Such as? It is probably stuff that I wish was still in it lol the top of my head...
No deleveling.
>Far less linear exp progression. Spam FATEs, run dungeons, level other classes, do leves, do the Hunting Log...whatever you want really will work.
>A much better crafting system. There's a reason they are considered "jobs" and they can end up being a lot of work but it feels very rewarding and fun.
>Distinct combat styles between classes. In FFXI most of the combat "differences" were simply stat allocations or aesthetics. But you can't play any base class like any other really. PUG has to combo for their self buffs. ARC has to keep it's distance to make full use of its own buffs, THM is heavy nuking while ARC spreads DOTs around, ect. I could easly spend a full post on the intricacies of the few classes I've had time with. I can also tell they made the Soul system so that most base classes are likely to get 2/3 options for specialize in like ACN does now, which will be nice.
> Duty Finder, similar to WoW's dungeon finder. lets you "seek" a party while doing other things and helps prevent "lol*insertclasshere* invites never!" for something basic like story/level progression.
>Lots of quick way to travel around the world after you've earned them vs needing Teleport-whatever or a Warp 2. Chocoports are also basically WoW "flight paths".
>Class balance in general feels way better, no class feels broken or dysfunctional (although there's things to polish for sure).
>Class story and dialogue from the getgo, instead of "oh here's a crappy thing from someone you never met" at 30/40
There's probably more but eh, tired.