What's the lowest population? I think I'm ditching GAF. Sorry, guys.
All the NA/EU servers will be full anyways. You can play on JP servers if you want.
What's the lowest population? I think I'm ditching GAF. Sorry, guys.
Log-in restrictions all day every day until Mid September rolls around and that's when they implement server transfers... smart, SE. Smart.
Mid September?
Hell yeah! I got in at 9:00PM PST. Keep trying, people!
That's when SE is looking to implement server transfers, according to the news at Mogstation.
Being dps, the first storyline group dungeon (sanatos or something) will take me forever to que. So, can I que in on the dutyfinder as my archer and change my class to Fishing without losing my place in the que?
So I just registered my code on Mog Station. Showed 31 days. But, after I put in my credit card info for auto renewal, it no longer shows my 31 remaining days. Anyone else get this? Is that supposed to happen? I don't want my CC charged until my free 30 days runs out.
Being dps, the first storyline group dungeon (sanatos or something) will take me forever to que. So, can I que in on the dutyfinder as my archer and change my class to Fishing without losing my place in the que?
Being dps, the first storyline group dungeon (sanatos or something) will take me forever to que. So, can I que in on the dutyfinder as my archer and change my class to Fishing without losing my place in the que?
If it is that scene then you need to have earrings made and then wear them or they will not let you into the banquet.
You need to get the quest "Matter of Tradition" first to make the earnings ( Voice of the Just), then after they are made you put them on to enter the banquet.
Is it just me or did Ultros/the NA servers just shit the bed? Saw a crapton of people log at once from the GAF guild, and then I got d/ced as well, and now no server list.
It doesn't start with Momodi. The quest starts with someone around the Heart of the Sworn, who then directs you towards Momodi as part of the quest. The next story quest always starts in the same spot the last quest ended.yep, and that quest starts with the sand guild gal... which i see no quest bubble and she gives stock dialogue.
Does anyone know whens the last time any of the NA Servers were open to new characters?
It doesn't start with Momodi. The quest starts with someone around the Heart of the Sworn, who then directs you towards Momodi as part of the quest. The next story quest always starts in the same spot the last quest ended.
yep, and that quest starts with the sand guild gal... which i see no quest bubble and she gives stock dialogue.
Hey guys.
What kind of endgame content is der right now? (level 50).
I know 2.1 has crystal tower. but what about right now?.
I finished the story, How many LOOT dungeons are there?
That is the Fragrant Chamber, not the Heart of the Sworn. The Heart of the Sworn is the place next to Alchemist's Guild.can't enter, no1 around with quests.
You are going to love Qarn thenWell, I unlocked white mage today, got my unicorn, and did Haukke Manor two times. It's a pretty neat dungeon, but the way the last fight plays out makes things really hectic. Spawning so many difficult adds right at the end is cruel. The first time through, the fight went really smoothly, but the second time, we wiped a couple of times.
That is the Fragrant Chamber, not the Heart of the Sworn. The Heart of the Sworn is the place next to Alchemist's Guild.
Are you alt-tabbing while in fullscreen? Try playing in borderless if you aren't doing so yet.
man... im really bummed out. haven't been bummed out about a game in ages... was gonna take tomorrow off of work to play... but I guess ill go to work tomorrow.
Man this game is so good I took tomorrow free. Yes... I'll spend the whole fucking day playing.! I am Level 13... slowly getting into the game's mechanics, plus I am a MMORPG newbie... and I am loving it. Definitely looking forward to Sastasha and Ifrit... and Titan... you guys have me hyped. So far slowly getting into party playing, especially with the Duty Finder which is useful since its allowing me to understand a few concepts. As a THM... the search didn't last more than 10 minutes. As a sidenote, I have noticed that sometimes my cursor jumps between enemies. I am playing with the Gamepad, and I was doing the second duty finder quest, and I was aiming at the smaller enemies but after attacking them once the game aimed at the main boss again and I had to try and select the smaller baddies. Any reason for this?
Just was disconnected, and now the Lobby Servers are down.
Guess I'll ask here what I asked there: is there any way to customize which quests show up in your on-screen log?
Does the TAB targeting seem really bad to anyone else? Just doesn't feel like it targets the nearest enemy most of the time. I wish we could target whatever the mouse was hovering over or hell, just have some crosshair in the middle of the screen.
You have one main target, so if you just select a new target with the D-Pad and cast a spell, you'll go back to your main one after that. To pick a new main target, press X after you select it.
In my case (as a Conjurer) it's useful for healing, for example - I keep the tank as my main target and can quickly throw a heal at someone else when they need it and go right back to the tank afterwards.
So, as Scholar, is a bad idea to DOT bosses now and then when things look stable enough?
kicking AFK system should really be their priority.
At this year's PAX Prime 2013, in celebration of the release of FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A Realm Reborn, we're very excited to announce the official Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Launch event! From August 30th - September 1st, attendees will get to geek out with fellow Eorzea virtual inhabitants and reminisce about the good ole days before Meteor changed everything. We'll also have members from the Development Team in attendance including the infamous Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida, Sound Director Masayoshi Soken and Localization Lead Michael-Christopher Koji Fox who will be giving a special presentation.
Following the presentation, members of the development team will host a special autograph session for fans.
Yoshi, Foxclon and Soken? that actually sounds awesome.http://na.square-enix.com/us/blog/final-fantasy-xiv-realm-reborn-pax-prime-launch-event
For the White Mages out there - what is up with Stoneskin? Is it just a garbage spell at around level 35? It costs twice as much as Cure I, and in the best case scenario, covers about 200 health (10% of the approx. 2000 a tank has) while Cure I heals for about 300 and can proc Freecure.
Is there something I'm missing? Or is it just a shit spell until you get Graniteskin?
I found it to be lacking. (42 atm) Maybe if I knew the fights better you could pre-cast it on people prior to big damage bursts. I basically used it when the tank was pretty much full and I had nothing to heal but it only really mitigated 1 single hit from a boss. It just seems so unattractive. When I am soloing I never take more damage that a Cleric Stance casted Regen can keep me alive with and since it scales off health I dont bother with it. It takes longer to cast initially than Cure II, has the same mana cost, the 30m duration almost seems like a troll because the only way it would last 30m is if you were afking to avoid login issues. Like I said in a previous post I hope it better scales better at 50. It seem kinda meh now.