This is ridiculous. SE are to blame for the server issues not the consumers that just want to ensure that they can play when they get off work. I get the selflessness of logging out so others can log in but the moment you do that you are pretty much done for the day because you will never get in again.
If you can't beat em join em. SE will fix this next week anyway, it is their responsibility. It is also their fault for not putting an afk timer on. To call for the players to be punished when we have already been punished is silly.
This is ridiculous. SE are to blame for the server issues not the consumers that just want to ensure that they can play when they get off work. I get the selflessness of logging out so others can log in but the moment you do that you are pretty much done for the day because you will never get in again.
If you can't beat em join em. SE will fix this next week anyway, it is their responsibility. It is also their fault for not putting an afk timer on. To call for the players to be punished when we have already been punished is silly.
Where do you actually download the client form? SE account page?
what am i doing wrong here?
anyone else having completely random issues just lagging so hard that it crashes to the desktop? Happened to me twice so far, just lagged out to the desktop :\
yeah, for the quest. i met some royal mini person. now i can't enter there.
Lets try to do behemoth on ultros when he's up near 3-4 pacific. Should be that time if its a 24h respawn. Make sure to drop all gfx and like settings to low so the culling isn't as bad. We almost had him today but healers couldn't target the tank lol.
Is there any way to switch to keyboard controls once you've gone to gamepad? I can't find the option anywhere in the configuration. Or do I have to actually unplug the gamepad from my PC to get it to default to keyboard controls?
I can try and be there at 6am est, but won't be able to stay longer than an hour. Also, I'm only 44 right now so I'm not sure how much help I could be.
Tried that already.Deleted my copy and redownloaded hoping there was something screwy the first go. Just tried different HDMI cables too. Just dunno what to think. I'll post on the official forums about the issue.
This is ridiculous. SE are to blame for the server issues not the consumers that just want to ensure that they can play when they get off work. I get the selflessness of logging out so others can log in but the moment you do that you are pretty much done for the day because you will never get in again.
If you can't beat em join em. SE will fix this next week anyway, it is their responsibility. It is also their fault for not putting an afk timer on. To call for the players to be punished when we have already been punished is silly.
ARGH!! Still getting the PS3 graphics flicker issue after downloading the client twice!
I found a video someone posted online with the same issue.
Anyone else seeing this too??? I don't think it's my PS3 crapping out as no other game is giving the same trouble, and I just spent 20 hours playing through Last of Us right before this game launched. Also been laying Tales of Xillia when I can't login and zero problems.
Launch 60gb PS3 model. PS4 version can't get here soon enough...
ARGH!! Still getting the PS3 graphics flicker issue after downloading the client twice!
I found a video someone posted online with the same issue.
Anyone else seeing this too??? I don't think it's my PS3 crapping out as no other game is giving the same trouble, and I just spent 20 hours playing through Last of Us right before this game launched. Also been laying Tales of Xillia when I can't login and zero problems.
Launch 60gb PS3 model. PS4 version can't get here soon enough...
Isn't this a new server?
has to be the best villain in a ff gameGaiustheme and additude reminds me ofhisThey are basically the same,Caius from FFXIII-2.Also most interesting ff story ever.look at the names.
Gaius has to be the best villain in a ff game his theme and additude reminds me of Caius from FFXIII-2. They are basically the same, look at the names. Also most interesting ff story ever.
Hey, I'm pretty sure I got stuck there too. I might be remembering it wrong, but it was definitely one of the level 14 Ul'dah story quests. I think I had to talk to one of the guards near the heart of the sworn first, and he didn't have a quest marker on him. He would then let you enter so you could continue the quest. But again, I might be wrong about this!
Lol, the maximum number of players is 5,000?
When I started playing FFXI on Phoenix, (I later migrated to join GAF) peak was routinely 6,500 to 7,000. Maybe 4,500 on a slow day after server maintenance.
ARGH!! Still getting the PS3 graphics flicker issue after downloading the client twice!
I found a video someone posted online with the same issue.
Anyone else seeing this too??? I don't think it's my PS3 crapping out as no other game is giving the same trouble, and I just spent 20 hours playing through Last of Us right before this game launched. Also been laying Tales of Xillia when I can't login and zero problems.
Launch 60gb PS3 model. PS4 version can't get here soon enough...
Went there plenty of times, no one there is giving quests.
Edit: found the quest-giver in the Drydocks. Thanks for the condescension though.
I just finished creating my character and I knew going into this process tonight I was going to run into trouble getting in game, but I can't even save all the progress I've done creating my character for a long period of time until I actually enter the game? That sucks. /:
Wait for the timer to run out and you'll get ported out automatically....still dead, but you'll get credit for the quest.I died during ifrit battle but my party won. However, my character still remains dead on the ground and I can't teleport my way out. Whelp.
you know... i've had shitty mmo experiences... ff14 is most definitely my worst. it just kinda bums me out.
Is it even possible to make toons on ultros? What if I delete this one?
You can create your characters look and save it without choosing a server.