Oh no doubt, in the end both classes are reactive though. You can't tank Twin by simply popping a CD as they go up then eat a death sentence in full because you blew all your CD's at the wrong time, much in the way you can't just burn wrath actively and go yeah that WHM/SCH has me.
Both classes have their styles, it always bothers me to see one side of the pond say they have the harder boat to row when in the end it's all the same. Admittedly WAR a shitty paddle to row that boat with right now, but if YoshiP bumps them up to where they were pre-ARR, they should be fine.
Well, Thrill of Battle is a bit proactive, since it boosts your HP by 20%, but only for about 10 seconds. It's best used when you're expecting to take a massive hit, so you have to time it's use juuuuuust right. The short duration makes it pretty difficult to use though, since you don't have to be terribly far off for it to be entirely useless.
For the most part, yeah, both parties are reactive. The problem with War is that it's mitigation techniques aren't quite potent enough. I mean right now you have Bloodbath+Leech Rotation, which is only barely sufficient for mitigating mid level attacks, if you have emnity to burn. Then you have Inner beast, which is supposed to be your answer to large scale attacks, but isn't anywhere near sufficient for balancing out Titan HM or Coil bosses. (It'll buy you a few seconds for the Healers to catch up, but if a healer isn't paying attention, of one's wiped, a few seconds doesn't help much.)
In both cases, a little adjustment will go a long way towards fixing it though.
Edit: Bloodbath is fairly easy to fix of course. You either increase it's duration and make it generate a small amount of enmity, so you can safely use the Leech rotation simultaneously, or you just plain increase the potency of the leeching.
Inner Beast on the other hand, either needs to generate Heal a lot more, the Wrath price needs to be reduced, or the number of rotations needed to earn full Wrath needs to be reduced. Right now it takes 2 1/3rd rotations to get full Wrath, realistically it should be around two rotations flat, or less. It sounds like they're taking the later approach, or something awfully similar to it, I guess we'll see how well it works in 2.1