Feels so good to finally be able to play after all this time. Although, I'm getting tired, so I'll continue more tomorrow.
Someone named themselves after that god forsaken place?
I swear...I think I've spent months there. Months.
Whats your pc specs?
I spent weeks there, but that's just how it was in FFXI if you were RDM or THF (I was both at first) lol. At least, before Book Burn parties. (Fields of Valor). I use to think the place was heck on earth until I was more established. I still never enjoyed leveling there, well, much.
6950, 8 gigs ram, i5-2500k.....I did fine in the benchmark.
Every MMO except this one
Definitely just the server or you have a really bad internet connection.
Seems like routing issues from you to the servers.Alright I guess I will just wait it out then. Thanks!
must avoid topic, must avoid temptation.
Did SoD (FFXI) ever get reborn into XIV?
No pre-pair time cards in NA?![]()
must avoid topic, must avoid temptation.
Did SoD (FFXI) ever get reborn into XIV?
Holy shit, so fast. I'll be getting it soon, too.gaf guild is now full. any additional players will be added to the gaf linkshell.[/spoiler]
Damn I made a character on Ultros the first day of EA and never got a chance to play him before the guild filled up.gaf guild is now full. any additional players will be added to the gaf linkshell.
holy shit @ 512 members.
Night, Hoga, Spiderlily, myself, and Mjunter are on Excalibur.
Feels so good to finally be able to play after all this time. Although, I'm getting tired, so I'll continue more tomorrow.
Seems like routing issues from you to the servers.
Try a character on a JP server for a bit, since you're in San Diego the latency difference between Japan and Montreal where the NA servers happen to be located should be comparable.
On selling items to the market using retainers, what is the supposed method of determining market price when talking to the retainer? Are you supposed to check the market board -> write down the prices -> then call your retainer and put in the prices?
Well, I barely have time to play now and my friend is leveling quite fast, so I'm left alone because my friend wants to experience the content asap.
I'm considering quitting (haven't registered the key yet) since I'll have to solo quest and grind alone, which was what I hoped to avoid by playing with my friend.
Is there something that can be done so I don't feel left in the dust because I can't play that much?
Is there something that can be done so I don't feel left in the dust because I can't play that much?
It wasn't especially hard, but having done it for the first time without knowing the tricks made it a bit more challenging.
Is there a way to set RT and LT (R2 and L2 on PS3) to toggle on/off instead of having to hold them in to attack/cast spells? Would be more comfortable to me
Well, I barely have time to play now and my friend is leveling quite fast, so I'm left alone because my friend wants to experience the content asap.
I'm considering quitting (haven't registered the key yet) since I'll have to solo quest and grind alone, which was what I hoped to avoid by playing with my friend.
Is there something that can be done so I don't feel left in the dust because I can't play that much?
Gather Against Fate has welcomed our 512th member. This means the Free Company is officially full!
As a temporary measure, we will begin inviting users into an overflow Linkshell and will gradually begin transferring those members to the Free Company as space becomes available. As much as we regret to do this, due to the high demand and the amount of players trying to get in, we will begin removing inactive users from the Free Company. To be fair, we will not begin enforcing this policy until the login and server issues have been fully resolved and stabilized.
When we begin this maintenance policy, please do not take it personally if you are removed. We want to give everyone a chance to participate and contribute to the Free Company. If you are removed, please contact an officer and we will add you to one of the overflow Linkshells until we can transfer you back in. As a former Free Company member, you will be given priority when space becomes available.
There will be a thread in the Members forum for posting a leave of absence. If you are leaving for any extended amount of time, please post in the thread to notify our officers. We will take these into consideration when reviewing our roster and will not remove any members that have notified us in advance.
From our Free Company website:
Send a /tell to any of our leaders while in-game for an invite to the Linkshell. Hopefully we will be able to transfer you over soon!
Capelle Percipere
Maple Cookie
Safflower Amariyo
Strawberry Shortcake
Xarielle Randgris
He can always level sync down to help you out with dungeons, etc.
Couldn't your friend switch to one of the classes he/she hasn't been leveling so much? That way they can still power through the game in another class but work through it slowly with a different class with you.
I guess it depends on whether you're enjoying the game or not. There isn't much you can do if your friend is set on seeing late-game content at a pace that's faster than your own.
If you're enjoying the game then you could -
1) Try looking for other people to group with.
I've done this before in WoW. When I first started back in Vanilla, I chose an RPG server on Emerald Dream and just stayed in character whenever I helped people out. I met a lot of people that way who were just soloing through the areas and eventually I became friends with a few of them.
2) Look for a more casual guild
Look around for a guild that fits your playstyle. I'm sure they're out there.
3) Wait it out
I imagine that your friend will eventually calm down a bit once that new shine starts rubbing off of everything. After a while, who you're doing things with will become more important than what you're doing.
4) Change servers or hook up with the GAF hivemind
Plenty of people to play with in GAF.
If you're not really into the game, then there's no shame in putting it down.
Having an issue.
Just got done getting my GC chocobo in Gridania I'm level 23.
The next main scenerio quest didnt pop up.....
Been looking all over for it and it didnt show up. Is it a glitch or am I not leveled enough?
Feels so good to finally be able to play after all this time. Although, I'm getting tired, so I'll continue more tomorrow.
On selling items to the market using retainers, what is the supposed method of determining market price when talking to the retainer? Are you supposed to check the market board -> write down the prices -> then call your retainer and put in the prices?
Is that supposed to be the way how it's done? Seems tedious... can you even call your retainer at the markets?
Also, what does the Max value on foodstuff buffs mean? Mean you can get a % increase to a stat but it only gives to the maximum value indicated?