There's gonna be a site called Mog Station launching with the game where you'll be able to put it in.Do you guys remember about the first print of Final Fantasy 13 where it included code for FF14?
I managed to get the code as I found it in google mail search. Is there any way I can redeem it?
Do you guys remember about the first print of Final Fantasy 13 where it included code for FF14?
I managed to get the code as I found it in google mail search. Is there any way I can redeem it?
You left us for Ultros?!
Hi Goldenhen,
Thank you for registering your copy of FINAL FANTASY XIII for PlayStation 3!
To reward you for the passion with which you follow our games, we have prepared a special gift for you.
Below you will find a unique promotional code, with which you will receive a FINAL FANTASY XIV secret in-game item, and a chance to be one of the beta testers of FINAL FANTASY XIV for PS3.
FINAL FANTASY XIV Promotional Code:
(Code here)
How to Use the Code
There are two uses for the FINAL FANTASY XIV promotional code.
1. Receive a FINAL FANTASY XIV Secret In-Game Item!
After the official launch of FINAL FANTASY XIV in 2010, you will receive a secret in-game item* by registering the FINAL FANTASY XIV promotional code during the registration process for FINAL FANTASY XIV.
* Details on the secret item will be revealed at a later date on SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS and the official FINAL FANTASY XIV website.
2. Enter to become a beta tester for FINAL FANTASY XIV for PlayStation 3!
The promotional code also allows you to apply now for a chance to become a beta tester for FINAL FANTASY XIV for PlayStation 3. Click the link that appears below the FINAL FANTASY XIV promotional code and enter using the official beta tester application form.
Yes to both.
It's even called Behemoth's Dominion.Holy shit that place looks like Behemoth's Dominion.
Defending rings for everyone!
Uhh, that I'm not sure of. Sorry.So would someone who was in Legacy, would they be able to trade that to a non-Legacy player?
I have no idea so I'm gonna quote from my email message
So would someone who was in Legacy, would they be able to trade that to a non-Legacy player?
You can go back to the pre-order page and log into your profile it should say if the game is registered. If you aren't getting the CE stuff then yeah I would contact them.
I have no idea so I'm gonna quote from my email message
Is it known what time on the 24th early access starts?
Kinda confused. Ordered the game, got email confirmation, shows up in my list of games. Just got the early access code this morning. Sends me to an account website where I try and log in but it says that email isn't registered.
So how have they been emailing me..? Blech.
2am PST
Use your username.
Hmmm. I have an old registration code from FFXIII as well. I never used it, and therefore never received an email with another code.
My issue now is that the code format of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX won't work on the Square NA site. The card itself says to register it at Square Enix Members site, but that link doesn't work.
Any info on this?
I think you might want to contact Support about this, though I'm guessing you might be SOL here. Those codes are years old at this point.
Yeah, doesn't work either. So hit "Forgot ID/Password", fill in the email on the next page to have it sent out and then that's where I go "That email isn't in our system"
You mean this?
It looks like the sky in the zone Odin is in will darken/greenify when he's stalking about.
Wait, so it's supposed to show this when you register if you bought a CE? Or does this apply to the 1.0 CE people only?
Damn, now I'm confused now.
I think that's just the area he's in, Urth's Gift.
Hmmm. I have an old registration code from FFXIII as well. I never used it, and therefore never received an email with another code.
My issue now is that the code format of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX won't work on the Square NA site. The card itself says to register it at Square Enix Members site, but that link doesn't work.
Any info on this?
Wait, so it's supposed to show this when you register if you bought a CE? Or does this apply to the 1.0 CE people only?
Damn, now I'm confused now.
Not a fan of the op. Was a website just cut up and pasted here?
If the the format looks weird, try stretching your window or refreshing your browser after a few seconds. To make it fit in a smaller window, use CTRL and - (numpad) or mouse wheel down to zoom out. (Images are 1280px wide)
Did you used this code for PS3 beta application before? Cause I did before and I don't know if I get the bonus item or not. I have no way of knowing where to get it? I checked on moogle mail ingame phase 4 and nothing.
I got that but I ordered digital copy of CE. I assume it's automatically registered if you ordered digital copy from Square Enix store directly.
Not a fan of the op. Was a website just cut up and pasted here?
Not a fan of the op. Was a website just cut up and pasted here?
Update regarding SGSSAA with nvidia inspector:
I've tried about 12 different profiles and there's no real gap in performance between them; they all half your frame rate and some have strange graphical glitches. If you play at 1080p and don't mind 25-40FPS then I suggest using 0x004012C5.
If you're able to run this at 25-40FPS you might just be better off downsampling to 2160p at which point you'll no longer need SGSSAA.
Not a fan of the op. Was a website just cut up and pasted here?
There'll probably be a bit less congestion than in Phase 4.I have a feeling that on the 24, no one will be playing.
I see.No, lol he designed with photoshop I believe and made creative OT.
SSAA will break when DX11 hits. It is, as you observed, causing graphical glitches and it murders performance. I tried the SGSSAA in both Phase 3 and Phase 4 and in both cases with a single GTX 680 it also was giving me unpleasant input lag in addition to the graphical problems. The UI also was getting blurred IIRC.
It's time to accept your FXAA overlords.
So, if there are no seals from Fates, the only way to get seals are Delivery Missions and Company Leves?
SSAA will break when DX11 hits. It is, as you observed, causing graphical glitches and it murders performance. I tried the SGSSAA in both Phase 3 and Phase 4 and in both cases with a single GTX 680 it also was giving me unpleasant input lag in addition to the graphical problems. The UI also was getting blurred IIRC.
It's time to accept your FXAA overlords.
wow I am shocked to hear about no seals with FATE....
If you ordered the game from Amazon:Wait, so it's supposed to show this when you register if you bought a CE? Or does this apply to the 1.0 CE people only? haven't given out product keys yet, only early access keys. All early access keys are the same, the product key we give you on the 27th (after charging your credit card) is what activates the bonus stuff.
Yeah, you're right. It had an acceptable impact on performance in P3 but P4 is just a nightmare. I've just upgraded to a MSI GTX780 gamer edition and it's still pretty bad at 1440p. So I'm ditching it for 2160p/SweetFX/FXAA.
UI did get blurred by SGSSAA too, depending on what profile but was easily fixed with sharp filters in SweetFX.