Does everyone here use headsets ?
Stopped when I realized I didn't want to be deaf at the age of 40.
Does everyone here use headsets ?
It will charge once the free period is over for you. So $0 for now, but check the date and price on the account site.
If it's the same as before, they'll charge you for all 180 days at once.Right, I think I get it.
So, I've selected 180 days, asked for that, so it will now bill be every month for £7.69 until the 6 months are up?
Is it like a contract of sorts?
Does everyone here use headsets ?
Stopped when I realized I didn't want to be deaf at the age of 40.
If it's the same as before, they'll charge you for all 180 days at once.
Ah right, so at the end of the 30 days I got with the game, I'll get charged 180 days so, around £46 and I'm good to go for 6 months?
Again, sorry for the questions but they dont make it easy to understand.
Ah right, so at the end of the 30 days I got with the game, I'll get charged 180 days so, around £46 and I'm good to go for 6 months?
Again, sorry for the questions but they dont make it easy to understand.
I agree with you on the damage difference increasing the longer the fight goes on which definitely makes the emerald more useful for a DPS role.
The point i was trying to make was that on average the topaz was better than the emerald for unknown situations for example when entering a dungeon for the first time.
Total MMO noob here but how does another creature that can take some damage away from you be a bad thing ?
What dungeon is that with the Chimera at the end?
Does everyone here use headsets ?
Cutter Cry.
Tanking is all about control. Throwing an AI creature into the mix takes that control away from the tank that they need to do their job. If I'm tanking a boss and suddenly the boss starts to act funny because of competing aggro, I can't ensure I'll be able to keep people safe. Off tanking is fine, as long as it's another person who've you beforehand established EXACTLY what the plan is.
I won't be subscribing for about 15 days(so Oct 15) because of Ace Combat InfinityWe have less than 20 spots left in the GAF FC on Ultros.
There are approximately less than 2% of random members in the Free Company as open membership was closed on the first day of early access. Roughly 20-25% or less of members are friends, family, and loved ones of our current GAF members. All in all, the FC is mostly comprised of actual NeoGAF account holders (400-ish), and we are still running out of room. Invite requests are happening frequently, there are around 30 users left in both of the original Linkshells (Gather Against Fate and GAF) that have not been transferred to the Free Company yet, and there is an equally significant number of members that have registered and applied on our website that have been unable to get into the game or contact an officer for an invite.
We are planning to setup an overflow Linkshell (probably the original Gather Against Fate LS) and will move players over gradually as space becomes available. As stated before, there around 30 users remaining in this Linkshell waiting to be transferred, so as we add more overflow users, there will be a decent pool of players to congregate with until we can move you into the Free Company.
We originally planned to review membership numbers after the free month expires for most users (30+ days + 14 day grace period), but due to the length of time and the amount of players trying to get in, we may begin removing inactive users that have not logged in for at least 2 weeks in order to allow other more active users an opportunity to join and contribute to the Free Company. We will of course wait until the login and server issues are resolved before tallying any days of inactivity.
To people that do not intend to subscribe (users planning to abandon after the free month or when early access ends this Friday):
Please notify one of our officers so that we may remove you from the Free Company and make room for other users.
I have a cheap one, haven't used it in XIV yet. Still need to figure out how to use Mumble.
Once I finish up the story quests with my WHM, I'm thinking of moving over to a dps role for my 2nd job, but not certain on which one. What are some of the dps jobs you like or think are fun? Explanations as to why are a plus.
Enmity/threat management is a huge part of tanking. Having another source of mass enmity generation interferes with a tank's job.
Consider that your Topaz Carbuncle is on a single target going all out with enmity generation (of which it can do respectably). Your tank, however, can not focus only one a single target. They must keep high enmity on all targets and so their attention is split. As a result, the longer the fight goes, the higher the chance that Topaz will steal the enemies attention from the tank.
There are a few concerns related to this.
First, your Topaz Carbuncle may now be a target of damage, which means it needs to be healed. If the healer does it, then they are now wasting MP on a pet. If you do it, you are healing and not damaging as your role is. Or if you use that ability that heals Carbuncle with your own HP, you are now a healing target for the healer. MP management is a major part of a healer's job.
Second, you may interfere with the melee damage classes. Both Pugilist and Lancer depend on positioning. Most tanks will run past a group of enemies and turn around to fight them. This way the enemies are turned away from the group and the tank gets a full view of his entire party. You likely sent your Carbuncle out to attack from your position with the rest of the group, meaning your Carbuncle is attacking the back of these enemies. The moment your Carbuncle gets the attention of an enemy, it turns around.
This completely ruins positioning for the melee DPS and throws off their rotation. In addition, you put them and the party at risk of cone attacks as now they are targeted towards the group rather than away. This then interferes with your magic users as they may need to stop what they're doing to move out of the way - possibly interrupting cast time on a spell.
Third, positioning is important. Area attacks from the enemy usually target the ground directly around them. If the tank has all the enemies on him, it is easily avoidable. But should the tank move from his starting position, if your Carbuncle has threat, it will stay where it was (unless you take the time to move it - which means you're not fulfilling your role as a damage dealer while micromanaging pet positioning). So you can potentially have split up the enemy groups into 2 areas, which has the risk of multiple Area attacks spread out on more than just a single point, which makes it a little harder to avoid.
Ultimately, it's not a huge thing, especially at these levels. But the most important thing, I feel, is that you're making it harder on the tank and undermining their job. Unless the tank is a jerk or refuses to try to improve, I would just be polite and try not interfere with them.
I'm having a hard time figuring out where to unlock SCH. My ACN is 30 and my CNJ is 15 and I don't see any quests available at the guild. Do I have to lvl THM to 15 too or something? I didn't do the 30 class quest either, it's making me rage a bit.
Any fix to the 3102 error yet? My router rebooted during play, now I get the 3102 error on login.
I think that is a huge downside of the topaz that i did not know.
I think that i need to focus on improving my own character's DPS role rather than interfere with the job of another player. This means that by default the emerald carbuncle should be my choice since it has the higher damage output.
Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this. You have just helped wash away some of the ignorance of a noob.
you know... mmos really should have like a crazy taxi style arrow over your head for quests and objectives.
not a fan of having my face in the map a large amount of the time.
To reconfirm. GC seals are earned from fates and what else?
To reconfirm. GC seals are earned from fates and what else?
This is what I look like at level 13... I hope I get better armor than this soon. My Lancer deserves better -__-
You just have to try them. I like Archer, Pugilist and Lancer all for different reasons.
Archer is crazy though in that I can kill mobs like 5-7 levels above me early on b/c I'm constantly moving and staying away from them. Wouldn't be the fastest exp to do that over and over again but it's still fun.
you know... mmos really should have like a crazy taxi style arrow over your head for quests and objectives.
not a fan of having my face in the map a large amount of the time.
you know... mmos really should have like a crazy taxi style arrow over your head for quests and objectives.
not a fan of having my face in the map a large amount of the time.
This is what I look like at level 13... I hope I get better armor than this soon. My Lancer deserves better -__-
Does everyone here use headsets ?
This is what I look like at level 13... I hope I get better armor than this soon. My Lancer deserves better -__-