmm I dunno, when I try to use my Crysta it says this
Im all for a 0 cost billing but something is not working here.
Is it a class quest? Are you the right class?
It says that for me, but with my credit card. Did you register your game and get a free month subscription? If so, SE won't bill you until the 27th or 28th of September. I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get my veteran rewards right away since I subbed for 90 days, but that's because I didn't pay up front for the sub due to my free month.
Those people would just tape down a control stick or key or something to keep themselves logged in.
No, I blame the designers from creating a system that doesn't auto-log out idle players and doesn't have working queues.
I don't blame them for the server issues, as it shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. Even if they were, there should be an /afk system active to remove players if they're idle for a long period of time. Considering the state of the servers, though, I don't think players should idle for lengthy periods of time [with so many people wanting to play], but people are entitled to think/act however they like.
However, that being said, I would never do it personally. The most I would /afk for would be 10 minutes at the most to get something to drink/eat or stretch my legs. People who leave the game idle for hours while they sleep, go to work, etc., I have a problem with. Again, I can't control what people do, I'm mainly expressing my dislike for it.
If you're not going to be personally playing the game for an extended period of time, I'd recommend logging out. Yes, you might have trouble logging back in later, but at least the several hours that your character would have sat idle would have been filled with another player experiencing the world of Eorzea for themselves.
My buddie who got me into the game seems to be doing that and can't really blame him.Trying to log in and told the world is full. Fair enough. But sometimes I get put into a queue. Pick one. Stick me in a queue if the world is full, don't just tell me not to bother.
Seriously, fuck this game. I haven't been able to get onto Ultros for 3 days. Can't even get into the queue. I don't remember any other launch MMO this bad.
The long term lockouts on char creation are pretty BS I will admit. That's tantamount to not being able to play for many people. I never paid enough attention at launches to recall for sure, but while other games have had windows of a few hours, I don't think they've ever had days long like this.
Then you cant have played many MMO's, this is pretty good compared to some. pain in the ass not being able to get on but the servers are pretty stable when you are in.
I have played many MMOs, AC, DAOC, WoW, Rift, SWTOR and etc. This is the first one I haven't been able to get into at least a queue, let alone login for 3 days. I don't even care if the queue is 5K. At least, I can leave and come back in 6-8 hours.Then you cant have played many MMO's, this is pretty good compared to some. pain in the ass not being able to get on but the servers are pretty stable when you are in.
I'm a 1.0 player and my subscription ends in 14 days (meaning that I have those 15 trial days for 1.0 players).
I have played many MMOs, AC, DAOC, WoW, Rift, SWTOR and etc. This is the first one I haven't been able to get into at least the queue, let alone login for 3 days.
If I order from amazon download right now will they send me a retail key?
I thought the digital download was only from SE?
I wasn't gonna do it, I didn't want to do it, I was away the whole weekend so I didn't get to play, but after the 1017 last night, when I finally logged in, I decided I ain't logging out lol.