Hahahahahahahahaha.I'm glad you worked everything out, though! Let me guess, you simply changed the site to na. and it showed up there?
Is there any place to check and see all the in-game items you have tethered to your account? I.e The Onion Helm, Asuran Armbands, Warrior of Light Helm.. etc?
I may head to GS tomorrow and put in a pre-order for the PS3 version. Still can enter the code in while at my work PC I guess?
Haha, no worries. That confused a lot of people, myself included.Hahahahahahahahaha.
I thought I was drunk and clicked EU by accident or something.Haha, no worries. That confused a lot of people.
I'm not sure why the site is so determined to log people into the eu. site. I always have to change it back to na.after I clear my cookies. ~_~
Oh, ok.
So apparently this new system is separate from the currently used system for FFXIV accounts. You get the preorder code and register it and it'll connect it to the proper account. I did it and it showed all of my older registered services like the behemoth thingie and all that.
Way to make it confusing SE.
It's my understanding that you get those once you actually put in the pre-order code. But don't quote me on that.
Wow, the account system is just... Yea.
I was a 1.0 (EU) player (standard edition), my account isn't a legacy account tough. I did read that you cant register a new windows copy if you are a 1.0 player, but I also heard that you can upgrade to the ARR CE, and get the early access this way.
Is that really possible? I can't find a way.
Make sure the membership site has you logged into the correct region. If it has you incorrectly logged in as a eu./na. member, trying changing your Language setting to your current region [if it's not the proper one already] and make sure the link under your Profile [click the Top Right of your account window on the page that gives you Error 3] is set to your region [eu. for Europe, na. for North America]. If not, simply change the URL to the correct region, hit enter, and then try your code again.Guys, I can't get past Error 3. How long do I have to spam this shit before it works?
As far as I know, the Japanese side has none of these issues. It's literally only the NA branch that seems to love changing how their website works every couple of months.
Bioware vs SE for worst account management award
They're in the process of merging the NA/EU stuff, for some reason. They just did away with Square Enix Members NA accounts and all of that management is done through the EU site now. It's weird and I don't know why they did it, especially since it seems to be causing problems.Haha, no worries. That confused a lot of people, myself included.
I'm not sure why the site is so determined to log people into the eu. site. I always have to change it back to na.after I clear my cookies. ~_~
I see. Thanks for the clarification!They're in the process of merging the NA/EU stuff, for some reason. They just did away with Square Enix Members NA accounts and all of that management is done through the EU site now. It's weird and I don't know why they did it, especially since it seems to be causing problems.
Yeah I put the code in but I didn't bother at the time to double check everything from 1.0 was carrying over. I assume it will be in the mail regardless though upon release, at least I hope so.
Probably to make it so it's easier for them to manage the data servers. 2 vs 3They're in the process of merging the NA/EU stuff, for some reason. They just did away with Square Enix Members NA accounts and all of that management is done through the EU site now. It's weird and I don't know why they did it, especially since it seems to be causing problems.
They're in the process of merging the NA/EU stuff, for some reason. They just did away with Square Enix Members NA accounts and all of that management is done through the EU site now. It's weird and I don't know why they did it, especially since it seems to be causing problems.
Dear lord, why in the fuck would they do all this right before this huge launch that can possibly make or break the entire company?
Dear lord, why in the fuck would they do all this right before this huge launch that can possibly make or break the entire company?
SE sent me an early access email a minute ago... I was excited until I saw they emailed me the same PSN key again, and it still doesn't work lol.
SE sent me an early access email a minute ago... I was excited until I saw they emailed me the same PSN key again, and it still doesn't work lol.
Yeah, but the point is it still doesn't work. He got pump faked.It said they would send you an email with the same code later when you register the serial on the site.
It said they would send you an email with the same code later when you register the serial on the site.
Make sure the membership site has you logged into the correct region. If it has you incorrectly logged in as a eu./na. member, trying changing your Language setting to your current region [if it's not the proper one already] and make sure the link under your Profile [click the Top Right of your account window on the page that gives you Error 3] is set to your region [eu. for Europe, na. for North America]. If not, simply change the URL to the correct region, hit enter, and then try your code again.
You're very welcome!Okay, the code worked! Thank you for this post! <3
Damn, and I wasn't planning on having EA originally so I ended up volunteering to work on Saturday. Well, that's okay, the servers will probably all be down anyways, I hope they'll be working on Sunday!
So it looks like there's a new place I need to go to do code registration?
Where is that?
Pretty sure my thing is working. I got a code that started with RAAE. Is that correct for NA? I activated it through the link and it seemed to work fine, but I just wanted to make sure.
So I just got my 20-digit early access code email...
And it's a different code from the one the website gave me earlier.
We have to go deeper.
Thing is, they've only merged the Members account system, which isn't what's actually used to log into the game.Probably to make it so it's easier for them to manage the data servers. 2 vs 3
The fact the EU/NA servers bugged you out with the 3012 bug but you could still make characters on a JP server hint at that pretty strongly that the NA/EU stuff is in the same place.
Good to know, thanks.I got a code that is neither RAAE or RAAN for NA.
This happened to me too... but I used my RAAU code and it seemed to work.So I just got my 20-digit early access code email...
And it's a different code from the one the website gave me earlier.
We have to go deeper.
Sorry, RAAE is for Europe and RAAU is for North America.Pretty sure my thing is working. I got a code that started with RAAE. Is that correct for NA? I activated it through the link and it seemed to work fine, but I just wanted to make sure.
I've registered my second code. It said I get that Cait Sith doll or whatever the other item is, Mog Hat? So I think I'm good.So have people actually gotten the second code yet, or is everyone still just getting reminder emails with the same code?
Do it from the link the code site links to. That should connect it to your proper S-E account, at least I'm pretty sure.