It's the perfect meld of a casual Final Fantasy and a MMO.
The leve and sanctuary system Combined with the class system makes it the perfect casual mmo in my opinion.
What are the leve and sanctuary systems?
It's the perfect meld of a casual Final Fantasy and a MMO.
The leve and sanctuary system Combined with the class system makes it the perfect casual mmo in my opinion.
During the day time, the world seems to let people on ok. Although, I logged on at 9am, and just logged off about 20 minutes ago. Night time, I doubt I'll get on, haha, but oh well. A break for a night isn't bad.
Need some room to grow for expansionsthose are pretty small for cap in a mmo, especially one out of asia
4 digit numbers should be a minimum for endgame mmo damage!![]()
you know... mmos really should have like a crazy taxi style arrow over your head for quests and objectives.
not a fan of having my face in the map a large amount of the time.
Did you do your level 10 class class?
You have to speak to the receptionist twice to get the guild entry quest.
It's the perfect meld of a casual Final Fantasy and a MMO.
The leve and sanctuary system Combined with the class system makes it the perfect casual mmo in my opinion.
During the day time, the world seems to let people on ok. Although, I logged on at 9am, and just logged off about 20 minutes ago. Night time, I doubt I'll get on, haha, but oh well. A break for a night isn't bad.
Maybe I'm being cynical (this is what WoW does to you, kids) but I feel as though I will need to roll as a caster to have any chance of being a decent DPS at end-game.
Did SQEnix suddenly fix the server issues or is it a fluke? Just came home from school, and logged straight in, no Queue. Couldn't even get the queue at all this time yesterday.
Songs and relic weapons. An ARC with songs could do more damage than a BRD with songs, but two BRDs both playing songs would still be better. Plus BRD had the job stat bonus to DEX and PIE (BRD's damage stats in 1.x).
Like relic.
Matters more than anything at endgame.
those are pretty small for cap in a mmo, especially one out of asia
4 digit numbers should be a minimum for endgame mmo damage!![]()
No no no no no no no no no
final fantasy games are all about breaking the 9999 limit. I don't wanna be doing paper mario damage in a mmo.
Has anyone looked into the best Grand Company for a White Mage? Last I checked it was the Immortal Flame...
I looked around on some but I'm still kinda clueless which I should choose.
those are pretty small for cap in a mmo, especially one out of asia
4 digit numbers should be a minimum for endgame mmo damage!![]()
As I understand it, Monks have a fast auto-attack speed and hit hard. Lancers have a slow weapon speed, but their weapon skills hit like a truck. In terms of cumulative DPS, I imagine it will be pretty close between all classes.
I'm a 1.0 CE owner, but haven't received any of the ARR CE items. In Mog Station it gives me the option to upgrade to a digital CE. Does this mean it's not registering the fact that I have a 1.0 CE? I filed a support ticket, but just wondering if any other 1.0 CE owners have received the in-game items for ARR.
....Why, you can level up the Offense minded magic classes without re-rolling the character at all.
GW2 had great exploration and open-world puzzles and areas that did incentivize going off the beaten path. It'd be awesome if FFXIV had some sort of mechanic to help promote exploration a bit more, but right now it's not bad for just exploring and seeing what's down that dark path and getting swarmed by mobs 10+ levels above you.
The map does get its uses though once you start looking for certain things, though I never pull it up full screen. I do zoom in sometimes when I need that map detail.
I have just started with crafting and have a quick question. If you craft multiple high quality copies of the same piece of equipment, are the stats the same everytime or is there some randomness?
Oh no, don't misunderstand. I didn't really intend that as a complaint.
Let me clarify.
I absolutely LOVE the leveling scheme in FFX|V and, while I don't have a problem with casters, I just wish I could be a ranged DPS without being a mage-type.
Also, by 'rolling' I was actually referencing PnP (D&D) in that you would be able to re-roll the stats on your character during the creation process, keeping the same character sheet (at least our DM let us do that, not everyone's would). I keep looking for a game that has that classic D&D ranger, but it isn't fair of me to hold that against a FF game.
I can't get over how stunning this game is. Why can't all mmos look like this.
Samurai and Musketeer or bust!They gotta save some jobs for the expansions.![]()
weird, there isn't a dps archer job?
what kind of mmo is this?![]()
They gotta save some jobs for the expansions.![]()
Most MMOs have pretty shitty art direction.
Artistically, this may be the strongest Final Fantasy game ever and that's really saying something.
For the millionth time, don't chose your GC based on its gear's stats. You won't be wearing much of it except for show.
how are lancer/dragoons? seems like a popular class. melee dps have nearly always been shit in mmos compare to range, but having no clue how they play, i assume 'jump' and what not give them needed mobility?
They gotta save some jobs for the expansions.![]()
That's not entirely true.
From 30 to my current level 44, I've been wearing a mix of dungeon drops and GC (Limsa) gear for my SMN. The GC stuff has always been a huge improvement over whites of the same level of course, and even over pinks a couple levels higher. Never had a green drop of the same level/slot as a GC piece.
So in a way it has saved me time from dungeon grinding to get better stuff from the usual vendors, by just spending seals, which if people do them every time they see them, they will have a lot.
Anyway, I don't think the lv 50 items will be any good, maybe if they introduce a new rank, but at least from 30-44 (pre-AF) the gear is quite good.
They gotta save some jobs for the expansions.![]()
Anyone else frustrated with how they label locations in a kind of confusing way? Like if you know you need to get to Lower La Noscea from inside the city, but if you don't memorize that the aethernet gate you want is called 'zeyphyr' (or is it the other one, I already forgot), then you're clueless.
All I want is for quests and aethernet regions to kind of match, I dunno, put the region in parentheses next to the proper name or something. It just feels like there needs to be a lot more consistency. The same thing goes for teleport destinations, why don'tt hey let you know what fucking region each one puts you in?