I got a Roe Lancer I'll post later today. Also, is there like a "screenshot mode" for PC? Like where I can hide the HUD?
Scroll lock is the default key.
I got a Roe Lancer I'll post later today. Also, is there like a "screenshot mode" for PC? Like where I can hide the HUD?
In addition, is there a quick response key (like r in wow) to hit and automatically start responding to your last tell?
The market on our server is so useless. It's almost not even worth leveling crafts like Armorer and Blacksmith considering you can buy almost all the gear from npc's now. Can't even make a dollar and people are competing so much for selling high end gear that gear with materia is barely bringing in 15k.
Not only that as a armorer the most valuable stuff the Darksteel gear requires Darksteel Ingots which require 9 coke that cost 125 tomes like its so ridiculous that it isn't even worth the effort. Not only that the selling of stacks only is such a poor decision like I didn't think they could make the market place worse than 1.0 but congratulations you have SE.
Click on the gear icon at the bottom of the chat and select General under Log Filters and uncheck Shout.
You can buy the gear from NPCs? Thought gear stops being purchasable after 15?
Are you on a legacy server?
I know this game has tons of fan service, so I wanted to ask this: The only Final Fantasy games I've completed are VII and X. I've played VI, VIII, and IX minimally. How much do you think someone like myself would enjoy the story, lore, characters, style, etc?
We need more female Roegadyn love, I've yet to see another.
I know this game has tons of fan service, so I wanted to ask this: The only Final Fantasy games I've completed are VII and X. I've played VI, VIII, and IX minimally. How much do you think someone like myself would enjoy the story, lore, characters, style, etc?
Gear is purchasable from NPCs all the way up until 50. It can be a little pricey but it gives you a good gauge for shopping on the markets. Typically, level 44/46 weapons (or whatever is like the last buyable normal weapon) is just under 10k from the level 50 vendors.
Sweet Ukko's Fury on a Tarutaru eating a Pop Tart. Thanks.
Really? So where would I find say... lvl 20+ crafting gear. I've seen none.
I'm probably the vocal minority here, but is it possible to solo in this game? I understand there are dungeons and instances that require groups, but for the most part can you solo?
Is there a dungeon finder?
Also, how is the ratio for time to xp gain? I remember that FFXI was just a massive time sink for very little reward.
I'm probably the vocal minority here, but is it possible to solo in this game? I understand there are dungeons and instances that require groups, but for the most part can you solo?
Is there a dungeon finder?
Also, how is the ratio for time to xp gain? I remember that FFXI was just a massive time sink for very little reward.
Dunno, but I think they should be purchasable if you speak with the vendors at the various hubs. I can't check myself because I'm at work right now.
We need more female Roegadyn love, I've yet to see another.
We need more female Roegadyn love, I've yet to see another.
My character, although I'm on the Malboro server.
You can't buy food from them too can you?
My character, although I'm on the Malboro server.
You can't buy food from them too can you?
There are food vendors too. The marketplace in each city has one.
Is there an easy way to transfer hotbar data between PCs? Is it located anywhere?
Also, having to watch the unskippable intro when you boot it up on a new PC kinda sucks.
My character, although I'm on the Malboro server.
i made one on jpn server to pass some time
and for future NA/EU server downtime
We need more female Roegadyn love, I've yet to see another.
Here ya go!
Wow, they look great
I hope they bring back marriage so my Taru guy can marry a Galka woman.
For high level made food? Not lvl 1-15 ingrediants?
I must know if my crafting is useless!
{Roegadyn} {Full Thrust} {inside} {Lalafell} {rear}, {Bloodbath}
Downloading the benchmark.. might regret this D:
{Roegadyn} {Full Thrust} {inside} {Lalafell} {rear}, {Bloodbath}
{Roegadyn} {Full Thrust} {inside} {Lalafell} {rear}, {Bloodbath}
Oh boy
That's just nasty -.-
We need more female Roegadyn love, I've yet to see another.
lol on queue for phone center for 90 some minutes when the call just ends. Seems I'm not the only one reading the other forums. I fucking hate them so much right now.
I'm probably the vocal minority here, but is it possible to solo in this game? I understand there are dungeons and instances that require groups, but for the most part can you solo?
Is there a dungeon finder?
Also, how is the ratio for time to xp gain? I remember that FFXI was just a massive time sink for very little reward.
One of us. One of us.
Silly question, and I was not able to read the 300+ previous pages *and* my question was not answered by SE,
so here goes:
I bought 1.0 with the intentions to set up and register an account before it closed. I didn't.
I was going to throw the game out but read that the code could still be used.
To register the code for ARR it is 18 digits. my code is 20.
am I SOL?