Code:F1:: Loop { Send {Numpad0} Sleep 3000 }
It pretty much hits 0 every 3 seconds after you activate it by pressing F1
for autohotkey (free software)
had it press every 3 seconds because i'm not sure what kind of bot detection the game has. It shouldn't matter though because it doesn't do anything to the game anyways, so there should be zero way of it being detected as a 'hack'.
Got in after i came back from the gym.
There is a real queue system. There's just a straight-up "go home, server's nuked" check before you even hit it.
If you're running one of the auto-login "mash Num0/○" scripts you're probably setting yourself back by auto-cancelling out of the queue when you end up in it.
Wouldn't this just cancel your queue if you get into one? I haven't gone to a queue and hit "0" before, so I'm not sure what would happen.
Wouldn't this just cancel your queue if you get into one? I haven't gone to a queue and hit "0" before, so I'm not sure what would happen.
I've played without afking, you'll manage.
I've decided the FATE system sucks. Well, let me be more precise - FATEs that involve fighting a large mob of enemies at once suck, particularly when tanking. I just don't find them fun in the least.
There a huge mass of people, AoE spells and graphic effects going off everywhere, my sound frequently clipping out because of all the effects going off, and I can't even tell what I've got targeted, can barely tell when my current target is dead, and when I need to retarget it's nearly impossible to do (yes, even TAB-ing through is nearly impossible).
Granted, even when I feel I've spent the entire FATE just spamming hoping to luckily be targeted properly I get decent experience from them, but it feels so lifeless and worthless and you never have time to read any of the flavor text that describes the FATE anyway, so it's just a button mash grind to get experience.
Single enemy, "boss style" FATEs are much better since I needn't worry about losing the target and can concentrate on how I'm using my skills, but they're still pretty dumb button mashes.
Maybe the later level FATEs are better in this regard, but FATEs almost make you wish they had a million servers and some were nearly barren so that FATEs weren't so overrun with people all the time.
Since I didn't see the link on here yet:
Anyone know how the 30 free days works? Do they begin immideately for everyone, or can you redeem it like game time, anytime you want? I'd love to wait a few weeks for the problems to go away, then redeem it.
So what are you gathers doing with your materials if you arent crafting? I'm thinking about doing a 60/40 split between depositing stuff in the company chest and marketing the rest.
Speaking of are people deciding the initial price for an item?
I just completed the story and I'm without words.
Naoki Yoshida and his team managed to make the best Final Fantasy game ever.
I just completed the story and I'm without words.
Naoki Yoshida and his team managed to make the best Final Fantasy game ever.
I havent been able to play without afking so I dont think Ill manage
It's whenever you register your product key. You don't have to do it now. However, you'll not be able to play with EA after today. I personally have not registered my key yet, but plan to today because the servers have been a little kinder to me lately.
Code:F1:: Loop { Send {Numpad0} Sleep 3000 }
It pretty much hits 0 every 3 seconds after you activate it by pressing F1
for autohotkey (free software)
had it press every 3 seconds because i'm not sure what kind of bot detection the game has. It shouldn't matter though because it doesn't do anything to the game anyways, so there should be zero way of it being detected as a 'hack'.
Got in after i came back from the gym.
What scores are you guys getting at 1080p, and maximum? I'm getting 9512, which it is calling extremely high, but not sure how that holds up while you are partying in a crowded area. What framerates are you getting while playing the real game?
What, already? Seems.. short.
Oh wow. I need to get on that.
I just completed the story and I'm without words.
Naoki Yoshida and his team managed to make the best Final Fantasy game ever.
2 Star are a rarity even on Legacy servers. The type of specialization you need to make those is crazy. Super close to breaking into 2 star leather so far. Love the crafting "endgame."
2 Star are a rarity even on Legacy servers. The type of specialization you need to make those is crazy. Super close to breaking into 2 star leather so far. Love the crafting "endgame."
