Completely Agree.
What, you're not a fan of people being named Dynhaemr Garaoefyrsyn? Clearly you "don't care that much about your character because you couldn't bother with coming up with something original", you name casual!
Hellsguard Roegadyn have it easy. I tried to make my Sea Wolf Roegadyn name pronounceable. Roehanth Bloelaksyn isn't too bad, especially compared to the dozens I skipped before it.
You can change your GC, but at the cost of losing all the benefits and progress you gained from your other GC. It's really worth it to stick to one. The GC gear is a nice middle ground between the best normal gear to something like double melded gear to primal gear and end game dungeon drops. Some of the stuff is really stylish too, weapons especially. They were sort of a pain in the ass to get in 1.0, but I imagine seals (with which you use to trade and get the gear) will be easier to get.Probably been asked before, but can you change GC? How big is the GC Influence(gear wise)?
Yeah, that's the logical jump you should make. Okay.
What, you're not a fan of people being named Dynhaemr Garaoefyrsyn? Clearly you "don't care that much about your character because you couldn't bother with coming up with something original", you name casual!
No valid or active service account is available to play FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Proper registration through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station is required.
What, you're not a fan of people being named Dynhaemr Garaoefyrsyn? Clearly you "don't care that much about your character because you couldn't bother with coming up with something original", you name casual!
What is the opinion of making NeoGAF centric linkshells on servers that are not the official ones? I mean, it wouldn't hurt, right? You can have up to 8 linkshells equipped at a time.
Is anyone going to be playing this with a gamepad on PC? Or would you be considered crazy for doing so? I've never played an MMORPG before, so yeah...
Is anyone going to be playing this with a gamepad on PC? Or would you be considered crazy for doing so? I've never played an MMORPG before, so yeah...
I hope this doesn't mean I can only play on PS3 for early access. I realize that I'll be able to play on PC on the 27th, but I want early access on PC dammit.
I think naming your character after some other character in a game, show, movie, book, whatever, or even naming your character after a famous real person is dumb. Whenever I see people run around with those names I just think to myself, "This person must not care all that much about their character if they can't be bothered to come up with something original."
I'm sure there are people who will argue that is not the case but...
I filled in my card during Phase 3.
Time zones are confusing me. How many hours left to early access?
What does it even matter what anybody names their char? Do they, like, insult your intelligence? sheesh...
Is anyone going to be playing this with a gamepad on PC? Or would you be considered crazy for doing so? I've never played an MMORPG before, so yeah...
Gokuxxxsephiroth lannister confirmedI think people that "care" about some virtual avatars are weird, but that's just me.
It's just a toon I'm using to run around in the world. I care more about how it looks than my name.
Certainly don't have any emotions tied up into it.
That is fine as long as you dont go out of your way to make fun of people who have those names. I know the first time I said something in the gaf LS my name was made fun of by someone with a horrible name. I would never have called them out on their name because its not very inviting for something that is trying to build a community. (it was also the last time I talked in the gaf LS) Personally I would choose those types of names because I am a big fan of those works. Also some people are too creative with their original names and it makes it impossible for people to say during a raid as I experienced back in the early days of WoW so now I just stick to something safe. I dont think I could pronounce any of the roe names in the LS.
I think it very much depends on the game, show, movie, book, etc. Obviously stuff appearing on the bingo card...
Are there because they're overused. I don't think there's anything wrong with using pre-existing names from other media, but people need to be aware that picking something more well known will result in overlap. Picking a Final Fantasy related name in a Final Fantasy MMO? Of course there's going to be too many. I think you'd be hard pressed to find many names in the game that aren't taken from some other media.
I did one of each. Miyara for my first name, because that was my character's name in FFXI, and was made when one of the original FFXI random names caught my eye and I changed it to Miyara (can't even remember what it was originally, except it started with M).
Then I went with Dantes for my last name because it's the last name of a character in one of my favorite novels. Not to mention "Miyara Dantes" has a nice flow to it.
Gokuxxxsephiroth lannister confirmed
This is exactly what it means.
PC and PS3 codes and registration are entirely separate.
The only way to play this game is with a controller.
I played FFXI and FFXIV on PC with the DS3 controller originally so there's no reason why I won't do so again this Saturday.
I have tried a few times to use my PS3 controller with the game on the PC version, but... something just feels so weird about it. The controls are actually pretty original/good for this type of game, but it just feels so much easier to use a keyboard. A lot of the time, I'd accidentally press L1 instead of R1 when trying to use an ability, lol.
I might give it another try later, but I'll probably stick with mouse/keyboard for important events.
Bingo card kind of cheats by using 3 spots for GOT names.
And I'm shocked one of those 3 names isn't "Snow"
I think, like anything else you might spend hundreds, if not, thousands of hours working on and paying for, you might end up a bit intrinsically attached to it. =)I think people that "care" about some virtual avatars are weird, but that's just me.
It's just a toon I'm using to run around in the world. I care more about how it looks than my name.
Certainly don't have any emotions tied up into it.
Someone managed to get both the PC and PS3 CE in their hands:
Their skills are basically begging for them to have a massive hp pool
If anything only swap out Vit for STR when your dps classes start to pass up your threat generation at that point the healers should be stronger and your overeall gear will have more mitigation as well.
Is anyone going to be playing this with a gamepad on PC? Or would you be considered crazy for doing so? I've never played an MMORPG before, so yeah...
The only way to play this game is with a controller.
And I'm of the exact opposite feeling. I love tanking in MMOs, and this is the best time to tank - no one knows strategies for content in what is basically a new game. Players will be at their most lenient because everyone is learning.This is why I plan on leveling a tank as my second class. I want to learn the dungeons/bosses as a healer before taking on the tanking role (which is often the leader of the group). I mean, so I'll know where I should be going and what to look out for mainly.
Can you strafe with controller?
Can you strafe with controller?
That artbook makes it. That CD however would be "I'm canceling my preorder" worthy if the artbook weren't up to snuff, good thing it's not the centerpiece. Six track CD in a CE that's $40 over base price what in the fuck.Someone managed to get both the PC and PS3 CE in their hands:
Also, did anyone get their Before Meteor soundtrack? I wonder if it's worth the 50 bucks to get it down the road.
You don't really need to.
And I'm of the exact opposite feeling. I love tanking in MMOs, and this is the best time to tank - no one knows strategies for content in what is basically a new game. Players will be at their most lenient because everyone is learning.
Discovery is a major component of a new game. Imagine how good it feels when you're the tank and you lead a team to their success on the first try of a dungeon. Don't be afraid of failure. If the party wipes, so what? Everyone's learning. Enjoy the early moments of an MMO while they last. Once most of the content has been beaten, the leniency for mistakes starts shrinking, and people start min-maxing.
Only if you like getting hit by AOE attacks.
Nobody liked FFXIII.
You can tell which FF games were liked by which names are frequently seen and used. I guess this means I should feel relieved that I didn't see anyone named Squall.
Only if you like getting hit by AOE attacks.
I liked FFXIII. =/