So if I'm in a party with random players if there is a treasure to loot there is no downside to choosing Greed? Would these items be bound to my character? I'm a bit confused about how binding works. I was able to buy this pair of Goggles off the Market Board, faily cheap too, but then in the dungeon it was part of loot and it wouldn't let me choose "Need" or "greed" because I already had it equiped and it's unique, but it also said "Untradeable"
So how did I buy it prior off the Market Board if it's Untradeable?
Does it say 15 ARC or 15 ACN?My friend got a weird bug. He's a 30 Tham and 15 Arcanist, but when he tries to get the BLM quest the quest giver won't give him it and it says he needs 30 Tham and 15 Arcanist. Anyone know what's up?
My friend got a weird bug. He's a 30 Tham and 15 Arcanist, but when he tries to get the BLM quest the quest giver won't give him it and it says he needs 30 Tham and 15 Arcanist. Anyone know what's up?
I'm not sure about the binding stuff but no there isn't any downside to choosing greed. Just don't be a dick about it. If you need on a really great item and win it then maybe pass on the rest of the items in the dungeon so that the other people get some items too.
Finally last night was able to log into Ultros and make my char: Dazathar Zomaton (my 2 wow mains).
hopefully can get a bit of play time in tonight, and over the weekend. whats the state of the gaf guild?
Did they allow creation of new characters on NA/EU servers yet?
I want to play with my friends![]()
Almost at level 10 on my lancer. First char, taking it slow. How do I request to join the GAF guild? I'm on the PS3 if that makes a difference. Cheers
Almost at level 10 on my lancer. First char, taking it slow. How do I request to join the GAF guild? I'm on the PS3 if that makes a difference. Cheers
What's your in game name? I'll ask chat to see if there's any officers on that can invite you
Also what's the difference between a Green & Pink item?
Rarity I think. I'm not sure what the colours actually mean. I've only seen green and pink but I'm sure there probably others too.
So if I'm in a party with random players if there is a treasure to loot there is no downside to choosing Greed? Would these items be bound to my character? I'm a bit confused about how binding works. I was able to buy this pair of Goggles off the Market Board, faily cheap too, but then in the dungeon it was part of loot and it wouldn't let me choose "Need" or "greed" because I already had it equiped and it's unique, but it also said "Untradeable"
So how did I buy it prior off the Market Board if it's Untradeable?
Rarity I think. I'm not sure what the colours actually mean. I've only seen green and pink but I'm sure there probably others too.
My friend got a weird bug. He's a 30 Tham and 15 Arcanist, but when he tries to get the BLM quest the quest giver won't give him it and it says he needs 30 Tham and 15 Arcanist. Anyone know what's up?
so many delivery quests, so many.............mind exploding..........boredom...........can't do it
Story quest and class quest are different right?
I think I missed a bunch of class quests but my Recommendations does not show them?
Has he done all the Tham quests from the guild master?
so many delivery quests, so many.............mind exploding..........boredom...........can't do it
There is a downside to the other random people playing with you. Sometimes your Greed can cause you to get the item even if you didnt need it as such, while the random person who actually needed it doesnt get it. Its just a case of not pissing people off.
I dont roll greed ever, unless i'm with friends. I always either need an item or I pass it.
items are not bound to you untill you use them. As soon as you wear them and kill an enemy, they are bound to you and can no longer be sold. They can however be broken down for materia (once your spirit bond is 100% after enough use of the item).
Also, make sure your armour inventory isnt full, or else you wont be able to get the items anyway.
Story quest and class quest are different right?
I think I missed a bunch of class quests but my Recommendations does not show them?
What's the secondary class for Dragoon?
Bard: ARC 30 PGL 15
Black Mage: THM 30 ARC 15
Dragoon: LNC 30 MRD 15
Monk: PGL 30 LNC 15
Paladin: GLA 30 CNJ 15
Scholar: ACN 30 CNJ 15
Summoner: ACN 30 THM 15
Warrior: MRD 30 GLA 15
White Mage: CNJ 30 ACN 15
Story quest and class quest are different right?
I think I missed a bunch of class quests but my Recommendations does not show them?
Are there any loot that are bound when you receive them? Maybe I read it wrong when it said it was "Untradeable" before I could even roll for it.
Are there any loot that are bound when you receive them? Maybe I read it wrong when it said it was "Untradeable" before I could even roll for it.
Finally I've gone from eight levels of looking like this
To hitting 50 and finally looking like this!
Male Elezen pull off DRG the best!
You made a new account instead of registering the game to your account. As this seems to be a common occurence, there's a special support form that you can fill, but I don't have the link with me.When I redeemed my retail code it now shows me as having 2 service accounts when logging in, is this normal?
Are the AF quest soloable or you need a group?
When I redeemed my retail code it now shows me as having 2 service accounts when logging in, is this normal?
AF gear is unlocked during your class quests. AF+1 will require more work and you'll need to party up for it.
'Untradeable' if you equip it. If it's just in your inventory then it won't be bound to you, and you can sell it, unless it's a quest item, I believe.
Not that I know of, Ive always had the need option available if its for my class, but nothing has been bound to me till i use it.
Also I edited my original post. Need outweighs greed.