Two potentially dumb questions: 1. is there any chance they will allow free server transfers in a few weeks so those of us that are stuck can move to Ultros for instance and play with GAF?
2. Can you all BRIEFLY explain how the beginning job system works. If I am one of those people that compulsively rerolls in MMOs because he can't decide what to play, will I easily be able to switch weapons/jobs and test out the various flavors in FF14 without much penalty? I think the answer is yes, which is part of what appeals to me so much. I am interested in archer, marauder, thaumatargist, etc.
Server transfers will be up in 2-3 weeks, but it's unlikely they will offer free transfer, and double unlikely they will offer free transfer to overpopulated realms.
You can switch jobs anytime, there's zero penalty. You can do everything and play every class with one character. You just have to switch weapons. Also, stats are class specific, so you can't butch your Marauder because you dumped all your points into Intelligence when you where a Thaumaturge.