We have less than 20 spots left in the GAF FC on Ultros.
There are approximately less than 2% of random members in the Free Company as open membership was closed on the first day of early access. Roughly 20-25% or less of members are friends, family, and loved ones of our current GAF members. All in all, the FC is mostly comprised of actual NeoGAF account holders (400-ish), and we are still running out of room. Invite requests are happening frequently, there are around 30 users left in both of the original Linkshells (Gather Against Fate and GAF) that have not been transferred to the Free Company yet, and there is an equally significant number of members that have registered and applied on our website that have been unable to get into the game or contact an officer for an invite.
We are planning to setup an overflow Linkshell (probably the original Gather Against Fate LS) and will move players over gradually as space becomes available. As stated before, there around 30 users remaining in this Linkshell waiting to be transferred, so as we add more overflow users, there will be a decent pool of players to congregate with until we can move you into the Free Company.
We originally planned to review membership numbers after the free month expires for most users (30+ days + 14 day grace period), but due to the length of time and the amount of players trying to get in, we may begin removing inactive users that have not logged in for at least 2 weeks in order to allow other more active users an opportunity to join and contribute to the Free Company. We will of course wait until the login and server issues are resolved before tallying any days of inactivity.
To people that do not intend to subscribe (users planning to abandon after the free month or when early access ends this Friday):
Please notify one of our officers so that we may remove you from the Free Company and make room for other users.