Yep, exactly the same. MSI GTX 670 here.
Well, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Could be a driver thing, but man it's annoying and random.
Yep, exactly the same. MSI GTX 670 here.
Yep, exactly the same. MSI GTX 670 here.
If my speculations are correct, dont expect to get in quickly if you fail out of a queue.
mileS said:Hate to be one of these people but.... I knew I should have left the game running while I slept last night.
Well, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Could be a driver thing, but man it's annoying and random.
My brother has been trying to log in and start playing yesteday but kept getting error 2002, where it staes he is unable to connect to the lobby.
I assume others have this issue right? His game is a disc PS3 ver. BTW, and he already used the code for the 1 month sub.
I don't get any queue's anymore, just the loading screen after selecting my character and finally error 10102... =(
Time to spend the next 5 hrs clicking on npc to unlock the next fun dungeon.
why can't the boob slider give me as big tits as minfilia?
Perhaps due to having matured five years, Minfilia's increased bust size is one of the most notable changes to her in-game render.
Happened to me when running the Guru OC from Gigabyte. Since then I haven't had that trouble. (GTX670 OC Windforce here)If any of you are having crashes on Nvidia cards 6-series or up it's a widespread problem that overclocking makes them highly unstable.
I have a 660 that came with a slight factory overclock and I had to downclock it to stock levels to get it stable. No crashes since.
What kept happening was either a crash or a black screen followed by single-digit framerates. Seeing as there's a lot of Nvidia users here who seem to be having problems I figured this might help.
For the record I've had perfect performance and stability in FFXIV.
Is there a level 50 merchant somewhere to buy gear?
Same here. The error code is different sometimes.I don't get any queue's anymore, just the loading screen after selecting my character and finally error 10102... =(
Nevermind that the PS4 should run this game great and sounds like it's coming at least early in 2014. If this is the only game that makes you want to upgrade then definitely just wait on that, and it's not a bad idea anyway if the other games that make you want to place that investment are multiplatform titles hitting PS4/XB1 too.I was thinking about buying a new rig just for this game (I don't have a PC and have been playing on PS3). But then I wake up on a weekend and can't even load the World List and I think how happy I am that I didn't spend almost a thousand dollars to see that message in a slightly smoother resolution.
Yup, still can't get in.
Doesn't matter, had sex instead.
Some people are really going through this game too fast, but on the other hand, they gave me this nice view.
Getting an endless string of 10102 for about 20 or so minutes. Guess they just turned off something again
why can't the boob slider give me as big tits as minfilia?
My CE is out for delivery.
Can't wait! Get here now FedEx!!
Am I the only one confused on how to add time? I have to buy UltimatePay points from some 3rd party, to buy Crysta from Square Enix to purchase time for Final Fantasy XIV. Am I understanding that right?
Yup, still can't get in.
Doesn't matter, had sex instead.
But you said you couldn't get in.
You might wait until Monday, when they add more servers in.
which grand company is the most awesomenest?
pirates, yo
Level 50 outposts and look for the Mercant & Mender or Armorers.