For those tanking with a controller, has PLD or WAR been easier to utilize?
I would go PLD if playing with a controller. WAR needs a ton of keybinds to be played well.
For those tanking with a controller, has PLD or WAR been easier to utilize?
getting gc chocobo is actually a "side" story quest
yes it had the flaming quest sign symbol that shows it's storyline quest, but it's not the main story quest
try speaking with minfilia?
I would go PLD if playing with a controller. WAR needs a ton of keybinds to be played well.
I finally got a look that I really like on my 30 Conjurer, and am in the process of finishing the quest to unlock White Mage. What are everyones' impressions of the Arcanist? I really hated my time playing one as a prereq. for WHM. =/
I've said this a few times in this thread, but I love ACN. Such a fun class to me. I'm going to have to keep my eye out on other dot casters. The WoW Warlock wasn't this fun.
Pugilist is still my main though. Can't wait to play again tomorrow!
I started with the controller, but switched back to keyboard quick.
By the way, what is it that you like about Pugilist? What do they bring to the table - massive damage? I subbed monk for a while back in vanilla FFXI just because I couldn't find anything to go with Thief. Just seemed like a bunch of fistacuffs with some chakra thrown in.
The pugilist guild quest line is also absolutely hilarious![]()
Some bros are selling keys in the B/S/T thread.Oops, I can't buy the game because Square halted digital orders until they add more servers.
I finally got a look that I really like on my 30 Conjurer, and am in the process of finishing the quest to unlock White Mage. What are everyones' impressions of the Arcanist? I really hated my time playing one as a prereq. for WHM. =/
Yes! Master Hamon rocks!For me, pugilists are kinda like rogues of other mmos. You have absurdly high attack speed and low global cooldown (with greased lightning stacks up), and you always have to be mindful of your own position in regard of the enemy.
The pugilist guild quest line is also absolutely hilarious![]()
damn this game is creepy
On selling items to the market using retainers, what is the supposed method of determining market price when talking to the retainer? Are you supposed to check the market board -> write down the prices -> then call your retainer and put in the prices?
Is that supposed to be the way how it's done? Seems tedious... can you even call your retainer at the markets?
Also, what does the Max value on foodstuff buffs mean? Mean you can get a % increase to a stat but it only gives to the maximum value indicated?
Why do I keep getting screen tearing? I have v-sync and triple buffering turned on via nVidia control panel and have a locked 60 FPS in-game.
Why do I keep getting screen tearing? I have v-sync and triple buffering turned on via nVidia control panel and have a locked 60 FPS in-game.
There is button at the top of the window that opens when price items you want to sell. That button will open a window with a list of recent prices for that item. Very simple.
Windowed fullscreen? iirc triple buffering only works fullscreen, I could be wrong on that though
Man, I'm almost 25 and I don't have the 4th or 5th dungeon unlocked. I'm actually about 13 quests out from unlocking the 5th.
Oops, I can't buy the game because Square halted digital orders until they add more servers.
I don't think an MMO has ever gone right at launch. >_<
I started with the controller, but switched back to keyboard quick.
I am a total m/kb user, but at gamescom I had to play WHM with controller and it was really really good, I was actually really surprised and I can totally see myself playing WHM in the future with controller.
For other things I imagine it might not be that perfect.
Am I the only that thinks this game "feels" like FFXI? It really does seem like the sequel to that game.
It took just about everything I hated about the old FFXI (and 1.0) and threw it to the wind while leaving most of the good stuff.
I started with my XBox controller but changed very quick. I don't know. Was too much clicking for me. K/M feels more natural to me. But hey, I guess with some more practice even controllers could work.
Let me put it this way: with 1.0 they should have put sedatives in the game box, because everything you did took fucking ages. Something as simple as crafting took minutes to set up and handle.Soooo. how much different to 1.0 is it? Was 1.0 really that bad?