Still can't decide what aesthetics I want on my character since there's nothing functional really that distinguishes them.
Are there pictures of what gear for every class is supposed to look like or are the pics from the art book pretty good representation?
Try here:Still can't decide what aesthetics I want on my character since there's nothing functional really that distinguishes them.
Are there pictures of what gear for every class is supposed to look like or are the pics from the art book pretty good representation?
The first part is "Answers".
Play PLD if you want a boring job, WAR if you want a fun one. :3
There was no reason for something that crushing to an mmo newbie to be at that level with nothing to prepare them for it. It's literally comes out of no where, and if they die they have to do the entire first half all over again as well.
If you're still using the previous Beta client, you need to download a new one [that was released in-time for Phase 4].I'm actually very interested in picking this up on tuesday, early access means little to me really. In fact I get the feeling it will only make tuesday better for everyone else.
Only curiosity though, I've kept the open beta on my computer because I noticed it was called version 1.0 instead of 0.9 like phase 3 , as well the title of the program no longer made reference to it being a beta.
So, come tuesday can I simply buy a CD key from square enix and add it to my account, patch up and start playing ? Or would it be easier to buy a retail PC copy ? (this is assuming there aren't server issues)
Okay, quick! With just a few short hours left before Early Access [and, thus, the creation of my FINAL character for A Realm Reborn], I now ask, nay plead, to help decide on a hair/eye color.
I know, it doesn't really matter since a Barbershop will be available at/near launch, but even still I am struggling with the decision. I'm pretty confident on the hairstyle, since I despise how the other ones emphasize the longer neck, but hair/eye color final choice eludes me.
I'm kind of siding with Choice A, since there will already be a lot of white-haired Hyur/Miqo'te/etc. running around and I like the way the blonde hair clashes with the blue eyes, but even still...
Choice A:
Choice B:
You determine my fate...or at least the appearance.
Just under 4 hours to go!
so retainer NPC will have an option that opens up character creation?
Hmm, now that is a great question!You wanna look like Cloud, or Dante?
I'd go for A personally.
You are. The NDA is still in effect and they said they'll permaban offenders. No video 'til release on the 27th.Dumb question, but have to ask.
I'm not breaking any rules by streaming this when it comes out tonight right??
Yes, sorry for the late reply. Pretty sure it's like doing the quest over again.
Apparently you still need permission from Square-Enix as was posted earlier by a person who's streaming the Early Access and asked for permission ahead of time.Dumb question, but have to ask.
I'm not breaking any rules by streaming this when it comes out tonight right??
My vote:Okay, quick! With just a few short hours left before Early Access [and, thus, the creation of my FINAL character for A Realm Reborn], I now ask, nay plead, to help decide on a hair/eye color.
I know, it doesn't really matter since a Barbershop will be available at/near launch, but even still I am struggling with the decision. I'm pretty confident on the hairstyle, since I despise how the other ones emphasize the longer neck, but hair/eye color final choice eludes me.
I'm kind of siding with Choice A, since there will already be a lot of white-haired Hyur/Miqo'te/etc. running around and I like the way the blonde hair clashes with the blue eyes, but even still...
Choice A:
Choice B:
Choice C:
You determine my fate...or at least the appearance.
Just under 4 hours to go!
Okay, quick! With just a few short hours left before Early Access [and, thus, the creation of my FINAL character for A Realm Reborn], I now ask, nay plead, to help decide on a hair/eye color.
I know, it doesn't really matter since a Barbershop will be available at/near launch, but even still I am struggling with the decision. I'm pretty confident on the hairstyle, since I despise how the other ones emphasize the longer neck, but hair/eye color final choice eludes me.
I'm kind of siding with Choice A, since there will already be a lot of white-haired Hyur/Miqo'te/etc. running around and I like the way the blonde hair clashes with the blue eyes, but even still...
Choice A:
Choice B:
You determine my fate...or at least the appearance.
Just under 4 hours to go!
A lot of people on the Beta forums wanted that YouTube/twitch money and hunted people down, lol. I dunno what exactly they do about streams, though, just what the NDA message said when you logged in.Apparently you still need permission from Square-Enix as was posted earlier by a person who's streaming the Early Access and asked for permission ahead of time.
As for whether or not they would seek to shut down the streams without permission is another matter entirely.
Actually, from what Xux said, I wouldn't chance it!
Cut it out; you're gonna make me wanna roll male Roegadyn.My vote:
Cut it out; you're gonna make me wanna roll male Roegadyn.![]()
Haha, thanks for that image.My vote:
Much appreciated. Choice A it is!Choice A, for sure.
Also, everyone have the client downloaded and update for 4 hours from now?![]()
Yeah, the legal departments can be scary, for sure. Basically, if you're not 100% sure on something it's probably best not to do it.A lot of people on the Beta forums wanted that YouTube/twitch money and hunted people down, lol. I dunno what exactly they do about streams, though, just what the NDA message said when you logged in.
Cut it out; you're gonna make me wanna roll male Roegadyn.![]()
This. I made the mistake of going Taru in XI... never again.The true master race. Join us.
Haha, I'm already a female Roegadyn, though! At least my name's not gender specific so I can alternate if multiple Fantasia become available.The true master race. Join us.
I just want the game to open up. I don't want all of my progression to be on the Duty Finder snack menu. Wish there was some optional stuff with significant rewards to set people apart. I want it to open up a lot geographically (dungeons are very straightforward, enter here / exit there type things) and progression wise. I'm not optimistic...but this game is just too beautiful not to play right now.Some things have been nerfed.. like the lv 15 story quest.. and some of the lv 15 class quests have been made easier. A lot of people had trouble with those in phase 3, so I'm not surprised they made them easier.. considering that they want this game to appeal to the broader market, including first-time mmorpg players.
I'll be reasonably satisfied as long as the challenge increases with level along the way.
Speaking of streaming, if you guys want something to listen to for the next 4 hours, I will be streaming non-stop Final Fantasy soundtracks until the servers go live!
Right now it's Final Fantasy X soundtrack. went and read everything over again that talks about the rules and policies. I saw nothing that referred to sharing the content of the game. Anyone got a source on the early access rules?
I'm just looping "Answers" for the next 4 hours by Susan Calloway. ;P
I'm just looping "Answers" for the next 4 hours by Susan Calloway. ;P
I'm just looping "Answers" for the next 4 hours by Susan Calloway. ;P
This sounds awful.
I've been doing this for an hour already*high five!*
I so play the air guitar to this song. lol
Oh, I'm not listening to that one, the one from the soundtrack, I just found this first vid of the song on youtube that came up.![]()
[NA] Error 3035 Occurring While Creating New Character (Aug. 23)
We have identified an issue where in some cases on the Create New Character Screen and clicking the "UPDATE" button on the World Selection Screen, an error message that says "The lobby server connection has encountered an error 3035", and new Character creation cannot be done.
When this error appears, we ask our players to either restart the client program, or go back to the Title Screen once and go through the new Character creation process again.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
I've never understood how people can listen to the same song over and over forever. I get tired of a song if I hear it more than twice in a row.
Just as a heads up, this was posted on the forums just a little bit ago.
The true master race. Join us.
Is that Kimahri's race
Early Access is going to be so much fun for people who didn't already play in Phase 4 and create a character before this started.