You'll manage.
i7-2600k @ 4.4GHz, GTX 590.What scores are you guys getting at 1080p, and maximum? I'm getting 9512, which it is calling extremely high, but not sure how that holds up while you are partying in a crowded area. What framerates are you getting while playing the real game?
The game's music is also amazing, didn't really hit me until I fought Ifrit. Now I'm sad I didn't know about the physical collector's edition having the soundtrack.
It be kind of useless to see if I can find a collector's edition since it wouldn't stack with my 30-day sub?
damn, dat hype.I just completed the story and I'm without words.
Naoki Yoshida and his team managed to make the best Final Fantasy game ever.
"Just yesterday we learned that the game had broken the record for concurrent connections (users online at the same time) for an online game operated by a Japanese company with 187,000 users online at the same time, and todays numbers are even higher."
Thats probably the least impressive record breaking I have ever read.
What scores are you guys getting at 1080p, and maximum? I'm getting 9512, which it is calling extremely high, but not sure how that holds up while you are partying in a crowded area. What framerates are you getting while playing the real game?
I just completed the story and I'm without words.
Naoki Yoshida and his team managed to make the best Final Fantasy game ever.
Okay, did a little math.
So according to Yoshida, their record so far is 220K simultaneous connections. Well, assuming thats for both NA/EU and Japanese Servers, that'd average out to about 5000 connections per server.
However, the NA/EU Servers seem to be the ones that hit the connection limit regularly, so, I think we should assume that the connection limit per server much be somewhere between 8000 and 10000 concurrent users.
So, assuming all 500+ members of the GAF FC were online at once, and the server was more or less full, it'd come out to about 5-8% of the total population of the Server.
For me, I'm happy about the several extra days free.
What, already? Seems.. short.
I dont think its completely finished. Yoshi just said more scenario quests are on the way. Then again i'm not that far.
Well of course the story isn't finished, it is an MMO. But the current, let's called "arc", is done. After the credits the new arc starts, and that's what we'll move to in endgame, and coming updates.
I am playing this... on PC... on my comfy sofa... with a wireless keyboard when I want to chat. All in glorious 1080p.
I'm level 18 and I took an airship from Gridania to La Noscea. The only problem now is, the only quests that I can find are the low level newbie quests for the starter zone here. I really don't want to grind out to unlock stuff, are there quests in my range here?
So roughly comparable to rank 6? ;P
if I just spam 0 will it quick me out of the queue if/when i actually get in one? i'm sitting at my comp and scared that if I press 0 after the queue comes up that it may cancel it?
i reeeeaaally want to get in... i haven't been able to play ALL WEEK, finally i have some time off...
Yep, it'll cancel it. Not to worry though, sometimes you can stand in queue and still get an error about the server being full. Either way you lose.
Any more word on the possibilities of one-time server transfers?
My friend and I ended up starting on a server where we know no one and I didn't think to research where GAF would be (which I did for SWTOR, d'oh!) so we'll end up wanting to transfer to Ultros.
Not at all, I've been playing 14~ hours a day since Saturday, also I'm a Legacy player, but I went through the story from Arcanist level 1.
It wasn't only until level 46 when I stopped doing SMN today, only because there is a very strange level gap for the story quests, you have one at 46 and then the next one is 49 and you aren't directed to any more 46/47/48 quests.
So to not waste all day grinding SMN to 50, I just jumped on WAR 50 and completed the last part of the story.
In that note, does anyone know if there are quests level 47/48/49 and where? If not then I'll have to do my last 4 SMN levels on FATEs and dungeons.
Well of course the story isn't finished, it is an MMO. But the current, let's called "arc", is done. After the credits the new arc starts, and that's what we'll move to in endgame, and coming updates.
Not even close dude. FFXI had fuck shit for story up to that point.
If anything ARR is FFXI's Zilart, but at Promathia standards thanks to Komoto.
comforting... :|
also what good are the free days they give us if this is the norm? a solution needs to be in place. So they are "looking into" AFK kick? Well I hope they are looking into it 24/7 cause my sub runs 24/7 and I expect fast results![]()